What are they planning? 👀

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Some weeks have passed by now since my university classes have started. I won't lie, it has been a little complicated. Between missing my family and friends from Canada and the amount of work we already have it's not easy but I've been managing well so far. My greats are always above average and I already made quite some friends. It was a little tricky at first, people seemed to look at me differently and I am pretty sure I hear them talk about Niall once but why wouldn't they talk about him, he's a great singer and songwriter. Besides, there's no way they could know about me and him dating, can they? Nah, we've been pretty discreet so far, I don't think anyone knows yet.

Months passed now... Not gonna lie, I had some problems, who doesn't? Among so many people with who I didn't get along so well to some hard projects and many sleepless nights before tests and exams, I can't complain much. It wouldn't be university if there weren't some pranks, parties and drama but so far I didn't have any major problems, my life was going well. I kept my promise of video chatting with Olivia whenever we both could tell each other the news and since the university wasn't much far away I could visit Nialler and the guys a couple of times already on the weekends. Unfortunately, these last ones were too busy but that was for the best, I had too much to study for the final exams of the semester between spring break.

Now it's the last week of the first semester. I passed all my exams with flying colours so since I didn't have to redo any I was already on holiday a bit sooner than many other students, which was perfect, I can really use this time to improve my techniques before the weekend and most importantly to go back to Canada, my home and visit my family and friends who i haven't seen in so long.

You must be wondering which techniques. My jiu Jitsu skills of course. This weekend, more precisely this Saturday I have a big important match, which means I have now 3 days to finish perfecting my latest combat trick. This is very important. And it was for that importance that I spent the next days in the gym, waking up and going to sleep early and making sure to be extra careful with what I ate, remembering never to drink anything else than water.

Those days flied by. It's now Saturday morning. I woke up extra early for my usual work out yet today I decided not to exercise so hard, I need my energies for later today. After some warm-up and running, I review some of my latest moves and did some muscles exercise, to rest and make sure I wouldn't hurt myself during the competition.

After my luck routine to get ready I walked outside my apartment to get a bus to the competition. As soon as I step outside the building I noticed a stunning vintage car parked right there. Since I was early I stopped a moment to admire it when the driver talked stopped looking at something on his phone and spoke to me.

D- Emma?

E- Yeah? I'm sorry, do we know each other?

D- Not yet Miss. I was hired by Mr. Horan drive you to your destination today.

E- Oh, I didn't know that.

D- I'm aware of that, he mentioned that I was a surprise. He also said he's sorry for not being able to be here with you.

E- That's sweet of him. - i take a small pause and then speak up again - But... I didn't tell him about this, how did he know?

D- He didn't tell me that... Would you like me to call him?

E- Yes, please. I just need to make sure you are who you say you are.

D- Oh. Okay, one second. - he gets his phone but something about his facial expression doesn't seem right.

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