Chapter 13 - The Great Beyond

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Hiccup, Astrid, Dagur, and Heather were gathered in the plaza, packing for a long journey.

Their dragons were outfitted in their best long distant Gronckle Iron armour and at least supplies for a month.

Oswald walked up to the four of them, he had only just gotten back from a Chief's meeting on Berk andwas about ready for a long nap.

" Well, where are you four off too?" Oswald asked, Dagur and Heather waved at him, but continued packing their supplies.

" Hiccup woke Astrid and me up last night, to show us a map he found in the Glass Fire," Heather answered him, strapping an extra axe to Windshear's saddle.

" And I'm guessing the Glass Fire is that cylinder you found Hiccup?" Oswald asked the boy, who gave him a thumbs up and continued tightening Toothless' saddle.

" So, a map, where does this map lead to?" Hiccup stood up and made sure all if his satchels were fastened on properly.

" It says there's an island in the South East that has befriended dragons and we're gonna request a treaty." Hiccup answered the Berserker Chief, who nodded.

" A treaty, well, I hope you know what you're doing." Hiccup smiled at the man before he and the others jumped onto their dragons.

" Dad, you taught me everything you know about peace treaties, I'm sure I can tutor Hiccup before we get there." Oswald, Heather, Hiccup, and Astrid shook their heads, the dragons rolled their eyes.

" On that note, we better get going, we have a lot of flying to get in." Oswald stood back, Quillspine flanking him, as the riders took off.

" See you in a month or so, dad," Heather called back, as she followed after her fellow riders towards the Eastern fog bank.

" INTO THE GREAT BEYOND!!" Dagur yelled, waving his arms around, which earned groans from both the dragons and humans.

~ Line Break ~

The sky was dark and overcast, a light drizzling of rain sprinkled onto the four riders, as they flew through thick clouds.

" Into the great beyond," Dagur mumbled, he was laying back on Shattermaster, his eyes were closed and the girls were no different.

Heather and Windshear even yawned, Astrid slightly slid of Stormfly's saddle, but instantly corrected herself.

" If this is the great beyond, then it sucks," Shattermaster stated, Dagur sat up and looked at Hiccup, who seemed to be rather interested in the clouds had of him.

" Hiccup, do you even know where your going, this trip is turning out to be a bust?" Dagur asked the Night Fury rider, who turned back to his friend and smirked.

" Oh, come on guys, so we've had a couple of tough hours, but I feel we're almost there." Hiccup turned back to the front, Toothless slapped him in the face with his ear flaps.

" All I can is cloud, oh, and what's that over there, MORE CLOUD!!" Toothless growled, Hiccup rolled his eyes, just as the drizzle turned into rain.

" Ah, I hate rain!" Dagur yelled shielding his face with his arm, the others did the same, covering their heads with their hoods.

" It seems the further we go in, the worse it gets, maybe we should turn back?" Astrid asked, as she flew up next to Hiccup, both shielding their eyes.

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