Chapter 25 - Close Calls

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Eret stood outside the common area, where most of the high profiled Dragon Hunters sat, chugging down mead and insulting the waitresses.

The two guards stood next to him, silently sipping their water, waiting for confirmation that it was time to move.

Viggo spotted the men standing near the door and decided to go talk to Eret, who was inspecting the admittance token.

" Ah, yes the admittance token, if you wish to bid on any of the dragons today, then you can pass it on to me." Eret flinched slightly, before passing Viggo the token, he was wondering where he was supposed to put it.

" Sorry about my brother earlier, he finds it difficult to trust those he does not understand, please come." Viggo gestured for Eret and his guards to follow, the followed after him.

" I'm sure I can interest you and your attendants in a goblet of wine, before we begin the first round of bidding." Eret nodded, this was the perfect chance to find a manifest and slip it to Hiccup.

~ Line Break ~

Viggo and Eret stood opposite each other, the hooded figures were behind their friend, all four were enjoying a goblet of wine and laughing.

" And then, of course, I was stranded, I had to force my way off the dreaded island." Eret finished his story, Viggo chuckled, just as a guard walked in.

" Viggo sir." Viggo turned to the guard and glared at him, Eret just stood there watching the exchange.

" Didn't I inform you that I was not to be disturbed?" The guard nodded, twiddling with his thumbs slightly.

" Yes, it's just that Ryker wanted you to know that our special guest has arrived." Viggo's eyes widened in shock, as he placed the goblet on his desk.

" I shall be right with you, I am so sorry, I have a matter to attend to, your welcome to stay in here as long as needed." Viggo reassured Eret, who nodded, the Dragon Hunter walked out of the tent.

" Is he gone?" Eret asked one of the soldiers, as the checked through the doors small window and turned nodding.

" Good, ok keep guard, we'll see what we can find." The guard gave Eret a thumbs up, as the rider and remaining soldier searched Viggo's office.

Eret eyed Viggo's desk, sifting through every single paper, before resting his eyes on the manifest of where the dragons were.

" Found it, now all we have to do is get it to Hiccup." Eret stuffed the manifest in his satchel, just as the good future turned around.

" He's coming back." They quickly returned to where they were and started chatting about something.

" Sorry about that Eret, I had a potential business partner arrive, care for another drink?" Viggo walked in, his face beaming, Eret shook his head.

" No thank you, I am a lightweight, believe it or not, any more than one goblet and I'm over the moon." Eret explained, giving one of his men a single, the man accidentally tripped and spilt his wine all over Viggo's papers.

" Oh, sorry." Viggo frowned, Eret shook his head and walked up to the soldier, before slapping him.

" I am so sorry Viggo, I'll make sure he isn't sitting in on the auction, some people don't know their limit." Viggo held his hand up and shook his head, smiling.

" It is alright, everyone makes mistakes, most of this paperwork was old paperwork anyway." Viggo explained leading Eret out the door.

" We'll take it from here, I'll have him back on my ship and out of the way." Eret smiled, leading his men down the hall, once they were gone Johan came out from the adjacent hall.

" He doesn't suspect a thing, once the bidding begins, it will give my men enough time to set up a trap for our thief." Viggo stood next to Johan, who held his head high and hands behind his back.

" And you will receive your families treasure, I made sure to plant it in his dragon's bag when they left my ship." Johan explained, facing Viggo, who gave the man a nod.

" When this is over Johan, I will surely give you enough for your services." The Trader nodded, before walking away, preparing for what was to come.

Viggo straightened himself and began making his way to the common area, intending on moving the Hunters and starting on the bidding.

~ Line Break ~

Hiccup was pacing back and forth in the meeting place the riders had organised to meet at once Eret had found the manifest.

Eret walked into the cave, the riders breather a sigh of relief, at least he hadn't been found out, Hiccup walked up to him and Eret handed him the manifest.

" You better hurry, they're about to start the bidding." Eret informed them, Hiccup nodded and looked to the riders.

" Split up, find your dragons, Toothless, Throk and I will try to find the Eruptordon." Eret turned on his heel and rushed back around the island to the auction house.

The riders split up, Heather and Astrid went one way, Dagur and Mala went another, and Hiccup and Throk headed for the holding cages.

~ Line Break ~

Dagur and Mala, quietly walked through the outside holding cages, steering clear of the guards.

" Now once we find out dragons, we wait for Hiccup, got it." Mala asked Dagur, who was checking under a tarp, before turning around.

" Yep, wait for Hiccup's signal then free all the dragons we can." Mala shook her head and continued walking between the cages.

" Shattermaster, shatter, where are you?" Dagur whispered, Mala turned and placed a finger to her lips.

" Curious, curious." Mala roared, trying to find her dragon, Dagur spotted some guards and covered the Queen's mouth.

He pulled her around a corner, the two of them stood as silent as possible, until Challenger, who was in front of them warbled.

" Hey, that Rumblehorn's acting up again!" One of the Grimbourn guards shouted, Dagur brought his finger to his lip and tried to silence the hyperactive Rumblehorn.

Just as the guards turned the corner, Astrid and Heather knocked them out, looking at Dagur, who had hold of Mala's hand.

" Keep looking." The Queen looked down at her hand and pulled it out of the redhead's grip, Dagur rolls his eyes.

Dagur rushed to Challenger's cage, looked at the door before pulling out a set of wires and began picking the lock.

" Alright boy, let's find the others." Dagur patted Challenger on the shoulder and grinned as he threw the two guards into the cage.

The riders moved through the cages, checking under the tarps, nearly getting fired at a few times and just hoping they could find them soon.

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