Chapter 9 - Traps for Treasure

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Toothless took off towards the huge ship, the size and deep lashes in the wood clearly meaning it had been used for battle.

From the top, Hiccup could see cages made of green rusted metal, each had strange carvings that gave him a sick feeling.

" What was this ship even made for?" Hiccup questioned, as Toothless landed on the deck and surveyed the area.

" This boat is definitely not from any tribe we've seen before." Toothless bluntly stated, sniffing at one of the crossbows.

" The carvings, the cages, the design on the sail, I have never seen any like this." Hiccup walked up to a cage and began inspecting it.

" This metal, it smells like dragons." Toothless worked his way around the cage, Hiccup chipped a piece off and rubbed it in his hand.

" I don't like it." Toothless stated, Hiccup rolled his eyes and placed a hand on his head.

" Oh, come on bud, it's just an empty cage." A bird flew out of the cage, causing Hiccup to stumble and land on his back.

" Says who?" Toothless laughed, helping his rider up and walking towards a hatch.

" Well, I'm up for checking out what's down there." Hiccup looked down the hatch, he couldn't see anything.

" I still think we should get out of here." Toothless chimed, looking down at the hatch.

" Toothless, don't you wanna see what's down below." Hiccup asked him, the Night Fury just growled.

" Fine I'll do it, MYSELF WHOA!!" Hiccup's attached limb had been snatched by a drawcord.

The cable was being pulled off deck and into the ocean, Toothless followed his helpless rider and fired at the cable.

" Ok, nobody goes to this much trouble, unless there's something on this boat that they don't want to be found." Hiccup walked back over to the hatch, Toothless following behind.

Hiccup opened the hatch and prepared himself to be shot at or thrown off the ship again, but nothing happened.

He held up his lantern and Toothless relit it, before the two of them trekked down into the ship.

" Watch your step bud." Hiccup told Toothless and the two off them walked slowly down the ladder.

Hiccup reached the last step, a bear trap sprung up and snapped against Hiccup's metal leg.

" Whoa !" Hiccup placed his lantern down and inspected the bear trap.

" Watch your step Hiccup." Toothless quipped down to Hiccup, said man glared at his dragon before prying the trap off his leg.

" One of the benefits of having a metal leg." The two of them continued walking down a corridor before they reached an open room.

There were smaller rooms off to the side of the large corridor, but all had a huge barred door keeping the separated.

" Alright let's just takes this easy, we don't want to trigger any traps." Hiccup watched Toothless sniff the air, before he turned to his rider.

" I can't smell anything out of the, wait." Toothless strode over to a cage and looked in at it with shock.

" They're, they're dragons, my brothers and sisters were kept here." Toothless lowered his head, Hiccup kneeled down next to him.

" I'm sorry you had to see this bud, whoever was in command of this ship was no friend of dragons." Hiccup and Toothless stood up and continued walking down the corridor.

That was until Hiccup stepped on a pressure plate, which sent arrows flying right at them.

" Duck!" Toothless covered Hiccup with his wing, the arrows deflected off and fell to the ground.

" Alright let's go!" Hiccup ran out from under his dragon's wing and bolted to the end of the corridor, ducking behind a barrel.

" Well, that went well, next time watch where your stepping." Toothless told Hiccup, just as the array of arrows finished their assault.

" Well, I just found what we might be looking for." Hiccup pointed to the end of the room and two of them looked towards a gold embossed door.

" Commander quarters, no doubt." Toothless stated, as the walked slowly towards it.

" Ok, so here's the plan." Before Hiccup could finish Toothless shot a plasma blast right at the door.

" I like yours better." Hiccup nodded at his dragon before checking to see if there were anymore booby traps.

" Your welcome." Toothless answered, he looked behind him, narrowing his eyes he could hear something, but shook it off.

" Stay close bud." Hiccup told Toothless, before walking into the room.

The commanders quarters was a large room, with multiple dragon skills hanging on its walls.

A bearskin rug lay on the hardwood floor under a huge stone chair, that had gold and rubies embedded in it's intricate design.

A huge stone top desk, with rotting chests and papers and in the middle if it all was a long cylindrical object.

When Hiccup got a better look at it, the item was rather well made, with gold banding down the side and a dragon head sitting at one end.

" What is that?" Toothless asked, pointing his wing at the strange object.

" I don't know, but whatever it is, it certainly can't be good for dragons." Hiccup kneeled down and flicked a bony hand off it.

He carefully placed both hands beneath it, before lifting it off the stand it sat on and waiting for something bad to happen.

" Well, that wasn't too bad, GIANT AXE!" Hiccup jumped back, before running out of the room and into the corridor.

" RUN!" Toothless yelled, as he grabbed Hiccup and glided over the now spike-covered floor.

The two of them jumped out of the hatch and landed hard back up on deck, before bursting out in laughter.

" That was scary, now can we please get out of here." Toothless pleaded, Hiccup shook his head and nodded.

" Yes we can leave, might as well take this with us." Hiccup placed the object into one of his satchels and climbed onto Toothless.

" Right, I think we're done with big screaming eels and scary shipyards for a while." Hiccup bluntly stated, as they took of back west.

" When we get home, I am personally going to hunt down Johan and give him a piece of my mind." Toothless roared, Hiccup shook his head a prepared for a long flight home.

What the two of them didn't know was that a ship with similar designs to the reaper was making its way into the shipyard.

A man that was 6'5, with two huge swords strapped to his back and a sinisterly shaved moustache stood looking out at the decaying ships.

His mind was set on one thing, finding his families treasure.

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