Chapter 39

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Klaus forced Elijah to undo it.

"Tell her to think for herself, now," sneered the hybrid when he saw Natanya had gone to the bathroom to shower. "Do not make her believe that which she clearly does not. She was furious, and you cannot take that fury away."

Elijah didn't feel like it. The one thing he needed right now was for someone to be on his side. For someone to stand by him and make him feel like what he did was good, even if it truly wasn't. Natanya had to be that person. It didn't make sense for it to happen any other way.

"Brother, I am attempting to avoid chaos," said Elijah. "If she were to be free with her emotions, in this vulnerable state..."

"She'll learn to deal with her emotions," snapped Klaus. "Just as you'll learn to live with the decisions you make. I explicitly said to find another way. I told you that I needed you to bring the vial to her, because Hayley and I were going to be delayed. You took your sweet time and she nearly died. Do you know what Camille said to me, just now? She asked why the bloody hell I took so long. She was furious, Elijah. Because she believed that I was being negligent. Because she believed that I was willing to let Natanya die. We almost lost her. I would think you would care more."

"I saved our family Niklaus," said Elijah coldly. "And I will regret it for the rest of my days. I cannot have her despise me."

"She will despise you when she learns that you forced her to accept you. The girl has endured an unbelievable amount of scrutiny and shame because she remained at your side even though everyone around her— including me— was urging her to be rid of you. She stood by you, and this is how you repay her?"

Elijah couldn't even look at him, and Klaus gripped his shoulder. "Undo it, or I will compel her, now that she isn't solely a wolf. She has yet to have a drop of vervain in her system. I can very well force her to despise you, and not even your ridiculous mate bond will be able to return her feelings."

"Are you threatening me?" said Elijah lowly.

"Not quite. But perhaps I should. It'd do you well to remember that Camille is a psychologist. She can tell me exactlywhat I must say to free Natanya from you forever. You forget that Camille cares for Natanya very much. She will not stand to see her friend's mind torn to shreds by the likes of you."

Elijah looked up as Natanya came out of the shower, humming, already dressed, and in the process of drying her hair. "Natanya," he said, casting a side glance at Klaus. "It would please me immensely if you were to hold your own opinion of me, whatever it may be. You do not need to respect what I did."

Immediately, her expression changed, and she looked around, apparently just realizing she was in Elijah's room. "I'm leaving," she said sharply, grabbing her things. "Don't bother trying to come after me unless you raise Davina from the dead."

Klaus couldn't help but feel proud as she walked away.

"You should have seen it," he told Cami. "Like the flip of a switch, she was snapping at him."

"You're too happy about this," said the blonde. "It doesn't solve the problem of what the hell we're gonna do. Marcel is hurting. Natanya is dealing with all her heightened emotions at once, particularly anger. This mate bond... if it's as bad as you say it is, then we need to break her out of it, now. I think you should talk to her grandmother."

"Excuse me?" said Klaus in disbelief. "Her grandmother? The woman despises me. She despises all vampires."

"But she wouldn't despise her granddaughter. If anyone knows about ways to break it, it could be here. She's a wolf elder, isn't she? Maybe that's what Natanya needs— to see her family. Did she feed?"

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