Chapter 4

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Finals week end with me close to beating up a cat. So much information I had to pack into my head in a week. Now I am thrown out into the real world to work a nine to five job. Where? I am not really sure, but I do know that there has to be a publishing house in Seattle willing to take a chance on me. As soon as I move into my own apartment this Monday.

My mom and dad are helping me get a foot on the ground while I frantically job hunt. The thought of job hunting makes my stomach flip flop. I don't think a publisher would be impressed with my four years working a cappichino machine. They would probably laugh at me and point me to the nearest Starbucks in the city. I think I would go willingly too. My head pounds with worriedness.

I bet Christian Grey never had to worry about this. He has an empire; scratch that. He has a kingdom and enough money to buy the world. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if I read in the news that we now live in the United States of Grey. Not like his ego really needs any more boosting. Why am I thinking of that man anyway? He reeks trouble and I should stay away. For some asinine reason, I can't seem to stop thinking about him.

“Let's go out and celebrate! Jason's meeting us at the bar down the street.” Victoria steps out of her room unlike I have ever seen her. She wears a tight black dress with red stiletto heels.

I look down at my sweats and cringe. “I'm going to change first.”

“No hurry,” Victoria teeters on her heels.

I shake my hair free of my pony tail, letting my dark brown hair tumble down my back. It's a mess of waves. Turning on my hair straightener, I go to my closet in search for my hottest outfit. Unfortunately I don't seem to have many of those. Most of my close are from Khols or Forever 21, not exaclty Victoria Secret chic. Settling on a rose colored sun dress, I slip it on. I sneak into Vic's bedroom and grab her strappy silver sandals. They make me an two inches taller.

“Ready to go and get wasted?” I sing, jokingly.

“I hope you're serious because I totally am ready to get drunk off my-”

I hold my hand up, “I was kidding. Let's get so drunk that we will be so hungover tomorrow for graduation that you'll forget to give your speech,” I say sarcastically.

She rolls her eyes at me. “Okay, I see your point.”

We head out into the calm air of May in Seattle. The streets are bustling with the end of the semester buzz of students. A few people are across the street, throwing books over their balconies. Others are yelling down the street in celebration of graduating tomorrow. School is over forever for most of us. No more tests, quizzes, essays, or group projects. No more crying over a bad grade. Now it's crying over your career and the pressures that go along with that. For that I am deathly nervous. I wonder if any of these people realize what after tomorrow holds for all of them.

Vic waves to Josh who is standing at the enterance of the bar with another guy. They smile at us, their eyes lingering on our legs as we make our way towards them. Josh gazes at me admiringly, so unlike how he usually does. I tug down on my dress, trying not to trip over my own feet. The way Josh is looking at me has me feeling all kinds of weird. Best friends are not supposed to look at each other longingly. Unless they live in a young adult novel with a complex romance intertwined into it. He finally looks up at me when I stop suddenly in front of him. His eyes meet mine, unwavering. I arch an eyebrow at him, urging him to say something, say anything. He doesn't and eventually Vic tugs us all inside the crowded bar. It's full of drunk students, screaming at the top of their lung. Their carefree attitudes makes me want to grab a drink and shake it on the dance floor like nobody is watching.

“Ana, you look hot!” Josh says to me.

I flush, “thanks. You don't look so bad yourself.” And he doesn't in his dark jeans and v-neck shirt. He looks fresh and young. So unlike most of the other guys our age.

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