Chapter 35

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She didn't feel different, at first.

Klaus had left, and she'd been perfectly able to say goodbye. She'd hugged him, told him to drive safely, and had then kissed Hope's forehead prior to wishing Hayley good luck and embracing her as well. The little group left, and the Compound was quiet, for once. Freya had gone out for the night, Kol was with Davina. It left Elijah and Natanya with a substantial amount of privacy.

"Are you alright?" he asked, noticing she seemed unbothered once they returned to his room.

"I'm perfectly fine," she said honestly. "Klaus didn't even notice it. He ought to have smelled some different pheromones and he clearly didn't. Maybe it won't smell unless he has the intention to sleep with me. Which he won't. Meaning... we're still able to be friends. Or maybe it just doesn't have a smell to it. It could be all magical, and cause this inexplicable urge for other men to draw themselves away once they've lingered too long."

Elijah tilted his head, seeing she'd started to peel off her clothes entirely, her back turned to him as she folded them into a neat pile. "What are you doing?" he asked, gulping slightly when she turned to face him.

"Well, we were gonna have sex earlier," she said, as if he should already know this. "We only stopped because you bit me too hard and for too long. We should pick up where we left off."

"Are you certain?"

She laid herself down on his bed, holding her chest up by resting back on her elbows. "I'm not getting any younger, Elijah," she said teasingly. "Come on. Before I start to burn up."

He blinked. "Does this mean...?"

"Mhm. The mark triggered it. If you keep taking forever I'll have to find other ways to alleviate myself. 'Cause unless you fuck me right now, in a few more minutes, I'll be basically on fire, ridiculously horny, and blasting pheromones out all over the place. Any supernatural male nearby the house will be able to sense it."

His eyes seemed to darken a bit, and he used his vampire speed to end up on top of her, pinning her arms to the sides of her body and making her lay down all the way before he kissed her, hard.

She'd used all of her strength to switch their positions, placing herself on top of him so that they could continue to kiss while she straddled his thigh, starting to grind over it.

It was just about the hottest thing Elijah had ever witnessed. He felt more pleased than he had in quite awhile. There was this swell of pride, an unbridled satisfaction as he relished in the feeling of her practically worshipping him. Using him as a toy to alleviate herself, while also trying to please him.

The mark had certainly worked in his favor. He had no doubt whatsoever of her devotion to him, now. And it seemed to have made her more eager for intimacy, if he could soundly judge based on what she was doing at the present moment.

It had been different, that time. Some parts were rough, some were gentle, but the noises she made had been more heavenly than usual, and she'd been whispering the dirtiest things in his ears, beckoning him to unleash. He'd left several bite marks all over her body as he fed from her, though they quickly faded, absolving him of any guilt. She was his, all his, to claim and take and appreciate as she writhed around begging for more.

Their time together had been cut slightly short. After they'd finished, she'd fallen asleep in his arms, and even in the early hours of the morning when she'd woken up, neither had wanted to move. Elijah still wished to keep her in his arms just a little while longer.

"Oi, are you decent in there?" came Kol's voice as he knocked on the door.

"Give us a moment," said Natanya, sighing and getting up, before slipping on her underwear, bra, and one of Elijah's dress shirts.

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