Chapter 42 Pain

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Y/n woke up quite late on the 18th of January. She got dressed and went down stairs, where Peter was making breakfast. "Morning", she said rubbing her eyes. "Good morning.", he gave her a kiss. "How did you sleep?" "Apart from waking up at about 4 a.m. to your baby kicking, great.", she said. The baby kicking had gone from fluttering to hurting a month ago and was annoying her, especially by night. It hadn't helped that she couldn't turn properly. "Your scheduled due date is in a week, you'll get through it.", he said kissing her forehead and sitting down in front of her.

Y/n loved that Peter could stay at home now. Her dad had been understanding to the situation and told them Peter could take off as much as he wanted. Since there was never a case like this with the Avengers it was new for everyone. The Avengers had also started to check in everyday on how the couple was doing. y/n had found it weird at first. She had been skeptical if this was because of them or because of the baby they were gonna have any time now. Peter had to assure her that the Avengers had no alternate motive behind their actions and that they just wanted to know how it was going. 

The couple decided to go on a walk in the afternoon. Not a long one though, Y/n got tired after about thirty minutes. 

"Ok, that was exhausting", y/n said as they walked back into their pent house. "Can you help me with the shoes?", she asked her husband who was already finished putting all his clothes away. "Sure", he helped her getting out of her shoes. "You wanna watch a movie?" "Sure but I have to get some comfortable clothes first.", she said as she walked into the bedroom, while Peter turned on the TV. Y/n put on some maternity sweatpants and a hoodie, which both almost didn't fit anymore, even though they did a week before. She was putting her hair in a bun when she felt a stinging pain in her stomach. It lasted a bit, she didn't know how long, but it felt like hours. When it stopped she stood up straight again. 'Probably a Braxton Hicks contraction', she thought and went back into the living room. While Peter was looking for a movie she picked out some snacks. 

Y/n and Peter were watching some mission impossible for about an hour when she felt the pain again. It was shorter this time and didn't sting as much. It felt like she was having period cramps but stronger. Peter had noticed her breath becoming irregular and sat up straight. "You okay?", he asked. "Yeah", she nodded.

After the movie y/n decided to look at a few results of the sales she made that week with her business and was glad to see that her clothes were selling better then last year. Peter came back into the living room and crept up behind her. "I thought you were done with working for the next month.", he said. "I just wanted to see how it was going" "addicted to you business" "well it pays our bills", she countered. "fair point but you have looked at that long enough now" He came up from behind her and kissed her collarbone. She let him. He left a few hickies all over her neck before she had enough of just him having fun and turned the game around. They were now sitting on the couch she in his lap bridal style, because any other way her belly would've gotten in the way. They were just kissing each other very passionately. "You can't wait either can you?", Peter asked between kisses. "What for?", she asked. "The bump to be gone?" She looked down at the bump. "Yeah", she replied. "I mean I like being pregnant but it get's annoying." "Does that mean you eventually want another kid", he asked grinning. She laughed. "First of all I'm gonna have to give birth to this child then I'll need a break from pregnancy and then we can talk about it." "So that's a maybe" "That's a I wanna see how we can take care of more then ourselves first"

Y/n was lying in bed. She couldn't sleep. She didn't feel comfortable. Her thighs were hurting, the baby was pressing on her bladder and she felt nauseas. She stood up and walked to the bathroom. She drank something and went to the toilet. Then she looked at herself in the mirror. She didn't look good. Her eyes were watery and she had dark circles under them. She walked back to bed feeling the discomforting pain once again. She clutched her stomach and got herself to breath regularly, the pain disappeared again just as fast as it came. She got back on the bed and fell asleep almost immediately after her head hit the pillow. 


On the next day Peter awoke and decided to call Tony to ask if everything is okay. His Spider-sense had ben going haywire since the day before and he was wondering if the Avengers were in trouble. "Hey kid everything alright?", the voice of his father in law answered. "Yeah just wanted to know if everything is working out?", Peter said. "Yeah, of course" "great, thank you", Peter let out a sigh of relief and was about to hang up "oh Peter?" "Yes?" "Can you contact me if you know ...y/n goes into labor?" "Yeah sure"

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