Chapter 21 Confrontation

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A/N: Y/n is wearing the dress shown above and is covering her bump with the jacket, it's not visible and she's also wearing a mask, covering her face.

After about an hour of getting ready, both Y/n and Morgan got into Y/n's car and drove to the tower. They were both wearing spiders-web clothes as that was the only kind of fancy clothing y/n had. (She wasn't big on wasting money on clothes, when she could make them herself)

At the tower they got out of the car and put their masks on. They got stopped at the security check. 

"Please identify yourselves", one of the guards said. 

Y/n handed him he invitation. 

"There are no children allowed at the party", he said.

"oh, then I guess we'll use our badges to get through the system", Y/n commented unbothered. She packed it just in case and now that she was here, she didn't care anymore who saw her and who didn't. All she wanted to do, was punch her father in the face. They scanned the badges and got trough security. Y/n looked at the screen where her photo of the badge showed up. 'How can anyone not see that I wasn't healthy?', she thought. 

"Nervous?", Morgan asked, as they were in the elevator. She had noticed her sister rubbing her stomach over and over again, a habit she should stop as soon as they got out of the elevator, if she didn't want anybody to find out that she was pregnant. 

"Yeah" Y/n admitted. This was nerve-wrecking but she was sure, that her comfort person, Peter, would be in the room. And that calmed her down.

The elevator doors opened and Morgan and Y/n stepped out and got into the crowd. They didn't want to make the game easy for the Avengers. They walked around and got some drinks without any alcohol. They chatted a bit and generally had some fun. For a few moments they forgot why they were there. But they were ready for when the questions would come. 

The Avengers were now getting back to the party, positioning themselves in corners. Steve was guarding the elevator, Nat was at the bar, Peter stood on the gallery, and everyone else was in the room somewhere. Y/n looked up to Peter, who seemed to recognize her instantly and was surprised why she was with Morgan. He gave her a reassuring nod and all of her anxiety vanished in an instant. Y/n walked over to the donation box and put in a few thousand dollars. It had been one of the reasons she had been tempted to go anyways, so why not do it if she was already there. 

After about 10 minutes Tony seemed to recognize Morgan, who was sitting next to Y/n, who he of course didn't recognize, on a couch. He walked over to them. "Miss could you follow me for a little talk?", he asked taking his mask off and gesturing them both to follow him. "We can talk right here", y/n responded. "I can barely hear a word you're saying Miss, please follow me" "Maybe you're getting old", y/n suggested. She kept her mask on, but Morgan could see her winking at her. "Just follow me out of the room" Y/n rolled her eyes and took Morgan by the hand before following him" The Avengers followed to and they led them into one of the meeting rooms. 

The doors to the meeting room closed and the noise from the outside was no longer there. It was quiet in the room. As the Avengers built a wall infront of the door, all of them looked at the two sisters. Morgan, much to Tonys dismay stood very close next to Y/n, who he thought to be a stranger, or worse the kidnapper of his other daughter. Everyone except Y/n had no longer their masks on, even Morgan had hers in her hand. 

"Who are you and why do you have my daughter with you? Or my other daughters badge?", Tony asked, his face showed pure anger and hatred, something y/n though was funny, since she felt the exact same way about him. 

Y/n was about to answer when Pepper came into the room. "Tony do you know where..." she spotted Morgan. "Oh, um, what is this?" 

"I asked you a question", Tony said ignoring Pepper.

"I have a better question: Why is it that your daughter has to find shelter at my house, cause you forgot to pick her up?", y/n asked him, she took a challenging stance and shoved Morgan a little bit behind herself, like she was protecting her. 

"AGAIN?!", Pepper was furious. She stood infront of Tony, arms crossed just like y/n. 

"Yes, again. Plus this time she was soaked. And would probably be sick tomorrow, if it wasn't for me"

Y/n looked at Peter. He seemed to have figured out, what it was that pushed her to come here. All her worry was sucked away by the anger he heard in her voice. He'd heard her this angry before and it had always been towards Flash. She was quite scary when she was this angry but Tony didn't seem to get the hint. Yet.

"And why would she look for a strangers help?" 

"Cause none of you have been available, which seems to be a pattern by the way, not just with her. Besides I'm not a stranger"

"Oh, Really?! And what's that supposed to mean?"

"She knows me for a while now."

"No, your judging of my parenting."

"Oh that. You're bad at caring for a child" Y/n said, "Not just you though some others too, especially those who could have cared for your other daughter. Y/n was it?"

Tony looked like he wanted to choke her. She dodged his hand and slipped behind him. 

"Don't you dare, speak her name, when you're the one who kidnapped her!!", he growled.

"Why would I have kidnapped her?", Y/n asked

"You have her badge!",Tony said earning a chuckle from Y/n.

"You really call yourself genius? If anyone kidnapped her they would have threatened you for your money, dumbass! Are you really that ignorant to think, it must have been someone that took her, instead of asking yourself if and why she left on her own?!", her tone was bitter. 

"And why would she do that?"


"You have no idea what you're talking about", Tony said taken aback.

"Don't I?", Y/n took her mask off. "Don't I really?" 

Silence filled the room. There were a few gasps from the people who didn't know. 

"T-that's impossible", Tony said.

Y/n let out a bitter laugh. "You know what's sad? I was in New York since I left and you never managed to find me. But it was no surprise. If you'd known me, you would have known where to look. Now look me in the eyes and tell me you're a good father, Tony"

She looked at him and he gulped. Her gaze was terrifying. Silence filled the room. 

"That's what I thought." Y/n said. "Now I gotta go. Oh and Tony", she stopped on her way to the door and turned to him. "Make sure nothing gets Morgan to start doing this", she rolled up her sleeve to reveal her self harm scars. "Or I WILL fight you for custody. Now move", Y/n looked at the Avengers blocking the door and they made a path for her to get through.

The Avengers looked at each other in shock for a few minutes and quietly went back. When they came back to the party, there was no trace of her. 

A/N: MY favorite Chapter so far!!! What do you think will happen next?

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