Chapter 11 Lockscreen

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"And I win again", Tony said. "Can we please play a game where math isn't involved?", Natasha asked. She was tired of Tony winning just because his brain was faster at math then hers. It was game night at Avengers Tower. The winner of each game could pick out the next one. Tony won the first round and they played the same game over and over again. "Aw is the black widow sad because she lost.", Tony teased her. Natasha rolled her eyes. 

She looked around the table for somebody who would be on her side. Bummer Clint was at home with his family, he would've backed her up. Bruce wasn't there either, he went to bed early. "I agree with Nat. Can't we play something else?", Wanda commented and Natasha gave her a thankful glance. "Yes, please", Steve added. All three of them looked at the remaining four players. Pepper raised her hands in a defensive manner. "I'm okay with what ever you guys want to play", she said. "Aw come on why aren't you on my side", Tony complained, like a child that just found out he couldn't get a toy he wanted. He looked at Peter and Morgan with a 'don't disappoint me' look. 

"Actually", Morgan made an effort to stand up. "I need to talk to Peter for a second. It's important." Peter looked a t her in confusion. "Ok? Go ahead", Pepper said unsure what to say. "In Private", Morgan gestured Peter to leave the room with her and Peter stood up too. "About what?", Tony asked. "Oh, just something about school",Morgan said quickly. "Why don't you ask me?", Tony asked again. "Because you haven't been to school in a while", she shot back. "Oh, Tony just let them leave for a moment", Pepper said. "Thanks Mum"

As soon as both Peter and Morgan left the room the five adults started talking. "So cute she looks at him like he's her brother.", Wanda commented. "Yeah he's pretty much part of your family", Natasha added. "What are they talking about though?", Steve wondered. "It sounded important." "Yeah I wonder that two", Tony said "They tell me less and less about their lives." "Morgan is becoming more independent that's normal and good", Pepper said. "Yeah but I thought I knew Peter and it turns out I don't know he moved out", Tony said. "Hey look, after y/n it's great, that she has someone she see's more or less like a sibling", Natasha added. 

Suddenly the table vibrated. They all checked their phones to see who got a message and Natasha noticed that Peters phone had lit up. 'He must have forgotten it when he left the room.', she thought. She grabbed it to turn it off, but as she glanzed at the lock screen she paused.  

Peters lockscreen:

The Black Widow starred at it

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The Black Widow starred at it. She let out a gasp. And the teams attention was now directed at her. "What is it Red?", Tony asked. Without saying a word she turned the phone for everyone to see. The team starred openmouthed at the phone. All except for Wanda. She just rolled her eyes. "Wait, none of you knew he had a girlfriend?", she asked. "You did?", Steve asked. "Yeah of course. I can read minds. Besides how did you think he spent all of his Sundays. Why did you think he was so pissed when you tried to take some of them away? I thought he told you guys", she said confused. "He really doesn't tell me anything anymore", Tony said disappointed. "Oh don't be like that. Maybe he wanted to wait for the right moment", Steve shrugged. 

Natasha was shocked but a little bit proud of Peter. Not necessarily because he got a girlfriend but more of his hiding skills. Peter seemed like the type of guy, who was so innocent he couldn't lie, but he proved them wrong. Now Natasha was wondering what else he was hiding behind that facade of his. 

What kind of message Peter got was not clear. His phone was installed so that the only thing that was visible on the lock screen, was that the message came via What's App. Was it his girlfriend? It was a possibility. Or maybe it was another secret he was hiding from them. Either way Nat wasn't gonna be the one to make the mistake and search his phone, even if she was curious. She wouldn't like it either. 


About half an hour later Peter and Morgen reentered the living room. Both of them where laughing together and Peter was telling a story from when he was in high school. "Yeah and then she just threw him into the dumpster." "She should really come over", Morgan said between laughs. "I always hear you talking about Mj and Ned but they never show up here" "that's because they visit me at my apartment" "Well tell me when they come over I'm coming too" "Fine, but if you're gonna invite yourself, you may as well bring snacks" "I'll take it"

Tony, Steve, Pepper, Natasha and Wanda all looked in the direction Morgan and Peter came from. All of their faces except for Wandas showed a mixture of curiosity and disappointment.

"What's going on?", Morgan asked.

"We need to talk to Peter for a sec, can you wait outside?", Tony said.

"No, you can say it in front of me.", she replied dismissing him.

"What do you wanna talk about?", Peter asked. 

"Just the fact that you don't tell me anything anymore", Tony looks at him with a disappointed Dad face.

Behind Tony Natasha holds the phone in the air and Peter immediately understands the gesture. "How much of my phone did you search?" 

"Where you ever gonna talk to us about the fact that you have a girlfriend?", Tony continues.

"Are you ever not gonna invade my privacy?", Peter snaps back snatching his phone. "I'm not a criminal you can investigate without any kind of consent. Maybe you should actually talk to me like a normal work colleague and trust me with some of your personal stuff, like I don't know the fact that you had another daughter. THEN maybe, I'll trust you with my personal stuff. You don't get to grill me about my personal life, because even if you want it to be you aren't my father." With those words Peter left the room leaving most of the Avengers stunned. Morgan quickly followed him.

Nat sat in her seat uncomfortably. 'Peter knows something", she thought. 'He knows something about Tony and judges him for it. Otherwise he wouldn't have reacted that impulsive. But what?' She wondered if it was something she also didn't know or if she was aware of it and it just had been hidden from him and he had found out. Natasha looked over to Steve. He didn't look comfortable. He glanced back at her and gestured for them to leave the room. 

"Something on your mind?", he asked. She shrugged. "I feel like there is something deeper that Peter is holding against Tony.", she said. "What do you mean?" "It's a hunch. I think Peter knows something about Tony and it causes him to resent him" "like what?" "Trust me if I knew I would tell you. But I have no clue" "Maybe Peter is just tired of being treated like he is a child", Steve shrugged. "I know what that's like" "Yeah I forgot, you were tiny once, I saw the picture in your file", Natasha laughed at the thought. Steve shook his head. "Ha ha ha, funny" 

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