Chapter 32 Spiders-web

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Y/n woke up to the all to familiar fluttering feeling in her stomach. She rubbed her eyes and looked around the room. There wasn't much to see, as it was still dark. She took a look at her alarm clock. It said 4 a.m. She let out a sigh and turned around, cuddling against her husband. She was hoping to get some more sleep, but as the minutes went by and the child was still active, her patience slowly disappeared. "Damn you kid", she whispered after half an hour. She stood up as quietly as possible. That was also getting harder by the week. She thought to herself. Her stomach was getting more and more in the way. She put on a robe and slippers, which Peter had gifted her for her Birthday last year. Then she slowly walked to the kitchen. The first thing she did was make herself a tea, as she always did when she wasn't in the best mood. 

She was thinking that maybe she could do some work while she couldn't sleep. So she took out her laptop and started working. The problem was that she was constantly getting distracted by either the baby or her lack of sleep. She looked at the different designs and how popular they were, so that she could decide what kind of clothes she would put in the coming fall/winter collection. There were so many possibilities. When she couldn't decide she started mixing the designs together. After about an hour she had around 20 different designs she liked. Some of them from the summer collection just in a winter format, some mixed from different collections and a few new ones. When she was finished she looked at it with pride. 'I should get pregnant more', she thought. Her slight change of taste due to her pregnancy made this collection as different as possible to the others without changing the Spiders-web style. Shortly after she saved them, she fell asleep on the couch. 

Y/n was woken up by a kiss on the forehead. When she opened her eyes she was looking at her husbands worried face. "Don't tell me you slept here the whole night", he said in a serious tone. "No was sleeping perfectly fine in our bed, when your child decided to do somersaults at four a.m. in the morning.", she gave him a peck on the lips. "Is the little spider that active?" he pulled her shirt away from her belly that it was completely exposed and kissed it. Y/n twitched a little when she felt his cold nose on her belly. "Were you already outside?", she asked. "Yeah it's almost nine a.m. I thought I'd let you sleep, when I left and saw you on the couch. I was already in the meeting and on patrol, so I thought I'd stop by" Y/n looked at the clock on the kitchen wall. He was right it was five minutes before nine. "Oh well thank you for letting me sleep and waking me up. " She gave him a kiss on the lips. "Don't thank me yet", he said. He held up a brown bag. "I also brought you breakfast." "Ok, you're officially the best husband anyone could ask for", she was about to grab the bag when she felt a flutter once again. "Oh, your child agrees", she added with a smile. He smiled back "Thats great to hear, but I gotta go", he kissed her on the stomach and turned to leave. "Ahem, the mother who's caring your child would like a kiss to", she said,  arms crossed. He turned back around and gave her a long intense kiss. "That has to be enough until I get home", he grinned at her and went out the door. "Love you to the moon and back", she shouted. "I still love you more", he shouted back over his shoulder. "impossible", she whispered to herself, before she began eating her breakfast.

It was about three p.m. when y/n got into her car to drive to her company. She was dressed in a maternity dress, that she of course designed and even made herself. Y/n usually worked from home, it was easier to keep her identity a secret there. But occasionally she went to see how her company was doing. She stopped in front of an old, but renovated building in Brooklyn. This was her headquarters. No ordinary Person and especially no tourist would know that this was the base of all operations of her company. There was no large sign that said Spiders-web on it, nothing would give away this place. Not even her employees. See those employees who worked in HQ were first of all long term employees y/n knew she could trust and second of all sworn to secrecy. Everybody who ever worked for her was. But only those who she trusted enough, those who worked in HQ, knew who the Spiders-dame really was. 

Y/n locked her car and walked through the doors. The former factory was painted white inside and looked larger then it did from the outside. That was something she never got used to. I was hard to believe that this all started in hers and Peters room with an old laptop and an even older sewing machine. Of course y/n had upgraded it in the span of a month back then, as soon as her and Peter had figured out, how to get the money off her mothers savings account. 

As much as Y/n wouldn't like to admit it, she had missed this. She hadn't been here for three months. Far too long in her opinion. When she entered she saw all the people walking around stressing each other, whispering, (Probably because they didn't know their boss was Pregnant) and fussing because they didn't know she was coming. Man, she had missed being around people.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Parker. Is there anything I can do for you?", Jenny y/ns secretary asked. "Yeah, call a meeting in half an hour. Everyone from the board who's here should come, anyone who isn't here should be in a video call. And leave those on vacation be. They deserve it.", y/n said. "Yes, of course. Anything else Mrs. Parker?" "Yes. Jenny you know you can call me y/n right?" "Sure, sorry y/n", she left to organize the meeting. 

To Y/ns surprise everyone showed up to the meeting. Nobody was absent and everyone was at HQ. "So nobody is sick today?", she sounded as surprised as she was. "Great, lets start then shall we? So first of all sorry for my absents the last three months, I had a few things I had too deal with. Now thank you for upholding our profits and working on all the orders. Now I have a few things I want to discuss: First of all we have the new fall/winter collection. I have a few new designs. Pandora please look them over with your team and tell me what they think of them, as always it's important to respect everybody's opinion. I want a full report on the whole thing by the end of next week. If anybody has any other ideas please tell me, I will look them through. As soon as I give the go ahead which will be some time at the end of this month, Wills team will post them on our home page and we'll have a launch date. Claire the designs get to you as soon as we have them and you look that all our stations across the US have the right ones. As always get your team here to check on every station at least once a month in person. Eliott please get me the weekly update on how we are doing in the sales. Ilena work on the packing design this year and look that the company who makes them, has them at the time of the launch, we don't want the same fiasco as last year." Y/ns team was listening carefully and writing down their jobs. The routine was practically the same as always twice a year, but y/n often added something or someone new, since her company was growing so much. The stress before the launch was the same like every year, just for y/n it was different this year, this year she was expecting.

"Something else", she began again as the room started to quiet down again. "As you might see, if not I would highly recommend glasses", the room chuckled, as she pointed at her growing belly. "I'm six moths pregnant. That is not to say I will not be working until the baby comes, but I have to say I'm limited to what I can do. When I reach my ninth month I will take a maternity leave. I can't say for how long, since my husband and I still have to talk to his boss about him being able to leave work, when I come here, but we'll work it out. I will still continue on working on designs for the next collection though. When the next launch comes I'll be here. But until then you can tell Jenny any problems and she will contact me as always. Is that understood", they all nodded. "If anyone has questions ask me. Meeting dismissed", she said and her employees went back to work. 

Y/n leaned on the table and let out a sigh. Damn she was tired. She didn't know if it was the pregnancy symptom or if it was just because her baby didn't sleep when she wanted to. As she supported herself on the table to stand up. Jenny walked back in. "The employee statistics are in  y/n" "Perfect I'll come right over" "ok" Y/n slowly walked over to her office. Why did she wear high heels at six months pregnant? Now her back was killing her. Curse her fashion sense!

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