Chapter 21

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The next two weeks pass as I tryto avoid all of the calls, texts and emails from Christian. I've beenbusy at work and planning a Fourth of July party Mia insisted I have.

"Why isn't Mia throwing thisat her own house?" Victoria asks me as she hangs up a banner acrossthe kitchen ceiling.

I mix the fruit salad, "shestill lives with her parents. Plus, I don't want to risk seeingChristian. It's been two week since I last saw him and I am not aboutto see him now."

Victoria rolls her eyes at me."Ana, I know you don't want to hear this, but I think you shouldtalk to Christian. I don't know exactly what happened, but I've seenyou when you're with him. That's not something you should just throwaway."

"Vic, it's complicated. Likemore complicated than Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy's love. Being withChristian is just too much work and I don't have time for arelationship."

"It was just a suggestion.It's totally your decision." She walks off towards her bedroom toget the rest of the supplies.

I agreed to throw the party asa way to get my mind off of Christian. I figured having a few friendsover to watch fireworks would be enjoyable. Just like when I was achild and my parents had a neighborhood barbeque. Then later we wouldgo to the park and watch the firework show. My dad held me up on myshoulders so I could I see the sky better. It was easier back then. Ididn't have to worry about a CEO showing up at my doorstep telling meabout his affair with his mother's friend. How did I even get myselfinto this position? I've read about it before, but I never wanted tobecome reality.

"I'm here! The party canofficially start!" Mia throws her arms into the air. Like always,she's dressed to the nines in red pants and a baby doll white shirt.She has a red headband weaved through her curly hair. It almost painsme to look at her, reminding me too much of Christian.

"Did you bring the chips?"I ask her, taking her bag from her to put into my room. Mia insistedon having a sleepover.

"They're in my car. Listen, Ihope you don't mind that I invited an...extra guest."

"I sensed a hesitation inyour speech. Who is this extra guest?" I glare at her from acrossthe kitchen counter. Whomever Mia's extra guest is, I know it's notgood. For the short time I have known Mi

a, I have never heard hesitationin her voice. Mia breaths confidence and to see her so unsure makesme nervous. Mia shrugs, "it's a surprise. You have to trust methough, Ana, I promise I didn't invite Bradley Cooper." "Iwouldn't be mad if you invited him."

"Really? I always though hewas kind of annoying. Like, sure he's a good actor and all but-"

I hold my hand up, "I getit." I laugh as she tells me she's going to get the food out of thecar.

As she makes herselfcomfortable, I get the grill going. I don't really know how to workit, but it's about time that I try. Victoria hands me the package ofhotdogs and gets back to work on making hamburgers. The fire sparkson without any problems. The last thing I need is to start a firethat burns down my balcony. That wouldn't make for a great way tokick off the fourth. When I get back inside, about eight people arein the living room. We wanted to keep the party small and tame. Joshwaves from me from the couch. He's sporting an American flag shirtthat makes his blue eyes stand out. I set the plate of hotdogs down,but stop in my tracks. Christian sits at the kitchen counter,whispering intensely to Mia. They both stop whispering as they sensemy presence.

"Anastasia," Christianstands up. "I've been worried about you; you haven't called me backor anything."

"What are you doing here?Mia." I glance at her quickly, tears threatening to flow over. Iwanted this day to go smoothly, but now it has all started tocrumble. Christian is still looking at me, awaiting my answer.

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