Chapter 33

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"I didn't hurt you, did I?"

Elijah was worried, seeing she'd sat up, massaging her thighs and facing away from him.

"No," she replied. "It was just more intense than the last time we were together. I'd forgotten what it was like. I needed to catch my breath in an upright position."

She turned to face him, then laid back down, pursing her lips. "The wolves want me to be their Alpha," she whispered. "I haven't told Hayley. I don't want to. It's not fair to her."

"You're both more than capable of being the Alphas. Perhaps sharing the title may work in your favor."

"Yeah, maybe. I just wonder... do you think I'm worse now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Elijah... you've never been this rough with me. And I never thought I'd enjoy it that way, but I did. In the past, you held back. We both did. This time... phew. I figured that you used to see me as weak, like I couldn't take it if you were to... go all out. I guess I'm paranoid, wondering if maybe I've become a worse person to everyone. 'Cause people used to be so rude to me but now it seems like people do want to acknowledge my strength."

He brushed his hand over her face. "You are not worse. You are stronger. You've persevered. And everyone who was blind to it in the past can see it clearly now." His eyes flickered away. "I remain jealous, I admit. Just the thought of Niklaus's hands on your body..."

Natanya frowned slightly. "I had my chance to be with your brother, two years ago, when he approached me. I didn't want to. I don't want to now. Believe me on that, Elijah. I wouldn't be unfaithful to you. I... I don't want you to have doubts about that. If my friendship with your brother is going to drive a wedge between us..."

"I do not wish it to," said Elijah. "However, it is like a song that will not leave a person's mind. An incessant, obnoxious insistence of my subconscious, telling me that you and my brother have more than just a friendship."

Natanya sighed. "Should I be jealous whenever you speak to Hayley, just because you two had a thing in the past, before you met me?"

"No. I promise you, what I had with her is over."

"But that's the thing, Elijah. You and her actually had something. You were falling for her. Klaus and I never had that. There was attraction, but that was it. You and Hayley were beyond that."

Elijah couldn't meet her gaze. "Why were you caressing him today? Why... wipe his mouth afterward?"

She blinked. "I just thought it would help him. He looked like he was gonna pass out, Elijah. He was all pale and clammy."

"Earlier, you went to speak with him. I heard him say that you didn't have to fluff up his pillows and do his laundry. You told him you wanted to."

She had a hurt expression on her face. "Were you eavesdropping?"

"I... I suppose I was."

"Elijah, I just wanted to help him. You didn't get unlinked. You were fine. I was going to come and check up on you later. I didn't think it would hurt to make sure he was comfortable. Cami and him have been having issues, otherwise, she'd be there helping him. He was already feeling ill, and if he were left alone, he'd likely be unable to rest. He'd just be overthinking and miserable, wondering if anyone cares. I was worried about him, because that's what friends do, they worry about each other. I've always been the caretaker for the people around me. It's second-nature to me.

"Jackson may have been older than me but I did a lot of that stuff for him. I did his laundry, folded his clothes, and took care of him when he was sick. Just as I did all that for my Grandma Mary, for Eve, Aiden, Nick, Oliver, Kurt, and a bunch of other wolves. I'd caress their hair while they ate so they'd feel safe. I'd fluff up their pillows to keep them from getting stiff. Because when I'm sick, I like having someone do that for me.

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