Chapter 7

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 A silence wraps around us as I wait for him to tell me about this oh-so serious proposal he has up his sleeve. Goodness, I hope he isn't into some weird thing. I couldn't even fathom what could be behind some of these doors. I shake myself from that thought before my mind wanders somewhere completely inappropriate.

"So," I pick up my wine glass, matching his posture. "What's the proposal?"

"Hear me out because it's probably not something you hear everyday."

Oh God, he's gay. He's totally gay and I am hard-core crushing on him. I am fifty shades of disappointed. But I shouldn't be making rash assumptions here. I'll let him tell me more about his little plan.

"My parents have this benefit they hold every year at their home. It's for child adoption. I was wondering if you could be my," he clears his throat, "my fill-in girlfriend?"

I set my glass down, taking in his words. He wants me to be his fake girlfriend for some posh benefit. But why? "Why?"

Christian narrows his eyes at me. "Do you need to know the reasoning?"

"Do you need my help or not? Because if you don't, I will show myself the door, Mr. Grey." I start to scoot out of my chair, daring him to let me walk out of his apartment. Even though I don't actually have a way back home.

"Fine. My parents and siblings have never seen me with a woman, steadily at least. They think that I have commitment issues. My sister even thinks I might be gay. Which just to be clear, I am not." He straightens himself in his chair, resting his eyes back onto me.

I let out a brash laugh, "it's a good thing you're not gay then. Yes, I will be your fake girlfriend."

"We should probably get to know one another before we go. The even is in three weeks. That should be a good amount of time to learn each other."

I nod my head in agreement. Hopefully I'll be able to figure out Christian Grey because right now he's like a math word problem I can't figure out. He's so much more than a good looking man with a few billion bucks. His bossiness is contributed from something. Perhaps he was abused as a child. I really can't picture that though. His family is probably the definition of wealth and class.

"I'm looking forward to getting to know more of you," I sip my wine.

Christian raises his eyebrows at me. "Is that a challenge Miss Steele?"

"Nope," I smile, "just a statement. In fact, how about we start right now."

Christian nods his head. "Fair."

I rub my hands together as I pick up my first piece of pizza. It smells incredible, perhaps we'll start the interrogation after I stuff my face with pizza. I'm about to eat this table cloth which most likely costs more than my life insurance. "After I devour this delicious pizza."

"Even more fair," Christian chuckles.

We eat the whole pizza and I am stuffed. My stomach is packed to capacity but that doesn't stop me from wanting a large helping of the cheesecake on the other side of the dinner table. We can eat that after we get to know one another for a while. I would much rather know more about this mysterious man.

Christian sits back in his chair meeting my gaze. "The floor is all yours Miss Steele. Ask away."

"What was your childhood like?"

"Like any other child."

I scrunch my nose at his answer. He's definitely hiding something from me that he doesn't feel comfortable talking about now. As the weeks go by, hopefully he'll start to open up to me. I want to know him know him. I don't want to know him as much as the rest of Seattle. For some reason, that's important for me. He's someone I want to get intimate with eventually. Not quite yet, but in the near future. This fake girlfriend plan might develop into something more. A girl can dream.

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