Chapter 3

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Natanya didn't know what to wear.

What should one wear, when attending an event they didn't exactly want to go to? She knew she would wear her favorite necklace, that was for sure. Aside from that, she was sort of at a loss for ideas.

"That's a really pretty necklace," commented Hayley once Natanya put it on. It was a silver chain bearing a crescent moon, with a small dangling gem on its top peak. "What does it mean?"

"It's a Dumas family tradition," she said. "My mom's side. My Grandma Mary, was the first to receive one of these from her mother, my great-grandma Beth. The crescent moon is there for obvious reasons. The gem has a rather special meaning. Wolf legend says the first werewolves were Native American, so we base our birth totems off of that. For example, I was born under an Awakening Moon, and my gem is a fire opal mineral totem." (A/N: Recall the necklace Jackson gave to Hayley. Imagine a reddish stone instead of the green one hers has.)

"That's sweet," said Hayley. "I wish I knew enough about my family to know if they had any special traditions. They probably did, I'm guessing, with the whole Labonair thing..." she shook her head. "I probably shouldn't dwell on it, 'cause I'm not getting any answers."

"Maybe you might, one day. I'm sure my Grandma Mary will know something. She's been living pretty far from the rest of the Pack for awhile— I don't know if you remember, but I had to travel to get her to drink that juice that would break the curse. She likes keeping to herself."

"If she can tell me anything about the Labonairs, I'll give her a hundred bucks." She then put her hand on her belly, sighing a bit. "She's kicking again."

Natanya leaned down a bit, able to see exactly where the baby was kicking. It was always weird for her, seeing that. The mother's skin would stretch up sometimes depending on the movement, and Natanya found it creepy.

"Hello there," she said as Hayley guided her hand to feel where the little girl was apparently playing soccer in her mother's womb. "That's not very nice. Your mom is here helping me figure out what to wear to this event that your uncle really wants us to go to. She can't help me much if you're hurting her."

"I think she likes the sound of your voice," said Hayley. "Everytime you and Jack talk to her, she calms down."

"It's a Kenner family trait," Natanya teased. "We have soothing voices. We're naturals when it comes to working with babies."

"Are you going to have kids once you move away from here?"

"I don't know. My main reason for wanting to leave is bitterness, having had to do so much for this Pack, with basically no reward. I'm the kind that needs to see good coming out of what I do, otherwise, I start to hate it. I had to take care of so many kids and I was doing it alone, and my brother was all fine and dandy being the leader but he never bothered to lend a hand until he was older, and by then, the greatest bit of the burden was over with.

"I get mad so easily... Jackson doesn't. My grandma used to say that he might not even have the gene, because he was so calm and collected compared to me. She said that if he did turn out to have it, that would make him Alpha material. Obviously, he would have been Alpha anyway. He was so rational and patient. Me? I get irritated with anything and everything.

"I act impulsively. I had responsibility, but nothing official, so it didn't matter how I did it— no one cared. Jackson was the one that had to be careful about who might be observing him. He had expectations to live up to. I didn't. I got to be as rebellious as I wanted to be, with no punishment. I know how to be a parent, but I don't want to be. I want something more exciting. My brother, all he wants is to get married and be a dad, make more royal Kenners."

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