Chapter 1

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My hands rake through my mousy brown hair. I stare back at my reflection with a look of disgust across my face. I so do not want to interview some snotty CEO. Sure, I'm the top journalist student in my class, but I have more important things to attend to. Such as studying for my finals and graduating college next week. Also, my twenty-second birthday is soon.

The Taylor Swift song plays on repeat in my head.

I stifle my laugh as my roommate Victoria comes out of her room. Like always, she has her nose in her nursing book. She's going to med school after graduating next week. Victoria is genius and is going to be a wonderful nurse in the future.

My eyes slide back to the mirror again. I inhale deeply, thinking about skipping this interview. I could always have one of the underclassman do it. It would be great practice for them. Lord knows they need all the practice they can get in this field. Journalism is a hard field to get into. The competition is tough. You never know when you might lose your job. It's vital to be the best of the best. That's why for the last four years I have focused on my studies. I have earned the title of valedictorian for my class. That also meant that I didn't go out much. I didn't have a boyfriend. Sure I had my fill of going on dates, but I never felt anything for those boys. Likewise in high school, I was much too focused on my grades to even think about dating. I went to every homecoming and prom solo. It never bothered me; doesn't bother me too much now. There's more important things to think about anyway. Such as my graduation speech. I was supposed to have written it last weekend, but work got in the way. Working at a cafe part time and studying full time will do that to a girl.

"Anastasia, you're going to be late!" Victoria yells at me from across the hall.

Throwing my makeup back in the bag, I pucker my lips. Here goes nothing. This interview is just for the school's newspaper. I doubt anyone will read it. Let's face it, nobody wants to read about a snooty, rich, old man and his company. Least of all me. I'm bored just thinking about it and I'm the one who has to do the interview. Talk about curses.

Smoothing down my black dress, I slip into a pair of red flats. Heels are a no-go for me. Lord knows that I would fall every step. Grabbing my purse, I wave good bye to Victoria. Her nose is stuck in the textbook again, so she waves sheepishly. I dash out to the car, knowing that I'm running behind schedule.

Mr. Grey probably would hate that I'm late to our meeting. I hear he's a busy man. It was a shock when he agreed to meet with me. My teacher actually set up the interview for me. She wanted a interview that was worth while; someone who was worth while. Apparently Mr. Grey is worth while to her. He must contribute a lot to the college.

The drive to Seattle is filled with me singing loudly to my music. I need something to pump me up for this. I bet Mr. Grey will indulge me in conversation about fishing and whatever other activities old men do in their free times. Perhaps he's a skilled knitter like my grandma is. Who knows, weirder things have happened.

I park near the back of the lot. I run through the rows of cars until I'm standing under the awnings of the large, glass building. The building is at least twenty floors. Maybe more. I take a deep breath and head inside. The receptionist smiles at me. Returning her smile, I ask for the floor of Mr. Grey's office. She regards me wearily.

"Why do you want to know?" she looks at my outfit up and down in disgust.

The lady clearly doesn't realize that I'm a student with a budget about as big as a teenage girl babysitting on the weekends. I match her stare and tell her that I'm from the University of Seattle and I'm here for an interview for my newspaper. She picks up the phone, mumbling into the receiver. Her eyes never leaving mine, she points to the elevator.

"Floor twenty."

So, I was right. There are twenty floors to this building. Nodding my head in thanks, I head to the elevator. When I arrive at the twentieth floor, I check in with the next receptionist. She knocks on the door, peeking her head into it. "Mr. Grey, Miss Steele is here. From the paper."

"Send her in," a hear a deep voice say.

Flattening my dress, I thank the woman and head inside the large doors. The room is huge, with windows overlooking the Needle. I stare at the back of who I assume is Mr. Grey. He doesn't look too old from what I can see. His hair is short, a goldish color. He turns around and my knees nearly buckle. His brown eyes meet mine. Mr. Grey is young, probably around my age. A few years older I would guess.

"Miss Steele." He shakes my hand, gesturing to a chair across from his desk.

I sit down, crossing my ankles. I take my notebook out from my purse. I stare down at the questions that I doodled down last night. His presence intimidates me. He looks down at me like I am gum on the bottom of his shoe. Compared to him, I most certainly am.

"I-um, clearing my throat, I start again. "I didn't realize you were so young."

"Twenty-five. Were you expecting someone else?" his eyes meet mine.

I have no choice but to hold his intense gaze, "certainly not, Sir."

"It's Mr. Grey. So, what questions do you have for me?" he cocks his eyebrows at me.

Are you single is what I want to ask him but settle for, "how long have you been a great entrepreneur?"

He sits down across from me on his desk. "Three years."


Reading down the list of pre-written questions, I close my notebook. I will not be needing this for the rest of my interview.

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