Chapter 7

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November 2012

Ansel never talked much.

Natanya found it comforting only because whenever Ansel did talk, Jackson would literally drop whatever he was doing to listen. While werewolf history was fascinating, Natanya didn't feel like sitting at the feet of someone who basically qualified as a wolf elder just to listen to fairy tales.

But Jackson loved to listen. He would write down everything Ansel told him over the course of the four months that they lived in an abandoned RV with him, deep in the Bayou, unable to make contact with any of the other wolves.

Back in May, Ansel had saved their lives. He'd carried the two of them as if they weighed nothing, and had healed them before helping them settle into comfortable cots that would act as their beds. The man had disappeared to get supplies and had returned looking confused, but otherwise unbothered.

They hadn't even tried to go back. The Guerreras' threat stood, and Jackson wouldn't risk Natanya being kidnapped. Sometimes, they could hear the brothers prowling around in the distance, harassing the Crescents, who seemed to be answering to Oliver and Francesca without much resistance.

The situation with the wolves was highly unfortunate. After word spread that Hayley had lost her child and had been turned into a hybrid, many of the Pack members had become desperate. They'd followed along with Francesca, accepting moonlight rings made for them by Cassie, the fourth Harvest girl who had a suspicious interest in helping the wolves.

Just days ago, they'd learned that Francesca Guerrera was no more. She and her brothers were dead. This hadn't freed the wolves. Many remained loyal to Cassie, who continued making rings in order to build an army. Jackson felt there was no point in going back to the Crescents. Natanya agreed. She'd long since wanted to leave, and though this wasn't her ideal living situation, she liked it.

It was strange, living with two men. She was used to living in crappy conditions, but it was ridiculous how little some men seemed to know about being on their own. They'd bathe in the lake and leave their things littered everywhere. They both slept in hammocks outside unless it rained, and they refused to organize their clothes. They had separate piles inside the RV, which continued to get mixed around no matter how many times Natanya tried to sort through and fold.

She washed everything, and cooked. Though both men knew how, they seemed to think their duty was to build and find supplies and occasionally catch a pheasant in a snare. Natanya did her best to keep things tidy, and though they thanked her for it, none of them tried to do their part.

"What's Hayley gonna think when she finds out you can't wash your own clothes?" she asked Jackson one evening when she'd made them stew.

"She's gonna think it's because of you. I'll learn when I have to."

"You can't even wash them by hand, Jackson. I shouldn't be the one getting blood stains out of everything you two ruin!"

"I apologize," said Ansel. "I will try to remove the blood stains from now on."

"Thank you, Ansel," said Natanya, glaring at her brother as if to say 'if the old man can do it, so can you.'

Jackson returned a look in response, 'he's an old man, he's been around longer.'

"I went into the city today," said Ansel once the other two had quieted down. "Heard some bad news about a wolf that's going to be executed. Oliver Roth."

"Ollie," said Natanya knowingly. "The one who betrayed us."

Jackson scoffed, getting to his feet before walking into the trailer. Natanya pursed her lips, shaking her head before setting her stew down. "He's the reason I almost got kidnapped. We all know what those brothers would have done to me if you hadn't shown up. Ollie was like a brother to us, and he sided with Francesca the instant he got too annoyed with Jackson."

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