Chapter 31

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The time for revenge was finally approaching.

It was mid-March, and after weeks of searching nonstop for the slippery redheaded bitch, she'd made her move.

"Who the hell does she think she is?" said Natanya when Elijah called to tell her that Aurora had kidnapped Freya. "Ugh. That's it. I'm ripping her apart."

"I advise you to at the very least wait to do that until after we've recovered my sister. Where is Hayley?"

"She and Cami are still at St. Anne's. I guess Klaus asked Hayley to train Cami so that she'll be able to get some of her anger out. I was on my way to meet them, but if Freya needs help, I'd rather go and do that. Cami will be fine with Hayley to help her. Where do I meet you?"

"I believe we might be better off meeting you."


"Niklaus will be coming along. He's been able to sense Freya's scent heading into the Bayou, and considering you are just as experienced of a tracker as he is, we could use your help. You know that terrain better than anyone."

Natanya bit her lip. "Well... not better than anyone, but..."

Elijah was momentarily silent. The only person who'd ever known the Bayou better was Jackson. "We could greatly appreciate if you utilized your expertise to help us find our sister."

"Sure. Let me text my manager to say I'm not going tomorrow, in case there are any delays."

As soon as she'd done that, she'd sent Elijah her location, and he and Klaus had arrived in the elder brother's car. They'd driven out to the Bayou with the windows rolled all the way down so that Klaus and Natanya (who was holding Freya's sweater and trying to solidify her scent in her mind) could try and figure out which way to go.

"Stop here," said Klaus, holding up his hand. "We must go on foot."

"There's a cabin about a mile Northwest of here," said Natanya once Elijah parked, stepping out and inhaling deeply. "That's where I can smell her scent heading."

"Lead the way," said Elijah, gesturing to the two of them.

It was curious for him, seeing Natanya and Klaus working together. They walked side by side, looking at each other and pointing in different directions without having to speak, silently deciding which way they should go. It was a relief, compared to how they'd been in the past. Elijah wanted them to get along. He wouldn't have been pleased if Klaus made Natanya's life unbearable for the entire duration of her relationship with Elijah.

Though, there was some jealousy mingled in. He knew the two had spoken, but he wasn't sure what the conversation had entailed. For weeks already, Klaus and Natanya spoke as if they were good friends, and had never hated each other. They'd found comfort in each other, because Klaus helped give Natanya tips on how to proceed with her recovery, and she gave him advice on how to mend his relationship with Cami.

Elijah knew he should be overthinking, but he was. They laughed together, now. Klaus would crack a joke and Natanya would genuinely find it amusing (though her smile did usually drop rather quickly, wondering what Jackson would have thought of the conversation). They were getting to the point where she'd come by the Compound often, and not only to speak with Elijah. Sometimes, when he wasn't there, she'd be with Klaus in his art room, just chatting away. They always stopped whenever Elijah arrived, and Natanya would smile happily before going to his room with him.

He knew that they weren't involved in a more intimate way, and yet, there was anger, and paranoia, and the sort of envy that he would have thought more characteristic of his brother, not himself. That first day after Jackson's death, Elijah had not been there for her. Klaus had. He'd brought her food, given her a shoulder to lean on, helped her work through her pain. What if she felt more connected to him now? What if she was starting to prefer Klaus, who had never shied away from his dark side?

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