Chapter 29

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Natanya felt like throwing up.

Her head was spinning from the amount of wolfsbane that was being steadily pumped into her by the IV she was connected to. She was bleeding from her mouth and her head, which wasn't making it any better.

She'd been the first to wake up, chained up in what appeared to be an auto shop. The room was dark, and pipes were leaking everywhere, causing a smell that only made her nausea worse. Beside her was Jackson, whose leg was bleeding profusely. On the other side of him, Hayley, whose head was bent at an odd angle, indicating her neck was still broken, and she hadn't woken up yet.

"Natanya Kenner."

She looked up as Aya walked in, accompanied by two Strix vampires. "I'll rip you all to shreds," said Natanya darkly.

"In that condition?" said Aya with a scoff. "I have a higher chance of being murdered by a sabertooth tiger."

"Why are we here?" demanded Natanya. "If Aurora wants to hurt me, she can find me and hurt me herself."

"Aurora isn't in the best condition for that, it would seem," said Aya. "Tristan and I were more than happy to take up the task."

"What, are you jealous? Didn't like seeing me with Elijah, or something? I've done nothing to you, Aya."

"I'm surprised you even know my name," said Aya. "No matter. I'll find out exactly how you learned it." She nodded at one of the vampires, who went to the IV, squeezing it and making Natanya grit her teeth hard to keep from screaming as more wolfsbane entered her body.

"You beasts are so easy to hurt," crooned Aya.

"If our positions were switched, and that IV was full of vervain, I'd be saying the same thing about you," Natanya panted.

"But our positions are not switched. You're far too weak to incapacitate a vampire like me. I'm surprised that Elijah would be with someone so weak. And, as Aurora relayed to me... so stupid."

"You two really have nothing better to insult me with, huh?" She tried to put on an air of confidence, though the comment had clearly bothered her.

Aya smirked. "I would add useless to the list as well, but you're actually about to prove useful to us."

"What, you'll beat me until I give you the answers you want?" said Natanya. "I'm terrified."

"We're just going to go into your mind and take what we want." Aya lunged forward, grabbing either side of her head and forcing her way into her mind. Natanya let out a panicked scream, feeling her entire head burning as she tried to stop Aya. The problem was, she wasn't strong enough, and a series of memories passed before her eyes, all of them being taken up by Aya, who was clearly searching for something.

"STOP!" screamed Natanya, trying to throw her off. "LET GO OF ME!"

The other vampire squeezed the IV again, and she let out a groan as Aya removed her hands, letting Natanya's head loll back. "They found Rebekah," Aya announced. "They had her run. Get one of the lower groups to search. Everyone else must stand by. We're capturing them today."

The vampires walked out, and Natanya was left alone, her head throbbing, and her body feeling much weaker. She felt bile rising in her throat, and she had to force it down, because she didn't want to leave herself covered in vomit.

Jackson came to a little while afterward. He started to struggle against the chains, instinctively trying to escape, but he only let out a groan, as it caused the IV to inject more wolfsbane into his body. "Tanya," he said weakly, turning to look at her. "You okay?"

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