Chapter 28

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They split to complete their assignments.

Natanya ran to the nearest herb store, getting a clump of muskroot before sprinting back to the Compound, finding Jackson was holding Freya up, and the witch was shaking. "She's burning up!" he was saying to Elijah. "I guess a hospital's out of the question?"

"A hospital won't help her," said Elijah, taking the root from Natanya before placing it in front of Freya, who nodded weakly, only just registering that it was there.

There was a sudden crashing noise out in the courtyard. "Where's Hayley?" asked Jackson.

Freya suddenly coughed up more blood, and Elijah and Jackson both lunged to help her sit up so it wouldn't get caught in her throat. Natanya ran out into the courtyard, finding Rebekah was attacking Hayley.

"Rebekah, no!" said Natanya, getting between them. "Back off right now."

Rebekah just giggled, then kicked her leg up, whirling herself around and tossing Natanya back into Hayley, the two flying into the nearest wall then crumpling onto the floor. There was a 'woosh' and Elijah materialized in front of his sister. "Listen to me," he said, grabbing her arms roughly. "Listen to me! Rebekah— look at me! Rebekah! Control yourself."

Rebekah's eyes had been pure black for a moment, before they returned to their usual white and blue. "Dear brother," she said gently, "I have control."

"Good," said Elijah, letting her go. Rebekah's eyes abruptly turned black again, and she punched Elijah right under the chin, so hard that his neck was nearly snapped. He fell down, and Rebekah lunged at Hayley again, except this time, Natanya got in the way, biting down hard on Rebekah's arm. The blonde screeched, slapping her across the face, then grabbing a fistful of her hair and using it to pin her against the nearest wall.

Hayley jumped to help, pulling Rebekah off, but that gave the blonde an opportunity to plunge her fist into Hayley's chest.

"NO!" screamed Natanya. "REBEKAH! LET HER GO!"

"REBEKAH!" Klaus suddenly arrived, with Cami behind him. He grabbed Rebekah's wrist, keeping her from pulling out Hayley's heart. "Not her."

Rebekah growled, spinning around and instead trying to grab Cami, but Klaus managed to catch her. "Not her, either!" He pulled her away and slammed her down on the table, giving Cami an opening to hand Hayley a black briefcase, which seemed to have something important, likely the cure for Freya.

"Ah, dear, sweet Cami," said Rebekah with a cruel giggle. "You're so afraid that you'll ruin her, you keep her behind glass like some breakable object. She's not precious, Nik. Every woman that you and Elijah bring into our lives turns to poison. Look at Natanya!" she giggled and held up her arm to show Klaus that Natanya had bitten her. "Already poison!" She turned her head to look right at Cami, who was so horrified, she rushed to safety. "She'll grow toxic, too..."

Elijah sped up, using all of his strength to hold Rebekah down. "Natanya!" he yelled. "Bite her again!"

She didn't hesitate. She rushed forward and bit into Rebekah's arm again, causing Rebekah to screech. "Hold her!" yelled Freya as she ran down, holding a blade. Natanya gripped Rebekah's shoulders, and the brothers kept her from running away as Freya carved the cursed skull welt off of her wrist. The blonde howled, trying to get away, until suddenly, she slumped back, and stopped fighting. Klaus immediately let go of her and bit into his wrist, feeding her his blood so that she would heal from the wolf venom.

Rebekah then slowly sat up, heaving a sigh. "Well, that was annoying."

It was, but no one voiced it. Freya had led Rebekah upstairs while Klaus and Elijah worked to clean up the mess that had been made. Natanya had gone to check on Cami, who was in one of the rooms, shivering.

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