Chapter 5

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Natanya slept better that night than she usually did.

"You look so chipper today," said Aiden when he saw her at breakfast. "Is it cause your boy toy was walking around with you last night?"

She acted oblivious. "I have no idea what you mean."

"Yeah right." He leaned closer. "I saw you and Elijah walking around when I was doing my rounds. He was gonna leave and you stopped him."

"It was just a conversation."

"Yesterday, you hated the guy. Today, you seem to be smiling because of him."

"Okay, and? Fine, maybe he wasn't as bad as I thought he was."

"And maybe you're accepting the fact that he's hot."

"I never denied that he was hot," she said, turning red. "Can we just not talk about this right now? Eve and I are supposed to go talk to Hayley about the birthing process. Eve's probably already there."

"Let me guess. You had a dream. That's why you're so happy."

"I don't dream very often, you know that."

"But you did last night, huh? And Elijah was in it?"

"You're delusional."

"No, I'm right. Come on, Nat, you dreamt about the guy, and you enjoyed it."

"So what if I did?" she asked, now feeling flustered. "It doesn't mean anything. Vampires can't compel werewolves, so he can't get me to tell him, or anything. Are you embarrassing me as payback for not getting anyone's number for you last night?"

"Eh. Maybe. But seriously, what did the dream consist of? Just another conversation or did y'all do it."

"Jesus— it was a sex dream, okay? A once-in-a-lifetime kinda sex dream that means nothing. Why don't you go bother Nick? Maybe he's eager to be annoyed by his brother for once in his life."

"You're not escaping me," called Aiden as she scurried away. "I'll tease you about it til the day you die!"

"Not if you die first!" she said, flipping him off before going into one of the cabins with Eve.

"Well," she said, seeing Hayley was on the ground with her legs up. "How cute. I see Eve's introduced you to the proper position for popping out a baby."

"Yep," said Hayley, rubbing her stomach. "So just... breathing, you said?"

"Yes," said Eve. "Focus on your breathing for a bit. Relax in this position and let your lungs fill with air..."

Hayley took a deep breath in and held it.

"Good, now exhale," said Eve.

Hayley did so.

"That's it, you're getting it," said Eve. "Try again. Inhale and release."

"I guess this means no epidural, huh?" said the wolf. "You sure I can't do this thing in, say, a hospital? The place with the doctors and the drugs?"

"Honey," said Eve, "the werewolves have been having babies out here since before you were born. Stop worrying. Nat and I have helped babies be born. We know what to do."

"Okay, and then what, Eve?" asked Hayley. "I don't even know what it's like to have a mother, let alone be one."

"Trust me, when the time comes, you'll know exactly what to do."

"I hope so. As fun as it is to imagine Klaus changing dirty diapers, I'm pretty sure that I'll be doing this alone."

Eve cast her a knowing smile. "I somehow doubt that."

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