Chapter 28 Scans and Secrets

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Peter swung y/n to the tower and she was clinging on to him as good as she could. She was feeling nauseas. That was weird, she used to love swinging with him. Well it was possible that the drink the kidnappers drugged to get her, still had some effects on her body. But she didn't want to worry Peter so she said nothing. Each swing made it worse. 

When they landed she stumbled. Peter immediately caught her. "I got you, I got you", he whispered. The Avengers came running out, to the platform where they had landed. When they saw how unsafe she was standing on her feet, they rushed to her. Y/n however flinched and Peter  stepped in to build a barrier between the Avengers and her. His mask was long gone from his head and he looked extremely concerned. He shook his head at the Avengers. "Don't she doesn't need that kind of stress too."  He picked her up and carried her bridal style into the lab. "Hey you still there?", he asked her as he'd noticed her getting less stable. "Yeah I'm fine she practically slurred. Just then she slipped out of consciousness. 

"Bruce", Peter called when he saw her body go limp. Bruce was by his side right away and rushed to clear a bed in the hospital floor for y/n. Peter put her down. "I think they drugged her with something", he said trying to catch his breath. Bruce connected her to some wires and set up some tests. Peter got rid of any jewelry she'd been wearing, so that Bruce didn't need to. Peter knew the test coming up and jewelry wasn't supposed to be on the body at that time. To b e honest Peter was surprised that y/n still had any jewelry on her since the kidnappers wanted money and the watch was at least worth a few thousand dollars.

The rest of the Avengers stood by the door observing what was going on. They were all still pretty shook by y/ns statement about being raped and were thinking when it could've happened. Tony meanwhile could not see his daughter like that and was sitting against the wall with his head buried in his knees. His head was spinning.He was asking himself so many questions about the past and the present: How could this have happened? Why was he such a bad father? Was he just like his dad? Or worse? What did the kidnappers do to her? Why was she so calm? And how did Peter know where she was? How did he know she was in trouble before anyone else?How much more did he know about y/n than he let on?

The whole time Bruce was doing the tests Peter was standing beside the bed frozen. He was in a trance. Not once did he take his eyes off the love of his life. He wouldn't know what to do if she didn't make it. She was his light. If she didn't push him to do the right thing, he would have stopped being Spiderman a long time ago. 

Bruce was mumbling, while he was working. He was asking questions he didn't think anyone in the room was able to answer. Y/n's medical file was nowhere to be found and he couldn't remember her medical history, besides it wasn't like he could ask her in her state. So he just mumbled. "How long is she pregnant?", he asked quietly. In his mind he was playing the guessing game: She had to be around four to six months. What he didn't expect was an answer. "Twenty three weeks almost six months", Peter said in barely a whisper. Bruce looked up at him, shocked. But Peter didn't seem to register that he just said that or that Bruce was taken aback by his answer. Peter was in a trance, unable to move there was a storm inside his head, one that would only go away if y/n woke up, healthy.

Bruce did a few tests. Before Tony was able to join him and Peter got back to reality enough too leave the room. The three remaining members the team meanwhile were in the living room, discussing what they'd just learned. When Peter entered it fell quiet. He just walked to the kitchen and grabbed a drink, one with alcohol. That was when they knew something was wrong. Peter would never under any circumstances drink any alcohol, he'd always refuse. Wanda shot up, walked over, grabbed the glass out of his hand and dumped it in the drain. He just stared at her, blankly. She looked over to the others, who were now sitting there confused. She put her arm around his shoulders and walked him out. And Nat and Steve were left dumbfounded in the living room. And Nat decided to call Clint to catch him up on his favorite niece. 

Wanda didn't know where to take Peter, since he didn't have a room in the tower, so she took him to hers. She sat him down on her couch and crouched down before him. As soon as she did that, she could hear his irregular breath and saw that he was shaking. Peter was trying hard to keep his emotions in. He looked like he could use a hug, so that's what she did. She pulled him in to hug him and he started to sob into her shoulder. Wanda rubbed his back. "She's gonna be okay." , she said slowly "Everything is gonna be fine". At least she hoped it would. She honestly couldn't tell. But she had to comfort him, so that's what she did. He pulled back and looked at her. His eyes red. The only thing he got out of his mouth was: "What if I was too late?" 

"Seems like they gave her some sleep inducing drug", Bruce said after testing y/n's blood. "How's the baby?", he asked Tony, who was making an ultrasound. "I don't know a lot about this kind of stuff, but it seems to have a heartbeat.", he responded. Bruce looked at the blood again and something shocked him. "Tony come look at this" Tony walked over to his lab partner. "You see this? This is the dose they gave her." "Yeah and?" "You don't understand that dose should have killed her, or at least her baby" "Why didn't it?" "I have no clue"

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