Chapter 16 Ring

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*Natasha Pov* 

Sometimes I really wish murder was legal. That was the thought that crossed my mind as I was walking into the room where team meetings are held. The two security guards down stairs had once again let someone through who wasn't supposed to and they had been physically incapable in retrieving the person. Guess who ended up doing their work for them? Me. Tony seriously needs to spend more money on security, but that dumbass was a cheapskate at the moment so... 

I sat down at my usual spot in the office and looked at my phone to see, if I had any other plans today. Thankfully there weren't any except training with Clint, who was coming to visit for a week.

The room was starting to fill with People. And I was not the only one who was noticing Peter didn't look..., what do you call it? Awake. Fully at least. He was resting his head on his right hand eyes closed until he was required to open them. 

Steve started the meeting as usual. He updated us about critical situations and recent problems. After his presentation we stayed a bit to talk and catch up. 

Tony looked me up and down with a judging look, but said nothing. "Is there something you wanna say Stark?", I asked.

"Are you wearing Spiders-web" , he asked displeased. I rolled my eyes he hadn't been a fan of that Brand since the owner of the company passed him on the list of the richest people alive after just existing for 4 years. 

"Yes", I state. "You got a problem with that?" 

He shook his head. But still looked at me. He was probably still trying to figure out who got that one present for Morgan that only contained that specific brand of clothes. My bet was on Parker he may not have the money for it but he did have the connections. He was probably one of the only People on the planet who knew who the Spiders-dame really was.

Speaking of Peter he was still sitting in a corner trying not to sleep. He looked innocent like that. Not at all like someone, who could hide anything from the world. And yet the more I thought about it, I had the least amount of information on him, out of all the Avengers. I didn't know where he lived, I didn't know who his girlfriend was or that he even had one up until a few weeks ago. 

I looked at him. He didn't look like he slept at all last night. Had he been out? On a Sunday? Innocent little Peter? How innocent was her really? Or was it something completely different? Did he have a nightmare or something? He was wearing a sweater and a comfortable looking pair of trousers. His hair was messy and his eyes had rings under them. I spotted one or two hickies on his neck and couldn't contain a smirk. I still kept looking at him. I felt like I had missed something, anything that could tell me more about him. 

Then I remembered. On his ring finger on his left hand he was wearing a ring. If you would've asked me a year ago if Peter Parker was wearing a ring I wouldn't have known the answer. I'd probably even said no. But ever since we'd found out more about him, like that he moved out or he had a girlfriend, I've noticed that I never knew he was wearing one because as soon as someone would pay attention to his hands he would hide his right arm slightly behind his back. He was good, I had to admit it.

As soon as I noticed that he had a ring, I started looking for clues, since when I'd missed that detail. Nobody ever snuck something under my nose before and I wanted to know how good he really was. So I started digging. I looked through photos we had of him starting with the ones taken when he started his "internship". I found out that he started wearing it about a week after his 18th birthday. How could I have missed something for 4 straight years?! 

This brought me to my next question: Why did he hide it every time someone looked at his hands? It almost seemed like he was ashamed to wear it. But that couldn't be the case, cause why wear something that you don't like? 


Later when I was training with Clint I was still asking myself the same question. It caused me to be unconcentrated and I was flipped on the back, Clint pressing me on the floor. 

"Ok, you wanna tell me what's going on, cause you're not the least bit concentrated", he said helping me up.

"Did you ever realize that Peter wears a ring?", I asked, knowing I could trust my best friend.

"A ring? Peter? No I didn't. Since when?", he looked at me in confusion.

"Four years"

"No way! I would've noticed that"

"No you would't have. I haven't either. But I recently started paying more attention to him and he always hides his arm when you look at his hands"

"Why would he hide it?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out"

We suddenly heard Peter walking past the door into the room next door, which was the workout room. We were in the sparing room which was connected through a door. That door wasn't fully closed. Clint and I snuck to the door and Clint immediately let out a quiet gasp when he got a look at Peters hand. Peter went over to the weight lifting section and wanted to start when he seemed to get a call. He answered it through his AirPods. 

"Hey, babe. Everything alright?"

Babe! He was talking to his girlfriend.

"Yeah of course I can get that. Should I do the full grocery shopping if I'm there anyway?"

Aww that's sweet of him.

"Yeah then I would be home at around seven" 

Wait he lives with her? I guess it makes sense.

"Great see you later. love you."

Clint and me went back to the training mat to not look suspicious. We trained for an other hour before we walked back to our respective rooms. At my room door Clint stopped me. 

"You know that ring Peter wears. It doesn't look like just ordinary jewelry, it has no specific pattern or something and it seems like he never takes It of.", he said

"What's your point? That he has bad taste?"

"No Tasha, I think it looks like a wedding ring", his face told me he was completely serious. 

I opened the door to my room and pulled him with me. Then I closed the door. I honestly didn't know what to think of his thesis. 

"Clint that's crazy. We would know if he was married"

"Would we?", he looked at me with a skeptical look. "We didn't know he moved out four years ago, we didn't know he had a girlfriend and we didn't notice a ring on his finger, if you want look at mine", he held up his hand and sure enough the ring was really similar to the one that Peter wore, but still.

"But Tony would know"

"No he wouldn't. He doesn't notice stuff like that"

"true... So how are we gonna prove that statement?"

"Ok that was a rethorical question because you already have a plan by how you're looking at me" 

"You caught me" 

"Great, so just keep me posted please,  because I have to get back home soon, so I probably won't be there when you do"

Why was I the one doing all the work at this place? Nonetheless I agreed to update him and we continued sparing. 

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