Chapter 38 Vacation

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It was unusual for Peter to call a meeting, especially in the middle of the day. So the team was surprised to say the least, when he called for a personal meeting with them on a Saturday afternoon. Although it was surprising and on a short notice they all showed up.Maybe they thought it was so strange that they all wanted to know what was going on. They all looked at him curiously and it was almost instantly quiet as soon as the meeting could start. 

Peter was nervous, he had never done this. He hadn't stood before them in such a formality asking a question that should be out of question. But the way he was gonna word it, would be sounding selfish. Of course he knew he wasn't being selfish, but maybe he couldn't present it that way and the whole thing could go wrong. 

"So? What do you want?", Steve took the lead as always. "I wanna talk to you guys about something", Peter said. "No two things actually" "Go on then", Nat waved her hand in a 'the stage is yours' manner. "ok so", Peter took a deep breath. "Iwanttwodaysoffaweekandatwomonthvacationstartingnextmonth", he mumbled very fast. "I'm sorry I didn't catch that...", Tony said confused. "I want two days off a week and a two months vacation starting next month", Peter said louder and clearer. The room fell quiet. It was an unusual request and they had never had someone ask for this much. 

He looked through the room to catch their reactions. Natasha looked proud, Wanda smirked and Steve looked confused. The others were all just gaping. "Second free day, okay, I can get behind that. But why do you need a two month vacation?", Tony asked. Peter shrugged "I never had something like that, I was always at school or doing Spiderman related stuff" "You realize you won't get paid for two months?", Tony made sure. "Yep", Peter said popping the 'p'. "What happens if we need you?" "I doubt it will happen, but i'll see it in the TV" Tony shook his head: "You really thought this through, haven't you" "Yes, I have" "Fine you get the vacation, Meeting dismissed" "thanks", Peter walked over to Tony and hugged him. Then he walked out. "Hey what would you have done if I said no?", Tony called after him. Peter turned back around and said with a straight face: "Quit". Tony was taken aback by this. "I pay you more then 100'000 dollars a month", he louder as Peter started to walk away again. "And yet my wife makes more than me", Peter called over his shoulder. And with those words he was gone. 

The team looked at each other, shocked. He had said wife, not girlfriend. Wife. "Did any of you-", before Tony could finish the question Wanda, Nat and Clints hands shot up. "Why didn't you tell me? And since when?" "Well", Nat started. "As we were noticing more and more stuff he was hiding I started to pay more attention to him and noticed he was wearing a ring. I wanted to know since when he had it and did some research. It was shortly after his 18th birthday when he started to wear it. Clint pointed out that it looked like a wedding ring and I asked him at one of our house parties if it was one", she explained. "impressive", Sam commented. "And you couldn't tell me about your detective work why?", Tony asked. "Cause you'd freak out", Nat looked at him as if it was obvious. 

Peter was ecstatic, when he got home. That was until he saw his wife stabilizing herself with one on the couch, not looking too well. Her other hand was holding her Stomach and she was breathing irregularly. "You okay?", he rushed to her side. She took deep breaths and calmed a little. "What is it?", he asked helping her sit down at the couch. "Braxton Hicks", she mumbled. "Again?",it was the third time this week. She nodded. "it's getting annoying", she complained. "Well tell me if I can do anything to help you" She nodded.

After a while, when everything calmed down, they started cooking dinner together and sat down to eat. "Why were you so happy when you came in?", Y/n asked her husband. "I got the extra day off and the two month vacation" She smiled. This was good. Y/n had been very anxious how she would handle to care for her baby all alone in the first weeks, but now that problem had been solved. "it also might have slipped out that I have a wife", he said. And y/n laughed. "Sometimes I really wonder how you managed to keep us a secret for so long" "Ouch", he said, dramatically putting his hand over his heart. "You wound me" "Don't be such a drama queen. You have had literals stab and bullet wounds." 

After putting away the dishes they went to get ready for bed. Y/n sat down their bed, groaning. "Why does my back hurt so much?", she said. "Here", Peter said sitting down behind her and giving her a massage. Y/n let out a quiet moan, as he slowly massaged her back from top to bottom. "that's for all the massages you've given me, after some fights", he whispered. He stood back up and was about to put on a shirt but she stopped him. "You don't need that", she said pulling him into their bed. they were facing each other and gazing into each others eyes. After a while Peter started to rub y/ns belly and she started tracing some of his old scars with her index finger. She knew all of them. Some were bullet wounds some, were knive wounds. She was there  for him after most of them happened. She liked, that he wasn't ashamed of them, especially not in front of her. It reminded her that she wasn't the only one who had been through tough times and that the universe didn't have anything against her. It made her feel special that she could share her problems with him and he would share his with her. The wounds on their bodies were a reminder of what they had fought together. With that thought she fell asleep. 

Only to be awoken by the little spider inside of her at one a.m. in the morning. She stood up and walked around a bit in the dark. In her experience this could make the baby go back to sleep. Sometimes she needed a vacation of her tired body. The little spider inside her had different ideas and she ended up being awake for an hour before finally not feeling it kicking her anymore and going back to bed and hoping it wouldn't wake her again. 

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