Chapter 29 Questions and vague Answers

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Y/n woke up to a bright light blinding her. She squinted her eyes and opened them more carefully a second time, before looking around to figure out where she was. The light was coming from the big window across the room. It must have been morning, since the sun wasn't hight yet. Y/n felt that she was lying on a white bed. It wasn't as big as her bed at home but just as comfortable. There was a clock in the room and it said 7 a.m. She discovered that there was an IV in her left arm. She tried to sit up, but did it to fast and her head started pounding, so she flopped back into bed. 

Suddenly she heard snoring. She turned around to see her husband sitting in a chair right next to the bed. It brought a smile to her face. He was so cute when he slept. Why was he in his Spiderman outfit though? Then it hit her: The kidnappers, the drink, the video call. She must've fainted after he brought her to the tower. She didn't know if it was the pregnancy or the drug but  the swinging certainly didn't help. 

She rubbed her belly. She had no clue if her baby was okay. It may as well be dead at this moment. She started to panic a little bit. Her breath got faster and she felt like she was having a panic attack. Just then. She felt a kick. Relief washed over her like a wave of cold water. "Thank you she whispered to her baby" That timing really had been perfect. 

Y/n looked at Peter a few more minutes and then decided to wake him up. She tapped him on the shoulder and intertwined her hand into his. "Babe", she whispered. "Wake up". Peter shot up almost immediately. When he looked at her relief washed over his face. He pulled her into a hug and she could hear his breathing slow down. "Oh my god, i was so worried." , then her pulled back, his hands still on her shoulders. "Why wouldn't you tell me, they drugged you?", his tone was serious. "I didn't wanna worry you", she replied, knowing she should have told him. "Sorry". He pulled her back in. "Never do that again", he whispered. "I won't" "Promise me" "I promise" "How are you feeling?", he asked. "Weirdly refreshed", she responded. "Refreshed?" ""I can't explain it either trust me" "Okay do you want me to call Bruce?", he asked. "I don't want you to but it's what you have to do isn't it" "or we could leave" "I don't think it works that way", she chuckled a little bit. "Fine I'll call him"

About half an hour later Bruce came into the room. Peter had left by then to go on his usual patrol. When Bruce came in he did some tests to see if y/ns blood pressure and so on was normal. Y/n knew the whole procedure. It was like every other doctors appointment. Bruce didn't utter a word if not necessary. He just gave her instructions. But Y/n knew once he was finished there would be questions, from him, Tony or any other Avenger. She wasn't looking forward to that. She was pretty sure anyway that there were some Avengers already watching through the one way mirror on the wall. After about half an hour, when Bruce was finished with seeing if the baby was okay too, he left again. Now y/n was certain somebody was watching. 

"It's easier to talk to me without watching through a window, you know", she called in that direction. The door opened and Wanda stepped in. "I didn't know, if I should come in or not", she said. "Are there others on the other side?" Wanda shook her head. "We haven't officially met. I'm Wanda", she offered her hand to shake and y/n shook it. "Nice to finally meet you", y/n smiled. She liked Wanda. Even though the most thing she knew about her came from Peter, and she didn't know her personally. "How are you?", Wanda asked. "Better, I feel like I 100 year nap. It's kinda refreshing", she laughed.

Then there was a silence that filled the room. Both of them didn't know how to start a conversation with one another. But y/n found something she wanted to say. "oh, thank you for keeping our secret, I would've known what to do with myself then if it was leaked." "No problem, I don't tell secrets that aren't mine to tell.", Wanda smiled at her briefly. "I'm sorry for all that's happened to you" "Me too, I-i mean I'm sorry for what's happened to you", y/n pointed at Wanda. "Um i would brace yourself, people are coming", Wanda said. "And their thoughts are pretty loud.", she exaggerated the t in "pretty", which made y/n smile.

Bruce came back into the room. So did Tony. Peter stood by the door. He tilted his head in the direction of the mirror, showing y/n, that the rest of the team was behind it. Y/n looked at him and nodded. Wanda went to the rest of the team behind the mirror.

"Peter come in", Tony said when he saw him standing at the door. "We need to talk to you too". At that comment Peter walked in and stood beside y/ns bed and y/n just raised her eyebrows at Tony. "So", Bruce started. He looked both curious and concerned. His attention was focused on Y/n. "I first want to talk to you about the substance the kidnappers gave you" "What about it?" "It was a normal sleeping pill" "Okay....So I just fell asleep" "Not exactly...", Bruce hesitated. "Y/n the dose in which they gave it to you, should've killed you or at least your baby" "Oh", Y/n briefly looked at Peter and he looked at her. She could've died or what would've been even worse for her, she could've lost her child. But she didn't. For the first time she felt like faith was on her side. But Bruce was not finished. "Any idea why it didn't kill you or your child?", he asked. Again y/n looked at Peter for a second. They both had the same idea. It was possible that the child had some sort of Peters genetic mutation and that was protecting both the child and her. But that was something she wouldn't tell Bruce. Neither of them would. Instead y/n just shook her head. "No. I have no idea" "Tell me if you find out something", he said before leaving the room. "Sure"

Now Tony was standing in front of her. "Look Y/n I-", he started. "No, I don't want to hear your apologies, just ask the questions I know you have and get this over with. I have somewhere to be.", she interrupted him. "You can't..." , he pointed at her, trying to show her that she wasn't in the condition to go anywhere at the moment. "Wanna find out?", she challenged him and made an effort to stand up. "Okay I get it " He let out a sigh and took a deep breath. 

"Why were you so calm?I mean your life was on the line and you just talked normally" "I knew he was gonna save me", she pointed at Peter. "But you didn't have a tracker on." Y/n looked at Peter and he handed her her watch. He had been holding on to it since she couldn't wear it when Bruce was doing tests. With the click of one button y/n activated the watch and Peters watch started beeping. He held it up for Tony to see. Tony saw that it named the location of y/ns watch. "Who made that?", he asked. "Me", Peter said to Tonys surprise. "And how did you know he was Spiderman?" "I found out in high school", y/n shrugged. "It's pretty obvious, when your friend always disappears with a lame excuse." A smile of satisfaction crept on her face, when she saw Tonys jaw drop. Peter protested "Hey my excuses are not lame!" "Really?", y/n looked at him. "Do you want me to list a few?" "I'm good thank you" Which led to y/n smiling at him triumphantly. 

"Any more questions?", Peter asked. "Yeah, did you know she was alive this entire time?", Tony said in an angry tone. "Yes I did. And before you come at me: Who do you think was there to talk to her when you weren't? Who helped her get over the fact, that she was raped? Who stopped her from cutting herself? Who pulled her back, before she had the chance to kill herself? When you weren't there for her I was. Now I'm not a backstabber, so I don't tell my boss, who don't know half as well as my friend, that his daughter lived at my house for three years, when he doesn't even tell me that he had another daughter.", with those words he left the room. And y/n had a triumphant grin on her face. 

"Anything else?", she asked her father. "Just one thing: Who is the father of your child?", He asked. Y/n knew this question would come sooner or later. And she just laughed bitterly. "You really think, I would tell you that?"

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