Chapter 30

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Going back to her apartment was hard.

Natanya knew she'd have to pass by the other door. The one that led to where Jackson had been sleeping peacefully in the past, beside his wife, happy as could be.

She knew she'd catch the last bits of his scent as she entered her apartment. She knew that after that last whiff, it would disappear forever, and no matter what items she kept to remind her of her brother, it would be the last time she'd remember the comfort that came from being in his arms and teasing him about how he always smelled like the Bayou.

But she had to return. Cami had completed the transition, and unless Natanya was there, she wouldn't be able to get in to fetch her things, if needed. So, she'd mustered up the courage and had gone right up to where Cami was waiting.

"Come on in," Natanya said gently as she unlocked the door and urged Cami to follow her in. "How are you feeling?"

"I didn't want to transition," Cami admitted. "But I spoke with Vincent and... it felt like the right thing. I guess I'm feeling some regret. But at the same time, I feel... great."

"Well, if you want, we can move this table over here to make space for a special fridge for blood bags. The outlet is close enough so that we don't trip on it."

Cami said nothing, and Natanya realized that it was because she was staring at her own reflection, touching her face as if she didn't recognize herself.

"I'm more pale," she whispered. "And my face looks more... sunken."

Natanya hadn't really noticed any differences in her appearance. "Cami, are you okay?"

The vampire blinked, then nodded. "Yeah, just um..." her eyes then widened. "Natanya, oh my god, I'm so sorry... I'm making a big deal about the transition and..."

"It's fine," said Natanya, shaking her head. "You're having to get adjusted to a whole new lifestyle. It's not easy."

"But... you're having to adjust to a new lifestyle, too. One without your brother. I shouldn't be making this all about me."

"You're not, I promise." She grabbed her blanket, holding it close to her chest. "I'm gonna go spend the night with Hayley. I don't think either of us are going to be able to sleep."

"Yeah, of course," said Cami. "I'm um... going back to the Compound to spend the night there. Klaus said he's getting me a daylight ring, so..."

"Okay. Well... sleep well."

"You too... if you're able to."

Hayley and Natanya had spent an absolutely miserable night on the couch. While Hope slept peacefully, the two had been awake for hours, not knowing what to say. They were only able to cry, and even then, that didn't exhaust them enough to give them a single moment of peace. What was worse— Aurora was nowhere to be found.

Neither of them had felt very comfortable staying in that apartment when morning came. At dawn, they'd been packing a few things to take so that they could stay at the Compound together. They'd seen Cami leaving not long after, and had arrived in Elijah's study as he was speaking with Klaus.

"A darker threat remains," the elder brother was saying. "Now, if something out there is capable of killing us, we should probably find it."

"I'd love to," saod Klaus. "However, I got Camille into this mess..."

"She let around sunrise," said Hayley as she entered the room. "My guess is she needed some air? Natanya and I couldn't sleep... we saw her leaving from my balcony."

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