Chapter 47 - Confessed

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A fireball hit the Berserker jail once again, the ceiling crumbled under the constant barrage of fire as Viggo pushed against his cell door, he needed to get out and fast.

He owed Hiccup, it was the least he could do for the riders and without him, the boy wouldn't win the battle, but his family needed him and his people depended on him.

He couldn't just leave his beloved wife Ariala and his son Jyenson with his ruthless brother, the thought of what Ryker would have done to them or his sisters sickened him.

Another fireball hit and smoke began to fill the long stone brick corridor, Viggo was finding it hard to breathe as a multitude of rocks fell from the ceiling blocking his way out.

Viggo stumbled back in defeat, he was going to die here, he would never be able to save his family or help Hiccup, he wouldn't be able to redeem himself.

His vision became spotted with blackness before the rocks blocking his cell door were blasted away by bolts of lightning and the door was smashed in.

Viggo was pulled out of his cell and into the fresh air, he looked up and saw a large deep purple and black Skrill standing before him.

"You...saved me?" Viggo looked at the dragon with shock, the Skrill gave him a nod and bowed his head in a gesture for him to get on his back.

"You want me to...ride you?" Viggo stood up, the Skrill nodded pointing his head to a tunnel into the Berserker mountain, Viggo had a hunch it's where Hiccup was.

He grabbed a sword that had been discarded on the ground, he had to help somehow before turning back to the dragon.

"I hope you trust me dragon," he climbed onto the Skrill's back and held onto his scales, the Skill opened its wings and rook off towards the mountain.

~ Line Break ~

Mala disarmed a set of hunters as Curious threw two into the ocean, the backside of Berserker was being hit with a small fleet to try and cause an ambush.

Hiccup had been correct in the theory that the Hunters would try and come round from behind to take the village, Mala admired the boy's strategic thinking.

A new wave of hunters however brought her back to reality as they landed on the beach, Mala and Curious were having a hard time fighting them off.

" Mala we need to retreat and fall back to the watchtower," Curious protested roaring at the hunters, the Defenders Queen pulled out her second sword.

" We stand and fight till the end" She stood up and charged at a group of men, knocking a few of them down, her anger fueled but they took her swords away before one of them grabbed her wrists and chuckled.

They had easily overpowered Mala as Curious was forced into a corner, until a very familiar war cry echoed off the boulders.

"Get away from my Queen!!" Dagur yelled charging at the men who all backed up, he knocked all of them out, Mala looked at him in shock and attraction.

Arrows we're shot towards them, landing in the sand as Dagur grabbed Mala's hand and swords pulling her behind a boulder as their dragons took out the arrows.

"Are you ok Mala?" Dagur asked with concern, Mala was blushing under her helmet and nodded weakly.

"Are you sure?" He put his hands on her shoulder, she nodded again as Shattermaster grunted.

"Alright love birds, we have a war to win!!" He protested, Dagur rolled his eyes and Mala blushed more before Dagur grabbed her gloved hand.

"Why don't we go send these hunters back to the pit they came from?" Dagur smiled under his helmet, Mala nodded and took her swords before the two of them ran out into the battle.

Mala had never felt this before, she wasn't sure what made her feel this way as the two of them pushed back against the hunters easily with their dragons.

~ Line Break ~

Toothless snarled as the small battalion of hunters brought in what looked like three starved Speed Stingers and surrounded him.

Hiccup faced off with Johan, the former trader readying himself before he charged at the armoured rider.

Hiccup pulled his sword out and blocked Johan who had slashed down with his spear, the two of them glaring at each other.

"You and your riders will bow before me when this war is over!!" Johan pushed himself back as Hiccup repositioned himself, taking deep breaths to keep his anger down.

"I beg to differ," Hiccup quipped as Johan lunged at him, surprisingly Hiccup was able to fight back against the man easily.

Toothless was keeping up with the abused speed stingers, trying to get through to them but they weren't listening.

Johan slashed and chipped away at Hiccup, the boy was getting tired, fighting with the more skilled man before Johan pushed him to the ground.

Hiccup grunted as Johan knocked his helmet off, throwing his spear to the ground before punching the boy several times littering his face with bruises.

Hiccup quickly kicked Johan off him grunting in pain as he slowly got to his feet wiping the small stream of blood from his nose as Johan got back up.

Johan smirked before falling into hand to hand combat, Hiccup fought back with what little energy he had left being pushed closer to the edge of the ice shelf.

Hiccup's foot hit his sword he quickly grabbed it and blocked Johan's punches with the sword, making the man angrier.

"Well played Dragon Master, but it won't be enough," Johan ripped the sword from Hiccup's hands and kicked the boy in the stomach towards the edge of the ice, making him stumble back.

Hiccup gasped and quickly grabbed onto a chunk of ice from the side of the wall with one hand, groaning in pain as Toothless called out in worry.

"How fitting, for the Dragon Master to die in a war to save dragons," Johan stood above the struggling young man as Toothless knocked a Speed Stinger down.

"It's nothing if not pure poetry," Johan raised his spear before he was knocked down by an electrical blast.

"I beg to differ, Johan," Viggo smiled jumping down from the back of the Skrill, who gave Toothless an affirmative nod before going to help him.

Johan got up and glared at Viggo, grabbing his spear as Viggo charged and attacked the trader with expert skill, catching the man off guard.

Johan was barely able to fight back as Viggo easily knocked him down with a punch, knocking him out.

"Like I informed you when we first met, do not double cross me," Viggo rolled his shoulder before he grabbed his sword and rushed to Hiccup.

"Hiccup, quickly grab my hand," Viggo knelt and reached down as Hiccup weakly grabbed the man's hand and was pulled him, the rider took heavy breaths

"How did you get out?" Hiccup gasped, Viggo put his hand on his shoulder and smiled as Toothless and the Skrill took out the hunters.

"I think I now understand what you and your riders were trying to protect," he looked over at the Skrill who was talking with Toothless.

"Let me help you Hiccup, please," Viggo asked, Hiccup took a deep breath before nodding, it was the least he could do to say thanks to the man for saving his life.

"Ok and Viggo, thank you," Hiccup slowly stood up, grabbing his sword and helmet, the man nodded and jumped back on the Skrill.

Toothless watched as Hiccup put his helmet on, he knew when Astrid saw him like this she would be having some stern words.

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