Chapter 43 Best and worst

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To recap: On the next day Peter awoke and decided to call Tony to ask if everything is okay. His Spider-sense had ben going haywire since the day before and he was wondering if the Avengers were in trouble. "Hey kid everything alright?", the voice of his father in law answered. "Yeah just wanted to know if everything is working out?", Peter said. "Yeah, of course" "great, thank you", Peter let out a sigh of relief and was about to hang up "oh Peter?" "Yes?" "Can you contact me if you know ...y/n goes into labor?" "Yeah sure"


It was about eight o'clock in the morning, when y/n walked into the kitchen. Peter was reading the newspaper, drinking some coffee at the table. Y/n walked to the stove to make herself some tea. She was about to set down her cup to fill it, when the pain in her stomach hit her like a wave. "Ow!", she called out and dropped her cup. Peter heard her and looked up. As soon as he saw her clutching her stomach, he rushed to her side. The cup was smashed on the ground. After about a minute the pain was gone and y/n stood straight again. She was about to crouch down and clean the broken pieces of the cup, when Peter stopped her. "What was that?", he asked her, looking her directly in the eyes. She shrugged "Braxton Hicks". "Since when do they hurt so much?" "Yesterday..." He raised his eyebrows at her and her face looked like she realized something. "You know my Spider-senses are going off since yesterday?" She looked down at the floor. "Why wouldn't you tell me?", Peter asked. "I didn't wanna worry you", she whispered. "I thought we're over that stage." "Sorry, you think they are contractions?" He nodded. Now she looked scared. "Hey, I'm right here", hugged her and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "So what do we do?" "We wait for your water to break or your contractions to be five minutes apart and then we go to the hospital", he said. "Wanna watch a movie?" "Sure"

They were about half an hour in, when y/n had another contraction and Peter took out his phone and started timing. After the movie y/n went back to their room to shower. She was straightening her hair, when she felt a gush of water on her leg. Somehow she was calm. She finished her hair, cleaned up the bathroom and put on a new pair of sweatpants. Then she walked outside and she was about to tell Peter, when another contraction hit. They were getting closer together and more painful. She crouched down and stabilized herself on Peter until it was gone. She was breathing heavily, when she stood back up. "You good?", he asked her the concern written across his face just like every other contraction. "You might wanna get our stuff and start the car my water broke a few minutes ago", she said and he basically sprinted to get everything. He even texted Tony, their friends and aunt May. 

The hospital wasn't far away and yet y/n had two contractions in the car. They were now seven minutes apart. When they arrived at the hospital, Peter helped his wife out the car and called for a doctor. After that he went to get their stuff out of the car.  When he entered the room, y/n was having another contraction. She was already in a hospital gown and clinging to her bed. "Why did you do this to me, Peter Parker?", she asked through gritted teeth. An apologetic grin crept on his face. She was cute, when she was mad. "Sorry", he said, placing his cold hands on her belly. She seemed to relax a little. "I'm gonna kill you for this, you know that", she said with a weak smile, before another contraction hit. 

"Can you tell me why I agreed to this?", she asked Peter after another strong contraction. "I don't know but I told you I it was your decision and I'd support you every step of the way", he replied. "Can you hold my hand?" "Sure" He walked over to her and held her hand. When the next contraction hit, she squeezed his hand so hard, he though it was going to fall off. "Did you get bitten by that spider too? Or where did that come from?" "I think we both know that your child has your DNA and right now shares my blood right?" "Right" "Also I'm not a fan of the Spider senses and the super strength, which keeps me up every time your kid decided to do somersaults" "Yeah sorry"

When it was through a nurse came in. "Mrs. Parker, I'm gonna have to check if your dilated enough to give birth yet." Y/n nodded. After the check the nurse said. "Your only seven centimeters dilated your gonna have to wait a little" Y/n nodded and the nurse walked back out. "I contacted the Avengers and Aunt May",Peter said, when the nurse was gone. Y/n nodded. 


After three hours, the nurse said that y/n was enough dilated to push. Y/n looked over at her husband and he walked over to her holding her hand. "I'm here", he whispered in her ear. Giving birth took longer then expected. Y/n was pushing for about an hour before the nurse said: "Ok one final push" Y/n was screaming on the top of her lungs when finally... she had stopped screaming and there was a baby crying. Y/n and Peter braced themselves, when: "Congratulations you have a little baby boy", the doctor announced. The couple couldn't stop smiling as the nurse handed y/n their baby. Y/n was sweaty and tired but she managed to take her son in her arms and whisper "Ben", she looked up at her husband, who was like her crying. Then she said: "You were right this is the best thing you've ever done for me... and the worst" He chuckled as she handed him the baby. 

A/N: I hope this isn't completely inaccurate. I have no idea when it comes to giving birth and was working with information from the internet....

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