Chapter 24 Spying

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Peter pov

I didn't want to go to work on Monday. Y/n and me had had the best weekend ever and I didn't want it to stop. Unfortunately crime didn't take any vacation, so I had to be at the tower at 8:00 o'clock sharp, for the daily mission briefing. That is why I was swinging through the city this early in the morning trying  to make it on time. I was late. As always. Not a quality I was proud of...

At least it was warm already. It was the beginning of July and the mornings were already warm. Then again I didn't like how hot it could get in the afternoon.  

"Late again Parker", Steve commented as I stormed into the meeting. Geez, you could think I was back in Highschool. "Sorry" I mumbled. I quietly sat down in my seat so I could listen to what he had to say. Today he was mainly focused on how much information Tony and Bruce got on the new Killer that was roaming New Jersey. That was also the only task we had till further notice: Gather information. I also had to go on my daily patrol in Queens. It wasn't that hard really: Giving some directions, catching some smugglers and pickpockets. Nothing I couldn't handle. 

When I got back at about four p.m. I decided to look for either Nat or Steve to train my combat, but I couldn't find neither one of them. "FRIDAY where are Steve and Nat?", I asked the AI, hoping she could provide a good answer. "Captain Rogers and Agent Romanoff decided to follow Miss Stark after school." Why would they do that? "What made them decide that?", I asked "I reminded Mr. Stark that Morgan wouldn't be home right away, but get a ride from her sister."

"And they want to spy on them", I said disappointed and took out my phone. I had to warn Y/n. Luckily she picked up almost immediately. "Hey what's up?", she asked. "Hey where are you?", I asked. "At the mall why?" "I'm pretty sure the captain and the super spy are following you guys" "What?!" There was a small pause. "I'll call you later", she said angrily and hung up. 


third person pov

"I wouldn't drive up that close", Natasha said tho her co-worker, sitting in passenger seat of his car. "We don't want them to see us." "I know what I'm doing", Steve said annoyed "Just look if you can see either one of them." 

They where sitting in the car in front of Morgans school, waiting for her to come out and for y/n to show up. "Where are they?", Natasha was getting impatient. Just then she spotted Morgan walking out of the school. "Oh" Morgan walked over to the road and sat down on a stone. It didn't take long for a black, expensive looking sports car to arrive and she immediately opened the door and got in. 

Natasha and Steve were gaping. They looked at each other. "I didn't realize she was rich", Steve commented. "Me neither, now follow her". "Where do you think she got the money from?", Steve asked while following the car. "I don't know honestly. I think Tony would've noticed if it was his", Natasha replied. Steve nodded. 

They drove quiet a bit, before the car stopped in the parking lot of a mall. The two Avengers parked their car far away from y/ns and they needed to hurry too catch up to them. They walked into the mall behind the sisters and when they sat down on a bench Nat and Steve sat down in the restaurant behind them. They watched wondering what they were waiting for. They could hear them talking. "Thanks that I could come with you", Morgan said. "Oh, it's nothing you know you can come visit any time.", they heard y/n say. 

I little while after a girl with curly brown locks approached the sisters. "I know her from somewhere", Nat whispered. Steve nodded "She looks familiar.", he said. The girl hugged both sisters and said "Shall we?", she asked "I still don't know why I agreed to this", y/n said. "I could make the clothes myself" "But that would take the fun out of it", Morgan mentioned. "I mean it's just a waste of money..." "...Which you got plenty of" the brown haired girl said "come on loosen up a little" "Fine, where to first" Morgan grinned and pointed up. 

The now trio took the escalator up to the next floor, as Nat and Steve followed them in a safe distance. The two were surprised, when they took a turn into a baby boutique. "Why would they go in here?" Nat asked quietly, as they watched the girls looking through jumpers and shoes. Morgan held up a baby blue jumper that said: Little Prince. Y/n laughed. "It's cute, but we don't know what the gender is yet.", she said.

Wait, they're actually looking for baby clothes?, Natasha thought to herself. For who?

She shot Steve a questioning look and he shrugged. He was as lost, as she was. 

The Girls shopped a little longer, without noticing the two Avengers lurking behind them. They payed and went to a Coffee shop to relax. They were laughing and chatting about Morgans school and some of the teachers y/n or the brown haired girl seemed to recognize by the names. Nat and Steve sat down stood on the other side. They were close enough to hear y/ns phone call.

"Hey, what's up?", she seemed happy.

"At the mall why?", now concerned.

"What?!", and furious. she started looking around, as if she was looking for something. Then she discovered the two Avengers.  "I'll call you back", she said. She started marching over to them, arms crossed. And now at this moment both Nat and Steve saw, that she was pregnant. She wasn't even trying to cover it, it was July and all she was wearing was a tank top and shorts.

"Is this what the rest of my life is gonna consist of from now on?! You spying on me and Morgan?! You know you never cared before. And now suddenly we're interesting?! If you do this again I will  get a security team." , She turned on her heel and was about to walk back but she turned around again. "And that counts for ANY Avenger, so make sure they get the message." She walked back took Morgan by the hand and the three girls walked out of the mall. Leaving the two Avengers speechless.

"What do you guys want to eat for dinner?", y/n asked while driving to her home. "Peter mentioned that you make delicious macaroni and cheese", Morgan said in a persuading tone. "Oh no that is not true I make a mess in the kitchen when I make Mac and cheese.", Y/n denied. "Both of you make an excellent point, but we could make a deal.", Mj stuck her head through the two front seats. "And that would be?" "We cook Mac and cheese, invite Peter and Ned to eat with  us and they have to clean the kitchen", she grins. "Ok deal".

When they got home Peter was waiting there. He looked worried. Y/n gave him a kiss and whispered "thank you". "What happened?", he asked. "she gave them a badass warning", Mj replied. "Did you now?" She nodded. "They may now know that I'm expecting. But it was totally worth it." "Did you buy anything?", he changed topics. "Invite Ned over I'll make dinner and then you'll get to see" "Dinner?" "Morgan asked for macaroni and cheese" Peter looked over at Morgan with a disappointed look. "Couldn't you have asked for anything else?", he asked. "She always makes a mess in the kitchen." "Look it was recommended to me", Morgan raised her hands defensively. Now he looked at Mj. "Yes and Mj knows the rules of this house." "Which are?", Morgan asked. Y/n grinned. "If you don't cook you clean"

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