Chapter 42

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Natanya wasn't taking the 'banishment' well.

She thought she was dreaming, at first. She'd gone to the storage cabin, managing to make a bed for herself so as to not disturb Nick Lang, who was already fast asleep. She'd curled up and drifted off, finding herself still in the Bayou, walking around the outside.


She turned and saw Elijah and Klaus standing there. "Choose," said Elijah, gesturing to himself and his brother.

"Choose?" she asked, looking between them. "No. I'm not gonna choose. The fuck is this for?"

"Don't pretend you don't understand, love," said Klaus, coming up and holding her waist, sliding his hands up so one ended up cupping her breast, the other holding the back of her neck. "Choose. Me or him."

Natanya managed to shove him off. "I'm not choosing. You're with Cami. And him... I just broke up with him."

"You thought sinful things about me when you were with him," Klaus noted. "You could not remember before, because of the mate bond, but you can remember now, can't you? You knew Cami and I were not getting along, and you imagined... before you turned... slipping into my bed... kissing me..."

She turned away, covering her ears, but his voice was too loud to shut out. "You wanted to find out what it would feel like, with a man who never once shied away from the darkest parts of himself. You were curious, because Elijah held back with you... even when you thought he wasn't. You knew I would hold nothing back. You imagined yourself going unconscious from the pleasure. Not to mention I would have left you carrying my child."

He brushed some hair away from her neck, and she felt his breath on her skin. "At long last, you could have had the family you wanted. With me. A real wolf. One you knew without doubt would be a good protective father. With Elijah... there was always the chance he'd snap and lose his mind with you. The same could have happened with your child. I don't blame him, of course, love. You drive him wild. You bring out the parts of him that he has tried to conceal for so long."

"Precisely," said Elijah, coming to stand in front of her. "In bed, I was never rough with anyone, until I met you. I always tried to be gentle, afraid of what I would do if I lost myself. With you... I could only hold back the slightest bit that would have overpowered you, broken you."

"Stop talking to me," she said sharply, moving away from them. "I'm not picking anyone. This is ridiculous."

"Is it?" Klaus materialized in front of her, and grabbed her by the throat, causing her to go still. "The only thing stopping you is the fact I am unavailable. Go on. Get rid of the obstacles. If Elijah is in your way, kill him. Marcel will gladly aid you with that. If Camille is in your way, kill her."

"No!" cried Natanya. "I wouldn't kill them! That's wrong, that's—"

Klaus squeezed so hard, her words were cut off, and she wheezed. "You're just like me, little wolf. You take what you want without caring for the consequences. Forget them. They're in your way."

"This isn't real," she said at last, realizing this couldn't possibly be something that Klaus and Elijah would do. "You wouldn't make me choose... you wouldn't say those things... especially not about Cami."


Klaus and Elijah were gone, but Kurt was there, staring at her with concern evident in his eyes. "Hi Natanya," he said gently, holding his hands up in surrender and slowly approaching her. "You alright?"

"What the hell happened?" she asked. "Where am I?"

"Still in the Bayou, but it's four in the fucking morning," said Kurt. "Someone heard noises and I came to investigate and you were... talking to yourself. A bunch of gibberish. Did you have a nightmare?"

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