Chapter 39 Newsflash

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There were groans and complains when the Quinnjet landed on the platform at Stark tower. The Avengers one by one got out and dragged themselves back inside, most of them immediately walking to their rooms to take a shower and a nap. It was five in the morning and they had been on at four hour long mission all the way over in California. Every Avenger had at least one bruise. Well except for Peter who had a free day. It also hadn't been the most comfortable ride in the Quinnjet, considering they were so many people and the other jet was still getting repaired. 

So they all went to their rooms and didn't come back out until they had the morning meeting, that Cap had graciously moved from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. All of them showed up, but nobody was really present in the meeting. Steve who was the only one fresh after the few hours of resting, was a little annoyed at his teammates showing up in trainers and half asleep, but there was nothing he could do. 

Thankfully there weren't any major things happening, that the police couldn't handle, so the team was just relaxing. A few of them went out in the city and others spent time with their family. At the end of the day they all had a dilemma though. 

It wasn't uncommon, that a few people wanted the biggest TV in the Tower for themselves, but this night everyone wanted it. See, the thing with this particular TV was, that it wasn't just a TV it was a literal cinema screen and the room where it was, was a literal cinema, with red seats and even couches next to popcorn machines and candy. The problem was that every Avenger wanted to watch their own thing on the big screen. They could've just watched it on the TV in their rooms, but it was half as thrilling, so they were fighting. 

"Why should you get it? You had it yesterday", Sam pointed at Tony. "So? I built it so I should get to decide", Stark pointed out. "Can't we all just watch something together?", Wanda asked. "I vote Sitcom" "How bout an action movie?", Nat suggested. "Yeah, like we haven't enough action in our lives", Bucky commented. "Guys ,can't we just all stop fighting?", Bruce said too quiet for anyone to hear. "How about a fantasy movie?", Clint asked. "Or a Rom-com?", Rhodey said. "Or we can just watch the news, if you guys can't find something", Steve said, remote in hand turning on the news channel. "Oh no you don't", Nat started wrestling him for the remote. She got the upper hand, when she did one of her famous scissor leg move. Just as she was about to press a button to change the channel the News Lady said something that made her stop in her tracks.

"And there is some news in Business. According to the most recent informations from the fashion news blog, Spiders-web is doing a new collaboration. This time with an unsuspected Partner: Keener Technologies. According to our sources they will be collaborating on a new foundation which will finance education for children. It seems like the Spiders-dame is not finished donating yet" 

You could hear a pin drop in the cinema room in Avengers tower. The Team was staring at the screen, gaping. They knew Y/n had some business with Harley Keener and they knew from Natashas intel at the party that they had been talking about a foundation they wanted to build. There was no denying it: Y/n was the Spiders-dame. 

Tony was looking into nothingness. He was thinking, thinking of all the hints he'd missed, thinking of how his daughter was in-front of him the whole time. How she'd managed to get three million in a matter of years, how she was driving around in the most expensive car, how he had always told her not to waste her time on drawing, how the Spiders-dame always stayed before him on the rich list. There was a feeling in him, besides of the obvious feeling of regret, it was the feeling of pride. He was proud of her. Proud of her for doing her own thing, proud of her for not listening to him and his stupid words, proud of her for doing what she loved to do. A grin crept on his face and it grew into a smile. An honest smile.

The silence of the room erupted into chaos again. The team was discussing the new found information. Tony couldn't care less. He made his way back to his family's room and sat down at the couch. He googled the Spiders-Dame and went through a few articles: "Fans dub owner of the Spiders-web company the Spiders-Dame" "Spiders-Dame on top after two business years" "Spiders-dame beats Tony Stark to the top of the highest grossing people of the year list" "Spiderman models for Spiders-Dame" 

"I thought you wanted to watch something on the big screen", Morgan said, looking up from the book she was reading. Tony flinched. He hadn't noticed she was there. "Yeah", he said absent from reality. His mind was still spinning. "What happened?", Morgan asked. "Your sister is the Spiders-dame, but you already knew that, didn't you?", he turned to her. There was no insult in his tone he just wanted to make sure. "Yeah, I just had to connect the dots. When I asked her how much money she made, that she could afford such a big penthouse, she simply stated she made more than you. She was quite proud of it, actually" "She should be, it's quite the achievement to be the first woman ever to land on the top 10 of the richest people.", Tony said with a smile. "You're not mad at her?", Morgan asked. "No", he shook his head. "Okay then", Morgan stood up and gave him a kiss on his cheek "I'm going to bed, give mom a kiss from me", she walked over to her room. "Wait", Tony said. "how did you meet your sister?", he looked at her curiously. Morgan walked to her room and came back with a letter. "Here", she said, handing him the letter. "She wrote it before she left and Peter placed it in my room a few months ago, you can keep it. I've memorized it", with those words she left her Father alone with his thoughts and a letter. 

And he read it. Again and again and again. Now that he seemed to know the full backstory it hurt him over and over again. He thought of how painful it must have been for his daughter to write it and to leave the sister, she loved so dearly. Those were his final thoughts before he fell asleep.

A/N: If you don't remember what the letter looks like you can reread it in Chapter 10 The Letter. Thank you for all your support!! 

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