Chapter 17

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Natanya stayed with Hayley this time.

Both were understandably worried. It was hard not to be, considering they had no idea whether Freya would be cooperative or not. The hope was that she'd help. But what if Klaus's actions made her refuse?

"I don't think I've ever seen you pace this much," said Hayley as she watched Natanya move back and forth through the room. The hybrid was holding Hope, gently rubbing her back to keep her calm. "Elijah's gonna be okay."

"I shouldn't even be this worried," said Natanya, hugging herself. "He's immortal. He literally can't die. Not unless Eva Sinclair miraculously conjured up white oak, which isn't possible, since it's all gone. And yet, all I can think about is someone hurting him... something triggering him. He doesn't trust himself, Hayley, and if he has to do something awful to save Rebekah, it'll kill him."

"Elijah has lived for centuries and been through some of the shittiest situations known to mankind. He's always pulled through. He will this time."

"And if he doesn't?" she asked. "He blew up an entire house to protect Hope from Finn. He does what is needed to save his family, but it can get him hurt. He's just starting to feel normal again, and just— ugh! Why can't anything ever be calm around here?"

"You love him, don't you?"

Natanya faltered. "I don't know. Not for sure, at least. I do think I really care for him. But love? I'm not entirely sure. Not yet."

"Are you sure you didn't jump into this too fast? Elijah isn't fully okay. I know you trust him, but... maybe it was too soon."

"I can't even imagine how it's been for him, these past thousand years," said Natanya, ceasing her pacing to stare at the opposite wall. "Sacrificing his happiness to protect his siblings. Making choices, expecting a good outcome, and being assaulted by guilt. Having to deal with Klaus, who only appreciates him when he needs him. Only cares about him when Elijah's doing what Klaus wants him to do.

"So many centuries of everyone relying on him and having certain expectations from him. And there were just some he couldn't meet and there was nothing wrong with that, but it took a toll on him. He can't control his instincts, and though I worry about that, I acknowledge that he's tried so hard to keep it all together. I admire that.

"But now it's time for him to let it out, because the more he holds it in, the more it hurts him. He needed someone to look past that and see him as he is. To remind him that no matter what his past, what's important is the good he does now. The fact he's learned from his mistakes.

"Maybe everyone thinks it's too soon and maybe everyone thinks I'm gonna get hurt, but you know what? Screw that. I don't care. Elijah needs this. He needs to feel like someone is completely there for him no matter what he's been through. Cause honestly, no matter how much Klaus and Rebekah say they care, neither of them has ever tried to help him work through all this. And it shows.

"I'm not making myself his therapist. Don't worry. We talk about it, but not enough for me to be acting as his shrink. I'm just reminding him that he's a good man no matter what's behind that red door. He needs to feel validated. Understood. He needs to learn to live with this, to accept it, and move forward as a wiser man. One who doesn't shy away from his dark side— rather, uses it as motivation to do what he's always wanted to do: save his family.

"I think this should have happened sooner. He needed someone to be there for him since the very beginning. And no one really was. Not the way he deserved it. So... yeah. I'm gonna be there for him now for as long as I possibly can."

Hayley pursed her lips. "You're doing a good thing, Natanya, you really are. But you haven't actually seen what's behind the red door. From what Klaus told me about the situation, it's like a literal storage room of violent memories in Elijah's mind. I know you want to help and you will definitely do some good, but to fully help, you'll have to learn about everything in detail. Can you handle that?"

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