😊 Meeting Them (into) 🙌

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Emma- I'm pretty sure we've been here already.

O- Oh shush it, I know where I'm going, I have an impeccable sense of orientation.

E- Right - I laugh- And I'm Mrs. Horan. Remember that time we almost lost our plane because you refused to ask for directions at the airport? Oh, wait, of course, you do, it was only some days ago.

O- Oh, it's not fair, I was right all along.

E- Righhttt, if thinking that helps you sleep at night.

O- It does! Wait, did you really say you were Mrs. Horan?

E- Yea but it was sarcastic, I was joking.

O- No, you were not, you like him!

E- Ok, ok, maybe a little. He seems like a great guy.

O- Yes that's true. And he was totally checking you out earlier.

E- No way.

O- Yes way. I'm sure he was thinking of you through the show, he even winked at you.

E- No, you're imagining things.

O- If you say so...

E- Let's just focus on finding the place we agreed to meet.

~ Sometime later~

E- Look, there's a security guy over there, let's ask him.

We approach him, not knowing at the time that we wouldn't need his help.

E- Excuse me, Sir.

Security guard- Yes? What are you still doing here? The concert ended an hour ago. Do you need help finding the exit?

O- No, the opposite actually.

S.G.- What?

E- I know it sounds made up but Niall asked us to meet with him after the concert, at door A32 I believe.

S.G.- Are you Emma Potter?

E- Yes, did he tell you about me?

S.G.- He did mention something about a girl named Emma Potter fitting your description.

E- I'm glad, I was afraid you'd think we were lying. Do you need to see my ID sir?

S. G. - No there's no need for that, follow me. I'll check with him when we get there.

We looked at each other, not knowing what to do. Eventually decided to follow the guard which led us to where we wanted.

~some minutes after~

S. G. - A32. This is it. Let me call him to verify it's all okay. (starts dialing in his phone)

Niall- That won't be necessary, Thomas, they're with me, thank you. - he appears from behind with the biggest and more beautiful smile ever seen

Thomas aka security guy- Sure Mr. Horan. Stay well, I'm gonna go back to work.

Emma- Thank you, Mr. Thomas!

Niall- I was starting to think you changed your mind. - he said pretending to be sad but failed, he still smiling and he couldn't hide it.

E- No, I won't do that to you. I said we'd come so here we are. (smiling) And I'm sorry for being so late, we only wanted to give some minutes for everything to calm down after the show but we went for a walk and got lost. Amazing establishments by the way.

N- I'm glad to know that. And thank you, it is fantastic indeed. And you didn't even see it from the stage perspective.

E- Yea I bet... Oh, I forgot to tell you before, I was surprised to see your tough side, so masculine and powerful.

N- Oh when?

E- When you put that girl in line, the one always interrupting our chat. She was so surprised to see you talk like that. I mean we all were.

N- Really?

E- Yea. Oh, but I don't mean it in a negative way. What I've been trying to say is, we, well I speak for myself, of course, I don't know what other people are thinking, hum...

N- Oh Emma, breath. Am I leaving you nervous?

E- Whaaaatt? No.... you wish Nialler- she lied while brushing -Oh sorry, can I call you Nialler?

Niall let out the most beautiful laugh I have ever heard and said "I'm just teasing you. Yes you can Ahah even though I expected a more original nickname coming from you Potter" - he teased

E- Oh no worry, I'll come up with a great one, I'm just thinking about it. And great accent by the way, with the 'Potter' imitation of Draco.

N- Ahah thanks. I'm Irish, so the accent is not quite the same but I try.

E- Well, you did great.

N- Thanks. And don't worry, I understood what you were trying to say earlier.

E- Oh yeah, that. What I meant was that, from what I saw, you always seem sweet, like a teddy bear, so huggable. My point was we were caught off guard by this new side of you, more manly, affirmative.

N- Yea I got it, no worries. Aw, Potter thinks I'm huggable.

E- Well...

O- Sorry to interrupt the lovely chat and don't wanna be rude but what's the surprise I heard so much about?

N- Ah, a girl who knows what she wants! We will get there but first come inside, I want you to meet someone.

We entered the door which led us to a huge room full of sofas, TVs, a foosball table, paintings, a shinny piano, some beautiful and probably really pricy handmade guitars, expensive objects, etc and some people talking. I was so amazed by the beauty of it that I took a while to notice who I was standing face to face to😮


Sorry for the short chapter, the next ones will be bigger, I wanted to leave you thinking who they meet. 

Follow me on Instagram if you want on @nilouthoran

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