Chapter 7 Thinking (TW! rape)

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With a loud exaggerated sight Y/n leaned back in her desk chair. She'd been trying to figure out a new design for her summer collection but every time she came up with a design she threw it away instantly because she didn't like it anymore. Was it the mood swings of the pregnancy? It was a possibility.But were they supposed to happen in the first month? What was for sure though, was that she couldn't work with this blockade right now, so she closed her laptop. 

She flopped on the couch. She was sipping her normal tea. Her eyes started studying the ceiling. A memory popped up in her mind.

Start of triggerwarning

A 15-year old y/n was walking home from school as it had become her habit. She used to get rides from the Avengers but they started to forget more and more that they were supposed to pick her up. So she just walked. It was quite the distance but she didn't even notice that anymore. 

As she walked she heard a voice behind her. "Hey loser", it was Flashes voice. She sped up but he caught up with her anyway. He shoved her into the nearest alley and again a wall. "You answer when you're spoken to puppet", he said. "You're gonna pay" Two other boys held her on each shoulder. 

Y/n's memory was blurry from there. 

A few hours later she was still in that alley, shaken. Her abdomen and genitalia were hurting. She broke down in tears. She wasn't sure if it really happened but her pain said it did. Her memory was foggy but she was pretty sure she was raped. 

Y/n sat in that alley for a few hours. Balling her eyes out, shaking. She finally brought up the courage to stand up. It was about 20 minutes from there to the tower. Still shaking, she took out her phone from her backpack which was lying a few meters away. She called her dad. It rang and rang and he didn't pick up. She tried ringing Steve, Natasha, Bruce and Pepper. She knew Clint wasn't at the tower but with his family, he couldn't pick her up, so she didn't even try.

Y/n walked through the cold night. She arrived at the tower at about eleven pm. As she walked to her room she heard her laughter in the living room. Her Dad and the others were playing  board game. All of them thinking she was already in bed. She held her tears back. The Avengers didn't care about her. They never did

When she arrived in her room she slid down on her closed door and broke down in tears. She cried the whole night. She wasn't the same after it either. Of course she wasn't, but the Avengers didn't seem to notice. They really thought she was just a moody teenager, that distanced herself from everyone. They let her have the distance. So of course they didn't notice her harming herself or not eating properly. They thought she was fine. 

End of trigger warning

Y/n wiped away the tears which had been forming in her eyes and gently placed her hand on her stomach. "I'll never let anything like that happen to you", she whispered. "You have the best father anyone could ask for. He'll take care of us" 

She reopened her laptop and clicked on a folder. It contained the video Peter made on Morgans birthday. She hadn't brought herself to watch it. She hadn't seen Morgan since she was three and didn't know what she looked like. Did she want to know? Yes. Did she want to be reminded of what she missed? No. Her finger hovered over the play button. She took a deep breath, then she clicked it.

Y/n watched as a eleven year old girl opened her present. It was Morgan. She had her fathers hair and her mothers smile. Y/n couldn't believe how similar Morgans face to Peppers was. But the brown hair and the sarcastic comment she let out as she opened the present where definitely from her father. She was happy. That's all Y/n ever wanted for her.

Y/n had to laugh as she saw Morgans shocked, yet excited face when she saw what was inside the box. It was the reaction she had hoped for. She replayed the video over and over again just to see a small aspect of what Morgans life looked like. 

She also noticed the other people in the video. It was mainly Tony who kneeled beside Morgan throwing a confused look at Peter, when he realized what was in the present. Nat in the background had apparently gotten a new haircut. Y/n rolled her eyes at it. Bruce was quietly sitting on a couch. Wanda was with Clints kids, who he brought with him. Cooper and Lila were much taller then when Y/n knew them. And who was that with Steve? Did Clint have another kid. It seemed so. His wife Laura was sitting in the corner watching as Steve played with their youngest son. Pepper wasn't on the video. Y/n assumed she was filming too.


"I'm home", Peter said as he opened the door. "Hey Babe", Y/n responded. She hugged him and pulled him in for a kiss. She thanked him for the video. "You finally saw it?", she nodded. "It was the best thing you could have ever done for me." he smiled. "You sure", he pointed at her stomach. "I think in eight months you'll change your mind about that" "Is that so?", she asked teasingly. "Yes it is" She pulled him in for another kiss. This one led to a full make out session.

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