Chapter 4 I think...

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When Peter came home y/n was already in bed. She seemed to be sleeping so Peter quickly and quietly changed and got into bed too. He was worried about her. Normally she would stay up late finishing a design for the next drop or read a book, until he got home just to be able to say goodnight. But over the course of the last month she got more and more tired. Not to mention her sudden nausea got worse and wasn't just a morning thing anymore. 

He got under the bedsheets and hugged her gently from behind giving her a kiss on the back of her head. "Peter?", hey heard a whisper. "Yeah?", he said pulling her closer. "Did she like the present?" She wanted to know. "She loved it, I have it all on camera. I'll show it to you tomorrow for now get some rest" "ok"

There was a silence for about an hour. Peter couldn't sleep though. His head was spinning. He was worried. "Peter?", y/n was still awake.She turned around so she could see him. "Babe, I have to tell you something" "Why are you still awake?" he said, his face showed worry. "You should get some rest" "I know, but I have to talk to you first". At those words he sat up and turned on the lights. "What is it?" he said looking at her worried.

"I think I might be pregnant", she said slowly. Peter was shocked to say the least, yes that idea had come to mind a few times, but he never really considered it. But It would explain every single symptom she had had in the last few weeks. "Have you taken a test?" he asked. She shook her head. "Would you like to go buy a test tomorrow?", he asked calmly. She nodded. "Good, now go to sleep.", he said in a soft voice, turning off the light again and laying back down next to her. He embraced her in a hug. 

"What will happen if I am pregnant?", she asked quietly. "then you decide what you want", he said as soon as she had finished her sentence. "But what happens, if I want something different then you?" "Doesn't matter it's your body your choice" "and you won't leave me" He smiled and pointed at her finger and his. "'till death us part' remember? I married you. I'm not gonna leave you and I love you to the moon and back", now she smiled. "I still love you more", she replied more calm. "I doubt that"

Not five minutes later they where asleep.

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