Final Author's Note

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Thank you so, so very much to everyone who stuck through with this story. I really couldn't have done it without you!!

It was supposed to be sad. It was supposed to be frustrating and brutal. On AO3, it was very easy to put the 'Planned sad ending' tag so that people could easily see it. For my Quotev and Wattpad readers... very sorry. But I tried my best to insinuate it wasn't gonna end well... I didn't want to give people false hope.

Elijah is complex and there is a lot about him that I'm... not very okay with. He's honestly terrifying, able to absolutely decimate people then he goes back to his suits and acting like nothing's wrong. As long as there's no blood on him, all is well. With others, it's different... they're so open about their dark sides and everyone knows what to expect.

Natanya and Elijah had many faults. They were each other's weaknesses. Neither thought to deal with their own issues before starting their relationship, and even then, they would bring out the bad in each other, dragging one another into danger, sometimes turning a blind eye, sometimes trying to be controlling.

Though their love was real, their relationship was very unhealthy. Since the very beginning, Natanya ignored a major red flag. He literally attempted to murder her because he lost control. Should have been a clue. But our girl was stubborn and wanted him to see himself as good. She thought it would help. And in the end, it did more harm than good.

It's not Elijah's fault that she died. It really isn't. Natanya knew she wasn't healthy enough to go into his subconscious. But she also knew how dangerous it would have been for anyone else to go in, without knowing what would be there. She made the choice to take a risk for those she cared about. And though that choice backfired, she was at peace with it. Because she did get Elijah out.

You can imagine whatever you'd like for what happens after. But I imagine it would have gone somewhat like canon. Elijah's grief would be through the roof, and he would definitely have wiped his memories. Would he have been with Antoinette though? I don't know. I feel like that pain wouldn't have been fully removed even though his memories were. Some part of him would have felt empty. And eventually, he would die to save Hope, ensuring Klaus could raise his daughter. He'd remember Natanya and he'd be at peace, because of his final sacrifice. He'd find her there, happy, alongside Aiden, Josh, Jackson, Oliver, her Grandma Mary (who seems to have passed away sometime between TO S4 and TO S5), her parents, and everyone else that meant something to her.

So, in a way, there is some happiness. But at the same time, that doesn't erase the fact that their life was one bit of violence after another. Perpetuated by the fact they stayed together for so long.

And now, onto happier subjects. If you'd like to read my next fic (Kai Parker!) check out 'Vendetta' on my profile.

Mischief Managed,

Sprinting Fox

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