Chapter 25 Warning

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Nat pov

When Steve and I walked through the entrance to Stark tower I got nervous. I knew Stark was gonna wanna know what happened and we had to tell him the truth. But how do you tell a father his newly found daughter is pregnant? I mean seriously how? Do you walk up to him and just say it or do you wait for the right moment? Is there a right moment? It's just always awkward afterwards or is that just my head where all the scenarios turn out bad. 

"So I'm judging by the look on your faces it didn't go so well", Bruce said, as we sat down to eat. Everyone was there except Peter and well Morgan, who had decided she wanted to stay at y/ns for dinner. "No", Steve said shortly. "What happened?", Wanda asked. "We followed their car to the mall" "She's got a nice ride that's for sure", I interrupted Steve. "So what? She's rich?", Pepper asked.  I nodded "Seems so. Tony that's not your money right?" He shook his head. "I may be oblivious to many things but not my bank accounts. Apparently she got rich by herself." 

"Anyway" Steve shot me a glance. "We followed them and a friend of y/ns through the mall, until y/n got a phone call.", He paused and I picked up. "As soon as she talked to who ever was on the other side she spotted us, it was like she was searching for us.", I added. "And when she saw us she marched over and said if any of us ever spy on them again she will organize a security team. We have no idea who was on the other side of that phone call, but they must've known" 

"That's what she said?", Tony asked, thinking he misheard. "Jup", I nodded and looked away. I mean I had known it wasn't the best strategy to follow them, but we had been curious. This had been absolutely counterproductive.

The meal went relatively normal after that. We talked about missions and pranks. We had a laugh or two at the last nerve war and were making bets to who would win the next one. I was glad there was some kind of normal feeling after the day we just had, but y/n kept appearing on my mind and I knew I had to tell Tony. Steve and I looked at each other over and over again. Seriously how do you tell somebody something like this. 

While the team talked some more, Steve and I stayed relatively quiet through the whole meal. "ok you two what else are you hiding?" Tony said, knowing something was up."Did you two kiss or something or why are you staring at each other uncomfortably?"  Steve and I looked at each other. We didn't know what to say. "Tony there's something you should know...", I hesitated "mhm", he looked at me while drinking water. Well here goes nothing "Y/n, she's pregnant" Tony spat out what he was drinking and the team looked at us shocked. There was an awkward silence as I had expected. This was uncomfortable. Tony looked at Steve for some kind of conformation and Steve just nodded.  "And Morgan knew?", I hear Tony whisper. "By who?" he asks louder. All Steve and I could do was shrug. We had no idea, maybe it was the guy on the phone. 

When I went to his office to  check on Tony, he was sitting on his computer. Somehow he had pulled up the security footage of the mall today and was replaying it over and over again. "You shouldn't hack into other companies", I said. He didn't respond. His eyes were glued to the screen and he looked like a zombie "Tony" He looked up. "What?", he asked. "That isn't gonna help you, if you really want somebody to tell you something about them you need to build trust" "Is that lesson number one in assassin training?" "it is but it is also important in the real world. If you have wronged someone they aren't gonna forgive you with a snap of the fingers. You need to earn it. And as much as it pains me to say this: we've wronged her over years and Morgan has realized that. That's why she doesn't tell you anything about y/n she wants y/n to trust you enough to tell you herself. You have to work for it"


"Did you talk to Tony?", Steve asked as I entered the room. I nodded. "Yep." "How is he?" "He feels betrayed" He let out a sigh. "She had all right not to tell him or us" "She did", I agreed. "I'm gonna update Clint on his favorite niece you got anything I could write? you know except the pregnancy?" He shook his head. "Not really. But when you're finished, would you like to spar a little bit?", he asked. "Sure, if you want me to kick your ass Supersoldier" He laughed. "Keep dreaming. "I don't need to dream, I only need to remember the last five times, you always lose" "I still have more wins then you", he argued. "no If you look at the strokes on the whiteboard I'm pretty sure it's a tie" "So that's what the strokes are for?" "What did you think they were for?" "You using the scissor leg move" "I do not use it that often" "You do" "then what was the other row for if one is scissor leg move" He shrugged. "You doing poses" I rolled my eyes. "How about I make another list every time you use the word language or the phrase I can do this all day? Seriously it sounds like you're an old man. Oh wait" "Seriously?" "Yes now hop along super-soldier I have a friend to text"

He left the room and I finally had time to text Clint. When I was finished I went to the training room where Steve was waiting. We went three rounds. I won all of them by the way.

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