Chapter 20 - Lessons On The Past

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Mala stood at the front of the lead ship, looking out at the vast expanse of open ocean, she enjoyed flying, but travelling by boat was far more relaxing.

In the distance she could just make out the faint outline of a large island, Mala looked up at Hiccup, who seemed lost in his own world.

" Hiccup Haddock!" The Queen called up to the Night Fury rider, who shook his head and looked down at her.

" Yes, Mala?" He asked, stretching his back and smiling down at the Queen, behind his helmet.

" May I ask why we are heading to that island?" Hiccup looked before him and smiled, he was relieved they were almost back to their first stop.

" That's Berserker, home of Dagur and Heather." Said dragon riders cheered, they were happy to be back somewhere they knew.

" You and your people will be able to restock on supplies and rest." Mala nodded, leaning out further, she wasn't expecting on their convoy on stopping.

Eret was sitting at the back of the ship, he was asleep with Barb at his feet and several terrible terrors sprawled across his body.

Over the trip he had explained to Mala, why he had been trespassing on her island, the woman was relatively forgiving and decided to let him go free.

Even though he was supposed to be hunting dragons, he had taken a liking to Barb and her spunky attitude, maybe dragons weren't that bad.

~ Line Break ~

Oswald stood at the entrance to the Berserker docks, many of the dock hands were rushing about trying to move their own ships to allow the huge fleet that sat out at sea in.

He was rather curious, as to why his children, Hiccup, and Astrid we're back so early, he was certain they would be gone at least a month.

Hiccup, Astrid, Heather, and Dagur descended their dragons down to the end of the dock, as Oswald walked towards them.

" Well, I wasn't expecting to see you back so early and escorting a whole fleet of ships." Hiccup chuckled, as he jumped off Toothless and shook his hair.

" Yeah, we kinda got stuck along the way." Oswald rolled his eyes, of course, they got stuck, why would he think of anything else.

" And the ships?" Dagur raided his hand, he really wanted to answer this, Hiccup facepalmed.

" That would be a Queen and her now homeless tribe, once they've restocked we'll be heading to Hadan." Oswald nodded, before turning back to the docks to help his people prepare.

Hiccup let out a long sigh, he was glad Oswald didn't want to kill him for arriving unannounced and with a whole tribe.

Hiccup's mind wandered back to the conversation with Mala, she was right he needed to tell Astrid how he felt.

But, to do that he would need help, his best bet was to talk to Heather, she always gave good advice and knew just what to say.

~ Line Break ~

The Defender's ships were huddled together in the Berserker docks, their passenger's restocking on supplies for the long trip to Hadan.

The Berserkers had taken quite well to the Defenders, helping them with whatever they needed.

The dragons from the nest had been rather sceptical about the move, but after a chat with the riders, they were more than happy to go somewhere new.

Oswald and Mala stood overlooking the docks, Mala was watching Hiccup help his people and couldn't help but smile.

This boy, who she had only know for a few days, was more than ready to sacrifice his time and wellbeing to help a tribe he had never met.

How Mala wished he would accept her offer, he was the perfect fit for King and would care for her people more than anyone else.

" Stareing at Hiccup are we?" Mala shook her head and looked up at Oswald, he had a smug smile on his face.

" I may have, but I have to say, he must make you proud." Oswald looked down at Mala in confusion, what did she mean?

" I don't quite follow?" Mala smiled, as the two of them began walking through the main plaza of the village.

" Your son, Hiccup, you must be very proud of him." Oswald blinked a few times before clearing his throat.

" Ah, Hiccup isn't my son." Mala blushed slightly, now that she knew this, it did make sense.

" Oh, I am so sorry, I hadn't realised, although I would like to meet his parents." Mala smiled, surely they would allow her to marry their son.

" He hasn't spoken to his father or seen him in three years and his mother is no longer with us." Oswald answered Mala, the woman was even more shocked.

" Oh, my, I had no idea, but why hasn't he seen his father?" Oswald sighed, it really wasn't his place to tell, but sometimes people needed to k ow the truth.

" His father, ah, his father was a hard man, barely paid any attention to him" Mala was shocked, she hadn't realised the boy had lost his mother.

" He didn't mention anything about his family." Mala held her hands behind her back and thought about the trial a day earlier.

" Hiccup and Astrid have not had an easy life, they left their birth island to escape their pressuring families." Oswald explained, thinking back to the conversation he had with Hiccup three years ago.

" Astrid's family are rather particular about their children being the best they can be, even if it sacrifices life's greatest needs." Mala listened to Oswald, she was more determined than ever to win Hiccup over.

Even though she was older than him by five years, he had captured her heart with his selflessness and compassion for others.

" But, even though they have both had troubling pasts, they are both promising individuals." Mala looked down at Hiccup from a ramp, she saw how he glanced over at Astrid.

His eyes lit up whenever he saw her smile, she thought about her proposal, perhaps Hiccup wasn't the man for her.

Hiccup was strong-willed and stubborn, much like herself, but he had a hidden affection for the blonde Nadder rider, that Mala knew had to be destiny.

This lesson on his past had been fulfilling, Mala would accept Hiccup's final decision, no matter what it was.

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