Chapter 41 Old and new rooms

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"Good morning Mrs Parker, it is currently nine a.m. and snowing in New York City.", FRIDAYs voice  awoke y/n on Christmas Day. Y/n looked confused around the room. Where did that voice come from? Then she remembered that she was at Stark tower. Her and Peter were offered to stay the night, since it had gotten quite late yesterday and Y/n had fallen asleep twice, before going to bed. Speaking of: Where was her husband? He slept at her room last night and yet there was no trace of him. "Hey FRIDAY? Where is Peter?", Y/n felt weird talking to the AI after so long. "Mr. Parker is currently in the kitchen. He told me to wake you." "Thanks Fri", Y/n put on a hoodie she had taken with her last night and some her trousers from last night. They were comfortable enough, plus it wasn't like she had anything in her room, that would fit her at the moment. 

"Morning", Y/n greeted everyone. They were all already in the kitchen and just sitting down to eat breakfast. Peter walked over to her and greeted her with a kiss. "Sleep well?", he asked. He knew she had trouble sleeping the last three months she had always been awake before him, so he was glad seeing her refreshed for once. "Yeah, but now I'm hungry", she laughed. Tony shook his head seeing the couple. "I'm gonna have to get used to this", he mumbled loud enough for them to hear it and smile at him. Peter planted yet another kiss on his wife, just for Tony and the team chuckled. 

"Here", Steve slid some Pancakes to y/n. They were her favorite, he knew that. They had often cooked together after all. "Thanks Steve", Y/n said but passed them back. "But I can't get myself to like them at the moment" He looked at her confused. "Pregnancy cravings", she said to clear up the confusion. "I'll take them", Peter said. And they were passed to him. 

As everyone began eating, Cooper seemed like he wanted to know something from y/n he sat very uncomfortably on his chair and stared over to her over and over again. "What do you wanna ask, Cooper?", she looked at her cousin amused by the expression on his face. "How come you told Lila who the father is but not me? She obviously knew", he asked in an accusing tone. Y/n laughed. What was he? five? "I told no-one. Peter knew obviously. Morgan figured it out after talking to Peter where to find me, Wanda read Peters mind and figured we were still together and your sister read the room right", she put one arm around Lilas shoulder. "Which seems weird considering two in here are spies and didn't read the room right", she looked over to Natasha and Clint. "Oh come on Tony did research on you and when Peter popped up on his screen he dismissed it. One heck of a genius he is", Clint argued. Y/n laughed at this."Really?", she looked over at her father. "Peter was the only option so you dismiss him? What kind of move is that?", she laughed. "I think we all were in denial", Tony defended himself. "Ok fair"

"You know I have to say, I respect how long you could hide all that from all of us, especially you Peter. It must have been hard lying to us sometimes.", Natasha came to word. Peter nodded. "The worst thing was the beginning, I could understand why y/n left but I knew the mission you were hiding was her and I wanted to see you guys less stressed. I knew I couldn't tell you but I Wass trying to persuade her to go back to you, to tell you she was fine." "Though life", Sam mumbled, loud enough for everyone to hear. They laughed. 


A few hours later y/n was getting all her stuff from her room. Peter was already finished and decided to go to the living room to not stress her. So there she was in her room. It didn't feel like her room though. It was different, the paint was from when she had moved in after her mother died, a broken girl. It had been an attempt to make the room look familiar and warm. But the bright purple, never truly showed who she really was. She'd never really been a people person. The room made it seem like she was. What she liked was her first attempted act of rebellion: she had started to paint the bottom of the wall in all different colors, that she had left from paining her dresses. She had felt like it was a waste to leave them dry, so she painted with them. Tony had put a stop to it, when he'd noticed, but he didn't get someone to repaint the wall in one color, so it stayed. The room never felt like home neither did the tower. But now it seemed like the tower did, just the room was a little outdated. Y/n had an idea what she could do with it. She smiled at the thought.

There was a knock at the door and y/n turned around to see her father leaning against the doorframe. "Am I interrupting something?", she shook her head. "No just looking at how much has changed.", she said. "You really didn't move anything, huh?" He shook his head. "No I couldn't bring myself to do it" "I wanna change it", she said. "there will be an order on your doorstep this week. Tell everyone who wants to participate they can change it as much as they want, as long as it has a nursery and a double bed." She stepped closer to him. "I may trust you in the future with my child, don't mess up." He looked her straight in the eyes and told her. "trust me I'll never make that mistake again" "Good" She pulled him in for a short hug and walked out of the room to find Peter. 

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