Chapter 40 - The Last Allie

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Heather was making Windshear fly as fast as she could go, the two of them worried for their friends.

Hiccup and Astrid we're not far behind, both as worried as Heather, the two of them flew up to the Razorwhip.

" Heather, I know you're worried, we all are, but we need to be careful, flying in willy Billy, won't help Atali." Hiccup stated, Heather didn't look at him, she just sighed.

" It's not just that, I'm more worried about the hatchlings, they can't fly." Hiccup nodded, he knew that baby Razorwhips we're blind and needed guides.

Astrid was about to say something, but a huge cloud of smoke, billowed from the main village on Wingmaiden Island.

The riders stopped, both them and their dragon looked at the island in horror, as Hunters swarmed the village.

The huge size of a dragon proof ship sat on the back of a Shellfire dragon, the riders couldn't see the Wingmaidens anywhere.

Heather gritted her teeth, before urging Windshear forward, Hiccup flew in front of her, stopping her from going any further.

" Hiccup let me through, I can stop this." She demanded, Hiccup stood his ground, not budging.

" Heather, don't you see, there's nothing we can do." Astrid looked at him with shock, as did Heather, this wasn't the Hiccup they remembered.

" So, you're just giving up, what if there are survivors?" Hiccup lowered his head, Heather looked around him and smiled.

" Look!" She gleamed, on the Northside of the island, huddled on the beach was a huge flock of male, female, and baby Razorwhips, along with all the Wingmaidens.

The riders flew three the smoke, avoiding the hunters and landed before the congregation, Atali and Nathalia walked forward.

" Atali, what happened?" Heather hastily asked, jumping off Windshear and rushing over to the Chieftess.

" We don't know, we were preparing for an attack when they just came out of nowhere." She answered, gesturing for the others to follow.

" So, your cornered on the back of the island and low on resources, we need to think of something fast," Astrid suggested, Atali nodded walking through her people.

" If you can't attack and we can't fight back, then there's only one thing we can do." Hiccup announced, Atali and Nathalia turned to him.

" What are you suggesting, Hiccup?" They asked, he brought his hand to his chin and sighed.

" The hunters have taken hold of the village, your boxed in and there is no point staying here." Hiccup replied, Atali and Nathalia looked at him shocked.

" Hiccup Haddock, though we respect your opinion, are you suggesting we leave our home?" Nathalia asked, Hiccup nodded thinking about his plan.

" If we retreat, you and your dragons live another day, the hunters may have gained ground, but you live." Hiccup announced, Atali listened to him and knew what she had to do.

" I agree, we retreat and live another day." Nathalia and a few of the Wingmaiden guards were shocked.

" Atali, but our home." Nathalia pleaded, Atali held up her hand, placing it on the healer's shoulder.

" Our home is where our dragons are." She answered, before standing on a crate, Toothless roared catching the attention of everyone on the beach.

" Wingmaidens, for centuries we have lived on this island in peace with the Razorwhips, they have trusted us, as we have trusted them!" Atali announced to the village, who listened to their Chieftess.

" We made allies, we found friendship, but now we have an enemy, who seeks to destroy our way of life!" Hiccup watched Atali speak to her people, somehow he wished he was able to do that.

He wished Berk, was open-minded, instead, they stuck to their laws and restrictions, never growing beyond them.

" Today is a sad day, the only way we are to survive is if we leave our home and look for a new one." The village gasped, they were just as shocked as Nathalia and the guards were.

" I know you don't want to leave, but if our way of life and the Razorwhips are to survive then, we must think of them." She finished, stepping down and walking over to the group.

" Thank you Atali for doing this, Oswald will let you stay on Berserker for as long as possible." Hiccup affirmed, Atali nodded, knowing it was the best decision.

" Hiccup, could you and your riders help the mothers carry their unhatched eggs?" The girls and Hiccup nodded, heading over to where a few women stood placing the eggs in baskets.

" Everyone who doesn't have a Razorwhip, find a mother and rider her, we will head out in a few minutes!" Atali informed, the tribe agreed and began packing for the long fly west.

Hiccup and Astrid smiled at each other, as they attached the egg baskets to their dragon's saddles.

At least they would be able to share these moments in such a troublesome time, the Dragon Hunters had gained ground.

Hiccup knew this was risky, but it was the only thing he could think of that would risk lives being lost and keep Astrid safe.

~ Line Break ~

Berserker island was packed with warriors from, the Defenders and the Wingmaidens, dragons from all classes milled about.

The village blacksmith was working overtime, with the help of Hiccup and the Defenders Blacksmith, things were running smoothly.

The riders were spread thin, helping the riders from Berserker and Defenders put Gronckle Iron walls up, ready for the attack.

Ryker was suspected to be at least a day away, his motives and goal rather clear, wipe out the Dragon Riders and all who stand with them.

Oswald was not about to see his Son and Daughter be killed, along with Hiccup or Astrid.

Over the past three years, Oswald had been watching Hiccup closely, the boy possessed unique traits, traits that made him unlike any other.

Perhaps when this war was over, Oswald would talk with the boy about potential leadership options, Hiccup clearly knew a thing about leading a team.

Watching his people prepare for battle, was heartbreaking for the Berserker Chief, it remained him of the old days, when this was a land of kill or be killed.

If this was to be a battle, he would give Ryker a War, the Dragon Hunter would pay for messing with his children and he would remember it well.

Hiccup may not want a war, but this is what Ryker was playing at, then Oswald didn't mind being the last ally against the hunters.

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