Chapter 8

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Natanya found him unconscious.

They'd split up the instant they found Oliver. Natanya swept through different tombs, sneaking past wolves and peering into every single one until she found Elijah in chains, his clothes drenched in blood.

"Holy shit," she said, rushing over to him. "Elijah—" she put her hand on his face, and he remained unresponsive. "Wake up... please, wake up..."

"You're not supposed to be in here."

She whirled around to see two wolves staring at her in the doorway. They slowly walked toward her, and she held her hands up. "Not here to cause a problem, I just want to free someone who doesn't deserve to be trapped."

"He stays here. Witch's orders."

"Yeah, well, not long ago, you were taking orders from my brother, who didn't require you to do his dirty work. Leave us alone before things get ugly."

They shared a look and laughed before converging on her.

Natanya had weapons at her disposal, thankfully. The tools of a witch, left behind for her to use as needed. She dropped down, causing the men to collide together, and shot up holding a mortar and pestle, which she swung around to hit both wolves in the head. She shoved one aside, and brought the other one into her knee, knocking him out. The other recovered quickly, and she was left to dodge punches until she had an opening to hit him hard in the face and knock him into the wall, where she gripped his throat and grabbed his wrists, promptly breaking them to keep him from being able to push her off.

She had to hold on until he passed out, because he wasn't giving up. As soon as he stopped struggling, she stepped back, returning to Elijah and grabbing the chains, trying to break them. When that didn't work, she started to look around, and caught sight of a little voodoo doll hanging beside him.

She didn't know much about how those worked, but she figured that if she freed it from the string that connected it to the ceiling, it might help. She did just that, and the next time she tugged at the chains, they broke. She only just caught Elijah before he fell to the floor.

"Crap," she wheezed, almost sinking down as she tried to hold on properly. "I've got you..." she slowly lowered him to the ground, working to get the chains completely off before she lifted him. She didn't have the strength to carry him completely, but she sure as hell was going to try.

It turned out she didn't have to.

Klaus walked in, and immediately took Elijah from her. "What the bloody hell are you doing here?" he demanded. "Where did you come from?"

"I came with Hayley and a wolf named Ansel," she said. "Did you see them?"

Klaus seemed shocked to hear this, but said nothing on the subject. "You best be off, then," he said gruffly. "There is no need for you here."

"I just freed your brother," she said sharply. "I at least want to know he's okay. He's not waking up."

"I am aware of that," snapped Klaus. "I'm not blind. Leave, wolf."

"Wow, four months ago you're losing your mind because I won't flirt back, and now, you want nothing to do with me when it's a situation we both share concerns about? Typical."

"Leave," he said, louder this time. "Or I will not be so merciful."

She glared at him, flipping him off before storming out. He zoomed past her, and she cursed, not sure why she was so worried about Elijah's wellbeing. He was an Original. He'd be fine, wouldn't he?

"Jackson?" she said once she returned to the RV. "Jackson..."

"He's not here," said Hayley, walking up to her with a sad expression on her face.

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