Chapter 34

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Natanya tried to remain calm.

"I prefer utter silence when I eat," said the man as Vincent walked over, looking very worried. "Helps me to think. And I think you must be Vincent Griffith... Regent of New Orleans."

Vincent assented. "And you must be the psycho who compelled somebody to die in my arms. See, that sort of thing ain't gonna fly in my city. I'm really gonna enjoy killing you." He raised his hand, but suddenly, three men rushed up, holding knives to the necks of a few of the customers.

"I knew you'd be difficult. That's why I compelled these men to murder their fellow patrons. You can see how this could become a bloodbath, yes?"

Vincent's eyes flickered over to Natanya, who just remained still, urging him to comply. "Yeah," muttered the witch. "What do you want?"

The man faced him fully. "I'm looking for something that was lost in this city, and I bet your witch Ancestors know where it is. Since you are the Regent, you're gonna ask them to find it for me."

"What is it that you want?" asked Vincent.

The man's lip twitched. "White oak. Rumor has it, one white oak bullet has not been accounted for. You will find out if it is merely that— a rumor— or if the statement has some truth to it." He gestured to the kitchen. "Get to work."

Vincent had slowly gone over to the kitchen, and the man had followed after him, gesturing for Natanya to come along. While the witch sat down, starting to meditate, she'd started to wash a few of the dishes from earlier customers.

"Jamie?" she heard someone say, awhile later. "Jamie!"

Shit. Cami.

"Oh my god," said Cami as she walked up, seeing the three of them. She tried to make a beeline for Vincent, but the man got in her way.

"Disturbing him would end very badly for everyone here," the man warned.

Cami gritted her teeth. "I take it you're the guy behind the mess at the gym."

The man narrowed his eyes. "You're a vampire. Well, maybe I can't compel you, but I have other ways to make you do what I want. Your friend already learned that lesson."

Cami's eyes flickered up to Natanya, who silently pointed behind her. Cami turned, seeing the three compelled men were holding knives to the patrons' necks again.

"Those men don't want to kill their friends," said the man. "If you behave, they won't have to."

Vincent suddenly coughed, breaking free of his meditation. "Leave them out of this," said Vincent, eyes moving between the two women. "Please."

"I'll gladly release all of you once you find what I'm looking for," said the man.

Vincent sighed. "I will find you the white oak, man. Just leave the two of them alone." He looked down, starting to chant.

Suddenly, there was a blur of movement, and Natanya saw that the man had snatched Cami's phone out of her hand, and slammed her into the wall. Vincent suddenly let out a yell, granting them a much-needed distraction. Instead of killing Cami, the man merely shoved her head back, knocking her out.

"Did you see the white oak?" he asked urgently.

Vincent had closed his eyes again. "Aurora hid it, but the Ancestors aren't saying where."

The man's lips curled into a smirk. "But it exists."

"Look, man," said Vincent, "they are not going to help you."

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