Chapter 2 Worried

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Peter hated the fact that Tony thought her could keep him at the tower for practically the whole day just because he wasn't in school anymore. While it was true that he was getting payed by Tony now that he finished school, he would rather be at home with Y/n. Plus there weren't any strict times when he had to be in the tower except the morning meetings. So he would be in the tower for hours not knowing what he should do, but not being allowed to leave.

What annoyed Peter was that, if he stayed at home with y/n it wouldn't make that much of a difference in money, since she clearly earned a lot more than him. Plus he would be with the love of his life all day long and could support her in any way he could. He wouldn't have to worry about her the whole day. Sometimes he wished he could go back to being just the independent friendly neighborhood Spiderman.

"Hey, where's Tony", Peter asked Steve, who just came from the trainings area. 

"In some restaurant with Nat and Wanda. He mentioned something about Morgans Birthday coming up", Steve replied. 

"oh",Peter hesitated "Then can I ask you something?" 

"Sure go ahead", Steve said a little surprised. He usually wasn't Peters go-to-Person.

"Can I finish a bit early today?" 

"I'm sorry kid. but Tony has the responsibility for you" 

"I'm sorry but you are the Captain and Tony is not my legal guardian as much as he wants to be, besides that wouldn't matter because I'm 22 years old. So can I go or not?", Peter says leaving Steve a bit startled.

"Sure just make sure you're punctual tomorrow, we have an important meeting", Steve said.

"Ok, so the usual", Peter turned and walked out of the tower past Tony, Wanda and Nat, who just returned from the restaurant. Tony looked at Steve in confusion. "What was that all about?" he asked. Steve explained. And Tony was curious why Peter wanted to leave so badly. 

Peter entered the penthouse but he didn't see Y/n anywhere. He walked around the penthouse and found her in the bathroom hovering above the toilet. "are you ok?", he walked over and rubbed her back. "I'm fine", she said not convincing him. "I thought you only have that problem in the morning." "so did I ",she let out a sigh and stood up. He accompanied her to the kitchen and they sat down for dinner. 

"So how was your day, you know aside from the nausea?", he asked once they settled down. "Oh, I saw Tony, Nat and Wanda today in the restaurant" "Did they notice you?" he asked. She shook her head. "no, but I wanna get Morgan something for her Birthday" he nodded. 

After dinner they sat down on the couch browsing on the internet, what she could get Morgan. Outside it was getting darker. 

"I have no clue what to get her", y/n said after a few moments of silence. "Well she is into fashion lately", Peter said looking at her. "Do you think she likes my brand?" "likes? She is obsessed with it, it pisses Tony off", he laughs at the irony. "So let's do a package just designed for her. Can you find out what she likes?"  He nods. "Of course."

Y/n yawned. "Didn't you sleep well last night?",Peter asked worried. "Yes I did, the day was just stressful." "Let's go to bed then Peter said. Y/n cuddled onto Peter. "I love you to the moon and back, Spiderman", she whispered. He kissed her forehead. "I love you more" "I thought we went over that: It isn't possible for you to love me more then I love you" "Yes, yes it is" She just shook her head in silence and Peter fell asleep with a smile on his face. 

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