Chapter 35 Of houses and foundations

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It was the weekend after the launch, when y/n walked into the tall building that soon wouldn't be hers anymore. The launch itself was going great and there weren't any complications what so ever. This helped her relax a little bit more. Theoretically she didn't need to work anymore. Theoretically. But fate wanted her to work one more day. She'd put up a house in Harlem for sale. It used to be one of her stations, where they would pack up the packets to send them to the post office. But it was soon to small. She'd had it on the market for a while now. A week prior she finally got the e-mail that someone was interested, someone who had enough money that is. No building in New York is cheap, and especially this one where people were practically free to use it how they pleased was rare. And rare meant expensive. 

So that was why y/n was walking through the house waiting for her client to arrive. Soon a quite tall man walked into the building. He was around twenty and was wearing a suit. He was already looking around and seemed happy with his view. When he stood before her, he extended his hand for her to shake. She took it. "Harley Keener", he introduced himself. "Y/n Parker", y/n  followed. "What's your first impression?", she asked. She looked at him over and over again, she knew his face and his name, but she couldn't place from where. "I like it, your ad didn't lie. It was yours, right? You're not here for someone else?" she shook her head. "No it's all mine.Would you like a tour?" He nodded. "Then let me show you around", she led the way around the building. 

And so y/n showed him the whole building. After the tour they stood before the entrance door again. "So can I ask you, what you're gonna use the building for?", y/n was curious. "I wanna build a foundation that focuses on education.", he answered. Y/n liked the idea of that , in fact she wanted to help. But she had to ask further. "Why?" "Because if I wasn't as smart as I am I wouldn't have been able to go to one of the best schools around here, because we...i didn't have the money for it. I want the poor children to have as many opportunities as I had." "And how will you finance it?", y/n asked. "I'm working that. Probably some donations." "I don't think that will be enough. How did you make your millions anyways?" "I own a tech company, that produces the most efficient robots in the country. Except for maybe Tony Stark himself. But I doubt I can make enough money on my own for the whole organization" Y/n looked away by the mention of her father.So that's where she knew him from. Tony did have a few of his robots. She had an idea in mind, a business idea, butt how would he react, when she told it to him?

There was a short silence, as Y/n was trying to figure out how to propose her idea to him. "Ok, how about I strike you a deal.", she started and Harley perked up. "I sell you this house for half the price and you only have to pay half each month." "Whats the catch?", he asked, he wasn't new in business and knew exactly how these kinds of deals worked. She looked at him. "You'll have to make me co-owner of the foundation", she said with a sly smile on her lips. He looked at her in disbelief. "You do realize that you won't make any money out of this." "Yes, that's how these kinds of things work" she said. "I know nothing about you", he said then. "How do I make you my work partner, If I don't know if I can trust you?" 

"I have some intel", she said.q "What kind?" "well first of all Tony Stark owns a few of your robots" "Thanks but that doesn't make me trust you more" "I know I just wanted you to know that he isn't all that glamorous", she commented. "And had I to say it", she added. "Well thank you, but I know Tony Stark isn't all that perfect, trust me" "great, then we can continue" "Is that your way to find out if you want to do business with someone? Ask how they see Tony Stark?", he asked. Y/n nodded."How about I ask you a few questions?", he said.

"Fine, ask away", Y/n said. "Under one condition: Everything you learn about me, you either forget immediately or keep two you at all times" "Why?", he looked at her confused and a little creeped out. "You'll see", she said. "Ok, now you're making me curious" Y/n rolled her eyes. 

She took a deep breath. 'No need to be nervous, it's not like I'm gonna tell a complete stranger my secret. Oh, wait that's exactly what I'm doing', she told herself. "So?", Harley asked. "Hm?" "What do you do for a living" Again she took a deep breath. "I own Spiders-web", she mumbled. He laughed "I'm sorry you're gonna have to repeat that" "You heard me", she said. "You're serious?" She nodded. "Wow, you're like the richest woman on earth" "Yes, as I said I can afford to lose a few million" 

There was a silence filling the room again as Harley looked around the room. "I'll take it", y/n looked at him. "I'll take the house for half the price and we'll be partners" "Wait really?" Y/n hugged him, something she normally didn't do with people she just met. 

"So that's why you're focusing on your family for a while, huh?", he pointed at her bump, that was getting a little in the way of the hugging him fully. She nodded. Then she had an idea. "You're new to the whole donation thing right?" He nodded. "How about you come with me to the next donation party. I would've taken my husband as a plus one, but he was already invited by his boss, so I'm free to take anyone I want" He shrugged. "Sure when is it?" "Next Saturday, I'll send you all the information" "Great. See then?" "Yes, see you then" And with that he walked out the door and y/n was part of yet an other business.  


"Guess who owns another business?", y/n entered the penthouse."You do. Why exactly?", Peter guessed. "I met with the guy, who wanted to buy the building and he wants to make a foundation for education for poor families and I liked the idea so I co-own it and he pays me half of the building.", she replied. "Not bad. How good is he?" "He owns Keener-technologies so good with robots and stuff which could be helpful, but no idea how to work with foundations and donations.", she replied. "That's where you come in", Peter guesses. "Correct" "I'm guessing Keener is his last name what's his first name?", Peter asked. "Harley", she replied. "That seems so familiar. Where have I heard that name before?" "Tony won't shut up about his robots?", y/n guesses. "Nope not it" "Then I have no clue"

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