Chapter 41 - Services

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The sky was clear and cold, the riders were all gathered in the Berserker hall, along with hundreds of villages and Wingmaidens.

Everyone was exhausted, tired, sore, and hungry, food was being distributed amongst the packed tables, for both human and dragon.

Hiccup was racking his brain, trying to figure out the best plan of action, but nothing was coming to mind, all he could think about was the losses they had gained.

" Hiccup, are you going to eat that?" Dagur asked, pointing to the boy's chicken leg that still sat untouched on his plate.

" Knock yourself out." Hiccup pushed his plate to Dagur, who gorged into the food, Astrid was more worried about Hiccup.

" Hey, are you alright?" She asked, placing a hand on his, Hiccup looked at her, before pulling his hand away.

" I just don't understand, we had a plan, I had a plan." The boy fretted, running his hands through his hair, the riders looked up at him.

" Hiccup your overthinking, the plan is still going ahead," Heather reassured, finishing off a lamb chop.

" We just need to change a few things." She explained, Mala agreed, the queen was sitting between Dagur and Throk.

" Heather is right Hiccup, perhaps Ryker will give us more time?" Mala suggested, Hiccup sighed, walking towards the door.

" Hiccup the plan you came up with will still work, all we have to do is shift a few things forward," Astrid added, standing up and smiling up at Hiccup.

" I think I need to clear my head, I'll be back in an hour." Astrid followed him, placing a hand on his shoulder as he reached the door.

" Take your time, I'll go check in on the centuries and see what the report is." She smiled, secretly kissing him on the cheek, before walking through another door.

Hiccup climbed onto Toothless, before the Night Fury took off heading to a cliff overlooking the Western ocean.

Toothless landed and allowed Hiccup to slide off the saddle, before the two of them sat on the edge of the cliff, looking down at the ocean.

Toothless rested his head on Hiccup's lap, as the boy scratched his dragons head, dangling his feet over the side of the cliff.

" Peaceful night, isn't it brother?" Tooth Jess asked, looking up at Hiccup, who was just starting out at the ocean.

" I always have at least this gut feeling on what I'm meant to do, but ever since Shorsen." Hiccup explained, leaning back on his hands.

" Hiccup, you're doing what anyone would do, after a traumatic experience, this plan will work" Toothless added, raising his head and nuzzling his rider.

" I know bud, it's just so hard to trust Viggo or Ryker, both had a hand in this." Hiccup answered, stretching Toothless under the chin, when a twig snapping caught their attention.

Toothless wrapped his tail around Hiccup defensively, as the two of them turned around and saw a figure walk out of the trees, it was Viggo.

Hiccup pulled his sword out, holding it before him, as Toothless threatened to fire at the Dragon Hunter.

" If I may be of assistance Hiccup, I hope you didn't think I would leave you hanging in the wind?" Viggo asked, stepping towards the boy and dragon, Toothless growled.

" How did you get out, Oswald said you we're in a cell?" Hiccup questioned, pointing his sword at Viggo.

" Let me guess, Ryker told you that I was the one who went rogue, I figured as much, offering you peace?" Toothless snarled, Hiccup kept his hand on the dragon's head, still holding his sword.

" Did he say he would give you the Glass Fire, he neither has nor is willing to give?" Viggo took a few more steps forward, Hiccup held his ground.

" And I suppose you are?" Hiccup retorted, taking a step forward, Viggo smirked walking towards him.

" STAY BACK!!!" Toothless roared, Hiccup gestured for him to stand down and the dragon obeyed.

" As I said Hiccup, if you help me save my people, then I will give you the Glass Fire." Viggo held his hands behind his back, looking down at Hiccup.

" Give me the word brother, I'll blast him into next week." Toothless growled, Hiccup held his hand up and gave the Night Fury a look.

" Which is exactly what Ryker told us, almost to the word." Hiccup retorted, pointing his weird up at the dragon hunter.

" But, my brother, couldn't produce it, could he." Viggo answered, stepping towards Hiccup, who smirked.

" You can, Viggo if you think..." Before he could finish Viggo opened a black leather satchel to reveal the Glass Fire.

" Now, when will Ryker be arriving?" Both Hiccup and Toothless looked at the man in complete shock, before the 18-year-old answered.

" Ah, in the morning." Hiccup slid his weird back into the sheath and gestured for Toothless to back down, before taking a step towards Viggo.

" Rest assured, the Shellfire will be with him." Hiccup and Viggo met in the middle, Toothless ready to fire at a words notice.

" Now, whatever we're going to do Hiccup, we must do it together." Viggo held the Glass Fire to his chest, Hiccup sighed.

He nodded, Viggo placed the Glass Fire in his outstretched hand, before holding his hand out for Hiccup to shake.

Hiccup shook Viggo's hand, looking down at the Glass Fire, was he really doing this, was he really trusting Viggo?

" If we're going to do this, Viggo, then there's something your gonna have to do." Hiccup informed, Viggo smiled.

" Hiccup Haddock, we may be adversaries, but my respect for you is beyond words." Hiccup smirked, placing the Glass Fire in one of Toothless' saddlebags.

" Your gonna train a dragon." Hiccup replied, earning a rather surprised yet composed expression on his face.

" If this is to allow our truce to work cohesively then I will do whatever I must to aid it." Hiccup sighed and gestured for Viggo to hop on, the man took Hiccup's hand.

Toothless flew back to the Berserker hall, where a rather worried blonde Valkyrie was waiting for Hiccup outside.

" Oh thank Thor, you had been gone, what is he doing out of his cell?" Astrid seethed, seeing Viggo sitting behind Hiccup.

" I'll explain later, right now we have a battle strategy to." Hiccup jumped of Toothless and gestured for Viggo to follow him inside.

Astrid and Toothless followed behind, watching Viggo's every move, as they walked to the War room.

This was going to be a very long night, that is all Hiccup knew.

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