🥰 Truly Madly Deeply 💗

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Yes, your hunch was correct. He was about to kiss me when the guy from the boat screamed at us it was time to return it. What a shame! Another time... We got back on the boat and got to the coast.

After swimming in the river, the water fight, and returning and paying the man for the time on the boat, we went to have ice cream in one of my favourite stores. People were looking at us like we were a crazy couple (since we're soaked at night), one of them even asked us if we were alright. I guess he thought we could have almost drawn in the river, which was nice of him to care, even though I had a feeling Liam didn't agree with me. We bought the ice cream to go since it was risky for him to be recognized. Luckily, that didn't happen so we had all the privacy we needed. We sneaked into another of my favourite places, this time a precious little hidden spot in the woods. It was there that I had the confirmation of my suspicions.

L- May I ask you something?

O- Of course, you can ask anything you want.

L- It's not really a question but a thought. I don't want to annoy you so I don't know if I should talk about it but...

O- Liam, it's alright, you're not annoying me. Just tell me.

L- Well I noticed the boy at the coffee shop seemed very interested in you...

O- No, he was just being nice.

L- Just nice? He was clearly flirting with you, you didn't see it?

O- I don't think so. And why are you talking about it now?

L- I don't know, to be honest, I guess I was a little... jealous, even though I know I have no right to be because I know we're not a couple but...

O- Aww that's so sweet of you. Yes, we're not a couple yet but you don't need to worry about other guys, I like you, only you, no one else.

L- I like you too but...

O- But what? Are you insecure about us? Oh my god did you regret coming with me? Was it something I did?

L- No, no. Of course, I'm not insecure. I like you more than I've ever lo.. liked anyone. I'm loving being here with you, it's a huge pleasure for me to be here learning about all these wonderful places and you've been nothing but amazing all this time.

O- I'm glad you feel like that but why the but?

L- I guess I'm worried that you'd change your mind about me.

O- Oh Liam no, of course not! Why would I do that? I lo... like you so much!

L- I feel the same but you said it yourself, while we're young dating people with a big age difference is tough. I don't want to realize that you shouldn't be with me too late. That would be so painful.

O- Oh sweet adorable Liam. Yes, I said that and I think it could be a problem but I'm not just going to run away from you because of your age! I've known your age since the beginning and it didn't scare me away. Nothing will, I like you too much to let it happen.

L- I'm so glad to think that. It's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

O- Oh I'm glad to know that. Next time, don't let it consume you, just talk to me about it, we can solve anything together.

L- Yes, we can. We're a couple of superheroes! By a couple I mean a man and a woman, I didn't mean it romantically, I know we're not there yet...

O- No, we're not but I don't mind waiting, after all, we just met. It will be worth it.

L- Yea, about that... I have another plan... Close your eyes.

His last couple of sentences made me very confused. I'm not the biggest fan of surprises, I never was. When I was a child a surprise meant mostly a new country. Due to my parent's profession, it was required they travelled a lot so we were constantly moving. The worst part is that it usually only lasted less than a year or even months at a time so when I was finally used to our new place it was time to leave again. Luckily, I had Emma, she was my first friend and the only friend I have since my childhood. After their missions abroad we would come back home to Canada for a while and she was always there waiting for me. When we were together it was like we haven't ever been apart. After their promotions to higher positions I was a little older and thanks to Emma's warming parents I could finally live in the same place, have a regular childhood because they were kind enough to let me stay with them while my parents were away so I wouldn't have to move all the time either be alone at our home. From that point on, everything was getting better but I still didn't trust surprises. All those memories came back when he said those words. I was going to say something to him but he looked so excited so I just did it. He covered my eyes with his hands and I held his hands.

O- Liam where are we going?

L- You'll see soon.

O- But...

L- No buts, just trust me.

O- Okay...

L-(...) Ok, just a few seconds more... Now, you can open your eyes.

I opened my eyes to see my favourite spot in the woods perfectly decorated. A cozy blanket on the floor with some of our favourite snacks in a cute picnic bag. Making light for us were some little candles on the sides of the blanket, giving it a romantic vibe.

L- So... do you like it?

O- Are you kidding me? I love it! You didn't have to do that, you already did so much for me!

L- And you deserve even more!

O- Aw that's very sweet, thank you! - I say and then kiss him on the cheek

L- You're welcome. The truth is I have a secret.

O- Don't we all have?

L- Aha yes but I want to tell you about this one.

O- Ok, I'm all ears, Mr. Payno.

I could see he liked the nickname because of the size of his smile, it was like a child getting candy as a reward for good behavior. He left my side for a few seconds when he went to the car that was parked there and took a guitar. He winked at me as he dedicated to me the song he was about to play.

L- This one is for you Olivia. (singing) Am I asleep, am I awake, or somewhere in between? I can't believe that you are here and lying next to me. Or did I dream that we were perfectly entwined? Like branches on a tree,(he sang while dancing around the tree) or twigs caught on a vine? Like all those days and weeks and months I tried to steal a kiss and all those sleepless nights and daydreams where I pictured this. I'm just the underdog who finally got the girl. And I am not ashamed to tell it to the world. Truly, madly, deeply, I am foolishly, completely falling. And somehow you kicked all my walls in. So baby, say you'll always keep me. Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you, in love with you. (...) (after finishing singing the song) Olivia, I truly madly deeply am in love with you. (on one knee) Will you be my girlfriend?



P.S. I didn't write the song he sang to Olivia, it already exists, it's from One Direction (appropriate I know ;) ) 

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