Chapter 10 - No Mistake

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A man that was around 6 and a half feet tall stood at the stern of his ship, with his clean shaved bald head held high with a permanent glare.

He wore a multilayered pelt made from dragon scales, large leather boots, and a belt, the outfit was complemented by two huge swords strapped to his back.

" Sir, dragon ahead!" A hunter shouted from his position back at his commanding officer, the man glared.

The hunter was one of the commanders, only distinguished by a red dragon scale vest and helmet.

" Hunters, prepare the long-range balister!" He demanded, they rushed to get a bolt loaded, but before the hunters could do anything a hand was held up.

" No, leave it, we have more pressing matters to attend to." The hunters returned to their stations and prepared to dock.

The man that stood next to his accomplice was half a foot shorter than him, with a sharply cut moustache and matching black hair.

He was wearing a dark leather tunic, that was contrasted with red and grey dragon scales.

Finally, a black-handled sword, with rubies embedded in its hilt matched a set of sliver shoulder guards.

" Viggo, you just lost us a potential profit." The larger man glared down at the shorter man, who smiled.

" Ryker, my dear brother, we're not here to chase dragons, we're here to find what is ours." Viggo answered taking a few steps forward.

" And what exactly are we here for?" Ryker asked, standing next to his brother, looking down at the hunters.

" Were here to find the added advantage that our empire sorely needs." Viggo held his arms wide, smiling, as their ship came barged through the shipyard.

The wrecked ships were destroyed on impact, as the more modern warfare vessel charged through them.

" What would this advantage be?" Ryker questioned, his mood getting worse the longer he waited.

" You remember that legend our father used to tell us?" Viggo stated, looking out at the hundreds of ships.

" Why would I remember anything so stupid?" Ryker bluntly answered turning to Viggo, who had his arms crossed.

" Oh come on, it's simple." Viggo looked up at Ryker who hadn't changed his expression, before sighing.

" When a dragon's fire burns through glass, their secrets will shine to those who ask." Viggo raised an eyebrow at his dimwitted brother, hoping he might have rung a bell.

" And what is that supposed to mean?" Ryker crossed his arms and Viggo pinched his temple.

" Let me explain this in a way you will understand." Viggo took in a deep breath, before answering.

" Our great Grand-father had constructed a device that held the secrets and knowledge of the dragons." Ryker seemed rather unphased by this fact.

He knew their Great-grandfather was the man who started their hunting empire and a man a kept a lot of secrets.

" This device was his key to success, with it he conquered the dragon." Ryker smiled, now that was something he wanted to hear.

Through the fog, the two lead hunters could see the reaper sitting solemnly against the night sky.

The hunters slowly docked their ship alongside it's decaying twin and hauled a gangplank across to it.

" So this device is on his lead ship?" Ryker asked, as he, Viggo, and a team of hunters made their way across.

" The Reaper was the pinnacle of our empires fleet and now it sits here rotting away." Viggo and Ryker headed below deck, as Hiccup had unaware that the traps had already been sprung.

" What the ship holds is the greatest treasure of all." The two brothers walked into the main corridor, pausing at the spikes that pointed out of the floor.

" Looks like somebody has already been here." Ryker and Viggo made their way around the spikes and looked at the charred door.

Once they stepped into the room, they saw that the treasure Viggo had been referring to was no longer sitting pride of place.

" It's gone, seems a thief bet us to it." Ryker growled, checking the room and axe that was wedged in the table.

" Expected." Viggo walked out of the commanders quarters and back through the corridor, his brother following behind.

" Whoever this thief was he has clearly made a mistake." Tyler clenched his fists, Viggo paused, kneeling down he picked up a scale.

" This was no mistake, it was all part of the plan." Ryker looked at his younger brother shocked and annoyed.

" You knew this would happen?" Viggo nodded, as he inspected the black scale in his hand.

" I had received word from an outside source that this thief had befriended a very rare dragon." Viggo answered, his voice low and unamused.

" Who is this outside source?" Ryker asked, Viggo looked up at him and smiled.

" He didn't specify, but from his letters, he speaks with knowledge." Ryker nodded, looking at the destroyed door.

" What else did he tell you?" Viggo rubbed his fingers over the scale, before turning to the axe.

" That this thief has a rather large flock of dragons." Ryker smiled, a large flock of dragons was just what they're were looking for.

" That could possibly be ours, with proper planning." Ryker raised an eyebrow, thinking about what his brother was saying.

A rather large flock was a promised profit and that was all Ryker cared about, the money.

" Where did this source say the thief lives?" Ryker was intrigued, whoever the thief was he had to be rather good a getting past traps.

" Apparently this thief lives on an island in the western archipelago but has ties with a tribe here in the east." Viggo continued looking at the scale, it was not like any he had seen.

" How are we going to get this dragon thief." Viggo sinister smiled, as the to brothers walked out of the ship.

" By playing with his mind." Viggo answered, snatching the scale in his grasp and stalked back onto his ship.

This was only the beginning, a war that would bring a whole new tribe together.

Viggo knew one thing, the owner of this scale was no ordinary dragon and he was determined to find out who exactly stole his families treasure.

Who would steal from the Grimbourn's and hope to get away with it, yes there was no mistake made here today, but there was also nothing learnt.

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