Chapter 37 Normality and identity

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It was a Wednesday afternoon, when the Avengers came home from a mission to a surprise. Y/n was sitting on the couch of their living room, reading a book. It was September and she was already wearing her new collection of clothes. Which of course the Avengers just thought was because she was rich, and not because she could be the Spiders-dame

When they came in they all just stood there, too stunned to speak. All except for Peter, who she had warned that morning. Then Morgan walked in, in her hands a bowl of chips. She sat down beside y/n and took out a magazine. Y/n looked up at them, when she felt them staring at her. "Do I have something on my face?", she asked. "What are you doing here?", Tony asked confused. "Causing you all to have a stroke apparently", she answered and Morgan let out a giggle. "I'm serious", Tony said. "What, I thought you wanted to reconnect with me. Here's your chance. Besides I haven't met everybody from the team yet.", she put her book down. 

The Avengers hesitantly sat down. Peter purposefully sat on the other side of y/n, so she did have her two favorite people in the tower next to her. Besides he was getting more and more protective over her. She was in her third trimester now, eight months pregnant, and he didn't wanna let anything happen to her. Slowly the team started chatting. Y/n started talking to Sam and Bucky, who challenged her and Morgan to a round of Mario kart. Y/n happily agreed. It took her a while to get back into the game, since she hadn't played it for over seven years, but eventually she started to threaten both Morgan and Bucky for the first place. They were all constantly swapping places, only Sam didn't have a chance. "Ok, that's it I give up. Peter you wanna play?", he handed him the controller and now it was anybody's game. And so all four of them started playing really dirty, by pushing each other lightly or pushing buttons on each others controllers. But they were laughing, y/n was laughing. The other Avengers stopped what they were doing just to watch. They couldn't remember the last time she had laughed like that, at least not in front of them.

It was around seven when the door rang unexpectedly. "Who is that?", Steve asked. "Pizza delivery", Y/n shrugged. "You ordered Pizza?", Bruce asked. "Yeah, Morgan and I. She hacked your last orders to find out which one and I ordered.", y/n explained. "Ok you are officially my favorite Stark", Sam said. "I'm not a Stark", y/n mumbled only for Morgan, Peter and Wanda too hear, who had to laugh. "What's so funny?", Sam questioned. "Nothing, I appreciate it", she said smiling and the others just had to hold their laughter in more. Luckily there was a distraction. 

Tony went to open the elevator to get the pizza, but it opened and revealed five figures all holding pizza boxes. "Clint! What are you doing here?", Nat asked surprised. "I was invited", he responded. "By one of my two favorite nieces" The Barton family put down the pizza boxes and started greeting everyone. "Hey uncle Clint", y/n said as she hugged him. Then she knelt down to see the only Barton sibling, that she didn't know. "Hey, I'm y/n and you are?", she asked in a quiet tone to not scare the kid. "Nate", he said quietly. "Nice to meet you Nate", With much effort she got back up. "You didn't tell me about that", Clint pointed to her stomach. "Yeah, sorry, I knew Nat kept you updated.", she said apologetically. "How far along are you?" "Eight months" "So you already were...", she nodded. "Y/n?", she turned around to see her cousins. "You are one hell of a cousin", Copper Barton said. Wow his voice was deep compared to the last time y/n had seen him. She couldn't remember how many years younger he was compared to her, but he had to be around 19 now. Lila hugged her. "I knew you were alive", she whispered in y/n's ear. "No you didn't !", Cooper told her. His 17 year old sister rolled her eyes. "Yes, I did". "Congrats by the way", Copper said looking back at y/n. "Thank you" 

As everyone sat down at the table Lila held, y/n back by holding her arm. "Just wanna make sure I read the room right. That child is definitely Peters right?", she whispered. Y/n looked at her shocked but nodded. "No-one except for Peter, Morgan and Wanda know that, so don't say anything" "Of course not, that would spoil the fun" "Now, you are one hell of a cousin", y/n whispered mimicking Cooper to Lila. Lila laughed. "That impression was accurate"

And so they sat down at the table and everyone started eating. Peter sat next to y/n again and they held hands under the table, without anybody else noticing. Everyone was talking about something else and they were just enjoying themselves, they were mostly talking about things that happened in the tower, like prank wars and so on. "Oh y/n. I think I found you a worthy pool opponent.", Tony said gesturing to Peter. "Really?", she seriously didn't know that. She looked at her husband with a curious expression. "You're good at pool?" "Yeah, I didn't know were either, until Tony told me at a get together.", he responded. "A shame I can't play at the moment", she said. "I can wait." "Can you?", she said hinting at the many make out sessions they had had the last few months. "Yes, with beating you sure", he responded "with everything else no", he whispered only for her to hear. "Ok then"

After they ate. The 'kids', meaning the younger generation, meaning Y/n, Peter, Morgan, Cooper, Lila and Nate, went back to playing Mario Kart and the older generation was catching each other up on missions. After a while they started to watch the 'kids' playing. Without them everything seemed fine. They were having a blast and their good mood was contagious. The Team sat back down on the different couches and some of them joined back in the game. 

"Hey, give that back", y/n said to Peter, when he stole her pillow. He was hanging from the ceiling and dangling it in-front of her. "If you give me the controller" "No way" "then no pillow" "Then you don't get dessert" "you made dessert?", he got down from the ceiling. "Maybe" "that was a yes or no question" "No, May did, you know I'm a catastrophe, when it comes to backing" "That is true" "I heard there is dessert", Tony said. Y/n rolled her eyes. What was it with the men in her life and sweets. "oh I want some too", Morgan said. Scratch that, what was it with all the people in her life and dessert?

And so they all ate dessert. While they were eating Bruce had to ask a question again that was bugging him. "So y/n who exactly is the father of your child", Y/n, Morgan, Wanda, Lila and Peter all gulped simultaneously. "Why do I get the feeling more people, then people we thought, know this?", Nat asked seeing their reactions. "I have no idea what you're talking about", y/n said. "Those four know a 100%", Bucky pointed at the four people in question. "Ok, but they figured it out all by themselves and so you can too" "How? Bruce and I have researched every single guy you went to school with, they don't match", Tony said. "What a shame", y/n laughed. "No people reading skills", she whispered to Lila. "No they're just in denial" "You could be right about that" 

It was getting late and y/n wanted to go to her old room, before she went home, to see if there was anything she could need for the baby. So she excused herself to the bathroom and went to her old room instead. It was exactly like she'd left it, except for the fact that her mess had been cleaned up. So she went through her room, looking for anything useful. She was about to step on a latter to reach the top shelf, when a voice stopped her. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, especially in your state of pregnancy", she turned around to see Pepper standing in the door frame. "What are you doing down here?", she asked. "I thought you might come here", she looked around the room. "Do you miss it?" "No, I never really considered it home. I didn't have a comfort person" "I'm sorry", Pepper said as she stepped on the latter to get the box down. "Oh I don't blame you. You had your own stuff to deal with. First the adjusting to being CEO, then pregnancy and then Morgan. I just popped up out of nowhere" "Still, I wish I would've helped" Y/n opened the box. It contained her old designing books. She immediately put it away and opened the next one. The designing books weren't what she was looking for. The other box contained her old baby stuff. Now this is getting somewhere.  

Meanwhile Pepper was looking at the books. "What's this?", she asked. "some old scrap books", y/n said. Pepper opened one. She flipped through the pages of dresses in incredible detail. The different colors and shapes fascinated her. Then she realized this was y/n's work. She looked at her and back at the book. The more she looked through the book the more she seemed to recognize the style until she got to a page with a logo in it. She had to catch her breath. The logo was the logo of Spiders-web. She immediately shut the book and put the box back.What she was doing was wrong y/n would tell her when she was ready. Y/n was finished looking for her baby stuff and put most of it in her bag. "Thanks for the help Pepper.", she said and they went back up stairs.

Soon Peter and Y/n said goodbye to the others, as they were the only ones not sleeping in the tower and drove home. 

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