Chapter 4

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Natanya wasn't sure what Klaus was planning.

"Scumbag," said Hayley once Natanya told her what he'd done. "He is such an ass, always butting in where he shouldn't. I have a bad feeling about this."

"What do you think?" she asked worriedly.

"I mean... the you know," said Hayley, hinting at the alliance they'd made. "He loves control. He would say we owe him for it. He'd probably pick what he wanted and expect to get it."

"And you think he wants... me?"

"Think about it... if he were to marry you, he'd solidify his spot in the Crescent Pack. You said you're second in line to be Alpha. Anyone you married would be second in line, too. I've constantly wondered if Klaus will kill me as soon as I have this baby. If he killed Jack and me... he'd ensure himself to be the leader."

"But why not just marry you?"

"Do you really think I'd marry him? You're a new face. Someone he can get to know from scratch. He can be a perfect angel with you to get you in bed and then, he'll convince you to marry him. It's easier with you than with me."

Natanya went pale. "I think I'm gonna be sick."

"Don't trust him," said Hayley. "Whatever you do. And please, for the love of whatever deity you believe in, don't sleep with him. Don't make the same mistake I did."

"Yeah, I definitely won't."

Klaus was annoying. As the party progressed, he tried his hardest to cross paths with Natanya. He brought her drinks and snacks, tried to talk to her about how she felt regarding the treaty. He'd followed her when she went to sit down, and he'd been flirting incessantly, as if it was the only thing he knew how to do.

"Are you playing hard to get, or are you really not interested in me at all, love?" he asked.

"The second option," she said with a cheeky smile. "Besides, I think your girlfriend is getting jealous." Her eyes flickered over to Genevieve, who looked furious.

"It's just sex," said Klaus. "She's not, nor will she ever be, my girlfriend."

"Nice to know that even though you're crazy enough to sleep with the woman who kidnapped you and your sister, you're not crazy enough to take it further with her."

He chuckled. "I don't mind admitting I'm mad. As long as you don't mind admitting that you are beautiful."

"I know I'm good looking," she said, trying to be unappealing. "You don't have to remind me."

"Allow me to walk you home once the party is over. Or, perhaps, we could get dinner somewhere right now. This event is atrocious."

"I don't typically go on dates after the very first meeting."

"Then let us schedule a time for tomorrow."

"You're not understanding that I really don't want to go out with you."

"Don't tell me you're already taken," he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Though, I don't suppose I should be surprised if you are. You're exquisite."

"I don't offer you any benefit," she said, trying to come off as confident and unaware of his potential plan. "Maybe you should date my brother, he's actually in charge."

"I've been with men in the past, and let me tell you, he is not my type."

"And I am?"

"Much more so. Come on, love, am I really so repulsive to you?"

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