💞 Olias 💕

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The universe is a funny thing. No matter what plans you have, unexpected things happen all the time. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. I like to think that there's destiny. God or not, I believe there's someone bigger than us, watching for us and plans our lives so meticulously that even the smallest things are important for our lives and if something is meant to be then it will happen. In this part of my life, I hadn't thought much about how a simple detail can change a life so much. My life was going to change so many thanks to a little detail... but that's a story for another time.

I was on my way to meet the guys when Olivia called me. She had news and seemed thrilled to tell me so I texted Niall that I was going to meet them a little later and called my best friend again so she could tell me everything.

O- Hi girl finally! I called you like half hour ago!

E- Sorry, I was texting Niall to tell him that I was going to meet them later than we agreed to and then he texted back and we talked for a while but I'm here now! Tell me everything!

O- Of course! But first, find a place to sit, this is going to take a while...

~Flashback Olivia's Point of view~

After that inconvenient meeting with Liam's fans at the airport, we rushed to our plane, not because we were late but to escape them and also have some time for ourselves. As a little selfish as it might seem, we wanted some time alone from everyone else, to talk without everyone hearing, just us. Liam, being the sweet person he is, didn't want me to feel overwhelmed so he grabbed my hand and pulled me. As we ran from all the fans, trying to hide, my heart was beating so fast in my chest. We looked insane but we didn't care, we were having fun. In less than 10 minutes we were on the plane. To my surprise, we weren't in an ordinary plane, we were in a plane very similar to the Presidential plane, an Air Force One plane.

O- Oh my god Liam! Is this a Boeing 747? Usually, known as Air Force One? Like the Presidential aeroplane?

L- Yes and no. It is a pretty similar model but it's not the same one.

O- Wow that's still very impressive!

L- I think so too, thanks. How do you know so much about airplanes? Or was it just a lucky guess?

O- Ahah, no, I do know my way around aeroplanes and helicopters. My parents were in the Air Force, they actually met while serving my country.

L- Wow I had no idea.

O- In fact they're still in the Air Force. They're in higher positions now, they're First and Second Lieutenant.

L- Wow that's impressive.

O- It is, but also very dangerous. And it means they're not home often... They're always somewhere else, in other countries in missions.

L- Oh that sucks...

O- Yea but I'm used to it by now.

L- Yea but you shouldn't be, nobody deserves to be away from their parents for so long!

O- Yea. Can I ask you something?

L- Of course pumpkin. What's on your mind?

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